Tuesday, 7 April 2020

How tough is a one hour commute?

Isaias Badgley: That's entirely dependent on you. I have about a 45 minute commute, and I love it (time in the car listening to my music, and not my children). My husband drives over 2 hours to work, and has no problem. But I know some people who hate driving more than 30 minutes.

Sook Hershkowitz: My commute is about an hour long and I get used to it. It helps to put on music.

Curt Broadhead: Easy - to work at all I MUST do at LEAST a 1 hour commute each way (that's on a good day, on a bad day a MINIMUM of 2 HOURS each way).

Brock Hladik: I used to travel 1.5 hours one way. I did what I had to do. You will too.

Jana Sakasegawa: Up to you how tough you make it. Take it easy and chill or fume all the way. Your choice.

Lupe Sancen: Some will hate it and others enjoy it and others in all the degrees between. How you will find it yourself only you can find out.

Herma Ellebrecht: A one hour commute is typical nationwide in my country. Sta! rt playing books on audio and become well read as you drive.

Rashad Marecki: not too bad after you get used to it if there is no traffic, but a few years ago I had no traffic then everyone wanted to move to my area and now it's nothing but a traffic nightmare everyday. Twice as long to get home.

Jodie Capella: Not bad. You get used to it.

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