Lana Uliano: To get this straight, children need things, right? And you need people to make those things. And those people should be banned from advertising their product? It's like tobacco. Not bad enough to actually ban the product, but bad enough to ban advertising? That's sort of putting the cart before the horse, as it were.If government doesn't want kids eating fast food, just ban fast food, not talk out both sides of the mouth....Show more
Elden Dedon: All for it. There is too much advertizing today anyway.
Chet Nozick: Why? Advertising is in freedom of speech and add to that its effects would be:Without it no one would know the productThe factory workers who made the product would be axed from their job in the attempt of the company they work for to save money from the losses in the product that no one knew[kids]The company would loss shares thus bring the economy down but the worse is;the factory worker cannot support his family from being fired and ! must gamble to stay alive in the harsh Manila streets.Besides the only things advertised at children are medicine, toys[cause they need entertainment like teens & adult and helps them be imaginative] food & drinks, books and other things that would make us nostalgic.No, I don't think we should ban ads for kids... I think the parent should be responsible for their children's development....Show more
Shaun Rapkowicz: all for it!!!
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