Ofelia Kieck: There are a wide variety of presents for "learn how to write a federal trade furnish" on-line, even free of charge (from the federal government). If you'll comply with a guiding principle, you'll write your possess. If you'll as a substitute have anyone else write it, you'll be able to need to pay.
Stevie Kizziar: You always hear about grants because scammers make it a point to spread the word out there so gullible people can be scammedThis is what the Small Business Administration says about business grants-----------------------------------------" The federal government does NOT provide grants for starting and expanding a business. Government grants are funded by your tax dollars and therefore require very stringent compliance and reporting measures to ensure the money is well spent. As you can imagine, grants are not given away indiscriminately.-----------------------------------------The ONLY way you can get business grants is when your business q! ualifies for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs http://www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/sbir/index... , which fund the research and development of technological innovation that meets specific government needs. Another possible exception is for companies developing or exporting agricultural goods, including food and forest product.Unfortunately, a beauty salon does NOT fall under SBIR or STTR. So even if you go to the government grants sites -- Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) http://www.cfda.gov and Grants.gov http://www.grants.gov - you will not find anything for your businessOne option for you that can help you raise funds (though I doubt the full capitalization) is through crowd funding sites, where other people can give you funds for your business. Some supports creative endeavors while some are for businesses. Make sure to make your story compelling. Some examples of these sites are (for th! e complete list, see in the source)- Kickstarter http://www.ki! ckstarter.com/- Indiegogo http://www.indiegogo.com/- Chipin http://www.chipin.com/- Citizen Effect http://www.citizeneffect.org- Cofundit http://www.cofundit.com/...Show more
Derrick Kloke: Go to http://grants.gov/ and follow the instructions. You will find that unless you are a nonprofit, in basic research or daycare, there are no grants for a small business. Some cities offer grants to small businesses if they will locate in the downtown area or want to upgrade their store front, for the purposes of building up downtown traffic. Check with your City Hall for details. Private foundations offer grants. You can get a list of most US Foundations and private grant sources at http://www.foundations.org/...Show more
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