Salvatore Walls: It depends on the kind of road, if U-turns are allowed or prohibited, etc. But generally the car behind should not do anything that could be risky, and if you try to pass, it is up to you to ensure there is room.
Ollie Desalvo: x
Terrell Lawman: If the front car is driving in the normal lane, and indicates a turn, and you overtake, then you are in the wrong. If the turning car was stationary at the curb, and made the turn in front of approaching traffic, then they would be in the wrong.
Kaylee Schmittou: If the first car gives adequate signal that they are turning, the second car is clearly at fault. it is not okay to pass a car that is obviously going to turn into your lane. Defensive driving is needed, not aggressive, or you will regularly be involved in collisions.
Rodrigo Pezley: On a single lane road If an idiot tries to make a u-turn it is your fault it you hit them since you are illegally pasting them.
May Stands: ! I'm a little confused. How would "Vehicle Passing" get hit by "Vehicle Turning"? One which side is the car passing the turning car? If it's a U-turn, wouldn't Car Turning be in the far left lane? So Car Passing would have to be in a lane on the right, correct? I don't understand how the two would meet, unless Car Turning is an idiot and is attempting a left U-turn in any lane other than the far left lane. I think I'm misunderstanding youAre both vehicles making a U-turn?...Show more
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