Sunday, 12 April 2020

Is it better to use a soft, medium, or hard bristled toothbrush?  

Is it better to use a soft, medium, or hard bristled toothbrush?  

answers 0:Is it better to use a soft, medium, or hard bristled toothbrush?answers 1:With tooth decay they usually fill it with some type of amalgam.With a cracked tooth they would probably pull it.A cap would be ok as long as the crack isn't to bad.answers 2:It is always better to use a soft toothbrush. Using medium or hard t.b. is like using a scouring pad on your gums and teeth. You can literally "scrub" away your teeth and gums. I personally recommend rotary (spinning) electric toothbrushes for my patients who prefer to use medium or hard toothbrushes. The electric t.b.'s remove up to 50% more plaque than a manual brush, and give a "just polished" feel. If you are a heavy handed brusher, the electric t.b.'s tend to slow down if you are pressing to hard and won't allow you ! to damage your teeth. With any dental product you purchase, Look for the ADA seal. Any product with this seal will do what the product claims to do....answers 3:This Site Might Help You.RE:Is it better to use a soft, medium, or hard bristled toothbrush?answers 4:The reason that they are soft is because the bristles are thinner. The "standard" soft bristle is 0.007" in diameter. This is the diameter that will slip under the edge of healthy gums without doing any harm. They will also get into the grooves and crevices between your teeth deeper than the thicker (hard) bristles. If you use it CORRECTLY, the soft bristles clean better and do less harm.Go here and click on the link about brushing: http://www.ada.org/public/games/animation/interfac......answers 5:Extra Soft Toothbrushanswers 6:How?answers 7:So happy that I found this topic already answered! It is like you've read my thoughts!answers 8:A soft of extra soft tooth brush is best because the bristles will bend and! flex around the teeth and gums to better remove plaque. Make! sure that you feel the toothbrush right at the gum line when you brush (using a massaging stroke rather than a vigorous back and forth scrubbing) because that is where most plaque collects. It probably should have been called a tooth and gum brush rather than just a toothbrush!answers 9:my back tooth is cracked and the color is like blueishanswers 10:Soft Toothbrushanswers 11:Hydrogen Peroxide is a whitening agent.answers 12:Softer toothbrushes are better. The harder ones can ruin the enamel on your teeth.answers 13:Any dentist will tell you a soft toothbrush because anything harder than that will damage the gums and bring the gums away from the tooth ... when that happens there is no repairing it.answers 14:white insides of stawberrys crushed up

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