Amina Motzer: bug spray /food/big water container for washin ur cups n plates or u can use paper cups n plates/ sleepin bag/cooler
Jerrod Guilfoil: Checklist (compliments of Shelter and Bedding (essentials)__ tent__ tarp__ sleeping bag__ sleeping pad__ headrestCooking and Dining (essentials)__ water__ food__ cooler__ camp stove__ mess kit__ can opener__ charcoalClothes__ t-shirts__ shorts__ jeans/pants__ socks__ shoes/boots__ camp shoes__ hat/cap__ sweater__ rain poncho__ underwear__ swim suit__ laundry bag__ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________Personal Hygiene__ tooth brush__ tooth paste__ wash rag(s)__ towel(s)__ soap__ comb/brush__ nail clippers__ razor__ toilet paper__ _______________ _____________ Shelter and Bedding (optionals)__ book__ cot__ comforter__ throw rug__ pillowCooking and Dining (optionals)__ ! charcoal chimney__ smoker__ Dutch oven__ hot dog sticks__ pie irons__ chairs__ folding table__ table cloth__ butane lighter__ screen roomCleaning Items__ broom__ dust pan__ whisk broom__ lawn rake__ dish pan__ detergent__ dish rags__ ppt scrubberFirst Aid Kit__ personal medication__ bandages__ aspirin, Tylenol__ medical tape__ sterile gauze__ elastic wrap__ antiseptic wipes__ antibiotic cream__ burn ointment__ sunburn lotion__ hydrogen peroxide__ scissors__ tweezers__ eye wash__ sanitary napkins__ snake bite kit Chuck Box__ salt and pepper__ herbs and spices__ cooking oil__ pot holders__ paper towels__ napkins__ plastic trash bags__ tongs and spatula__ aluminum foil__ measuring cups__ plastic silverware__ paper plates/bowls__ plastic cups__ zip lock bags__ knives__ cutting board__ cork screwMiscellaneous Items__ binoculars__ bird guide__ bug spray__ bungi cords__ camera__ candles__ cards, games__ cell phone__ clothes pins__ compass__ duct tape__ fishing gear__ flashlight__ ! frisbee__ GPS__ kites__ knife__ lantern__ matches__ pen and pa! per__ rope__ shower bag__ sun block__ tools__ water filters__ whistle...Show more
Wally Gower: Food,flashing light, cameras,water bottles, extra clothes, radar, cell phone, sleeping bags, some sort of entertainment would be good ( ipod, cd player etc)
Clare Hoard: bug spray, extra shoes or flip flops, flashlight, batteries, sunscreen, sunglasses, first aid kit, water bottles, soap, all your toiletries, radio, and food. i go camping every summer and i always have an awesome time. have fun!
Brittanie Zakutney: Ok I will give you a brief list of things you actually need instead of giving you a generic list that wouldn't do you any good. The major things that you need of course a tent and sleeping bag. Get some kind of matress to sleep on. Trust me on that one. After that always bring dry clothes only for sleeping in. Under armor works the best and is very light. Always change before going to bed. Another esential is extra socks. Other than that you wi! ll need a small thing of bug spray and sun screen. Appropiate clothes packed in waterproof bags because if your stuff gets wet at least your clothes will be dry. Big ziplocs work well. Another thing that is important is a rain coat or poncho. Those are the esentials but you can of course pack everything from cards to camera equipment. It all depends on what kind of camping you are doing. The major rule of thumb is to keep your self dry and cumfortable and keep your gear dry. ...Show more
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