Monday, 18 May 2020


Johnny Sirko: its brilliant, my confidence has gone up since ive been taught at home and im my own person, getting away from peer pressure and all the boy mad people. none of these people probaly dont know what homeschooling involves. you go out to trips more often, you get more one on one, its more fun so the work is easier to remember, and you still see your friends. i probaly would be a dumb chav if i stayed at school and i wanted to be homeschooled, my mum isnt sheltering me....Show more

Darrin Hixenbaugh: I think it has it's pros and cons. Generally speaking, homeschooling is good education-wise because it gives the child an opportunity to work at her/his own pace, be is faster or slower than in school. However, I don't think it does much for their social skills because they are home all day and do not interact with kids their own age. IF a child is homeschooled, I think the parents should make it a point to keep them involved in other activities in the communi! ty, like sports teams, book clubs, etc. That way, even if the person does not go to school 5 days a week, he/she still has friends to play with and talk to....Show more

Alane Antes: BTW!! one last thing.....I am on the school swim team, Drumline, and the school Track and Field team. and I took Introduction to Art the first trimester of school this year... next year i plan on taking 3 or 4 classes.

Avis Brantner: Not interacting with other children will hinder your adult life.Not knowing how to handle a negative topic with people that have different opinions could be dangerous. Peer pressure, knowing when not to talk, knowing when to talk....these are things that you learn through experiences ...there are many 'smarts' in the world....'book smart' will never take the place of 'street smart'There you see....don't ask for our comments if you are just going to listen or agree with the answers that support your opinion...and then be childish and give us thumbs downs.! ....Already your home schooling has affected they way you defe! nd yourself instead of taking criticism with grace...Show more

Maynard Reevers: It all depends on the teacher at home and the teachers at school. How good there are

Babette Deloe: and friends... I dont get to see home school kids everyday, but I get to see them at least 3 or 4 times a week. And normaly we just party (or talk about school... and then party)

Berry Gilmore: For you that want to know my teacher is my mom mostly. she never went to collage. My math teacher is a DVD series, (i can get answers to my questions online or over the phone if i dont understand) My Chemestry is a group of kids and am mom that is really smart.

Alexander Villas: I think home schooling is terrible, to me its just parents trying to shelter their children. They don't get to experience what happens in REAL life on a daily basis. Even the home schoolers that go to school one day a week aren't learning it all.I understand if the kid is super slow or something.But average ! kids, i think is dumb to not have them go to school.I mean seriously they probably wake up at like 11 everyday, which is so not what work or college is like.So in conclusion, home schooling= bad....Show more

Matt Gerdeman: its good for::going for the persons pace like u saidu get to sleep ineat good lunches other then school foodget to take the classes anytime u want during the daynot as much hw im surebad for:::not be with other people ::such as friends...Show more

Gaston Edgcomb: it's a good way to start a Future Unabombers of America club

Thomas Riner: OK so this is from my own experience...i was home schooled until 8th grade then i went to private school till 10th grade then i convinced my parents to let me go to public school.here's the best thing about homeschooling: you get to cover 'whatever' in depth; so education, and only education-wise its great.BUT you don't get to learn about people and real life at all. there are just certain things you cant! get from books.When I went to private school, i got to interact with d! ifferent kinds of people. And i got to meet people I wouldnt have otherwise. the kids i was friends with were kids of my parents' friends and kids form karate... The majority of the kids there have been sheltered from the word just like me. The school was predominantly white and I am black. And i found their views about blacks to be very very very backwards. And that's due to ignorance.I convinced my parents to let me go to public high school. That, for me, was more educational by itself. I didn't find it that diffrent from the private school but the people there are alive, if you know what I mean. I got to learn more about people there and that heped me out in college a lot!The bottom line is 'education' is thes same everywhere but there is a lot you don't get from beying homeschooled. You cannot live a sheltered life, the world out there is big and interesting.I learned just as much beying homeschooled and going to public school. But I must say I enjoyed public school mor! e.Here is my advice for homeschooleds: get out there, there is more to learn....Show more

Libby Berkovitch: My school lunches consist of ramen noodles and sometimes frozen pizza or leftovers or cambles soup. I have to be awake at 7:45 and because my course work is rigerous, school isnt over until 6. (THIS IS NOT HOW ALL HOME SCHOOL WORKS,my sis has a friend who sleep all day and do school all night and the kids are 6 and 11.)

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