Cherry Stampka: If you are sexting ANY girl, then I would consider you a lesbian Especially if you have SEEN each others boobs intentionally, that is past the ''kidding zone''"I'm pretty sure we're both straight."^pretty sure isn't absolutely sure...Show more
Sammy Tabatt: How does this make me a whore? I'm not saying that all Irish people have to be pale. That's not true. I'm just saying that my character is supposed to be pale, and I'm not. I shouldn't have even mentioned my character is from Ireland.
Matt Tiry: Be Good, continually. ...Common-experience... It's a infrequent commodity... *The five bodily senses: Seeing, listening to, tasting, smelling, and touching. Believe it or no longer, all 5 of the bodily senses will permit a person to consider. All five of the bodily senses would possibly engage inside the framework of human cognizance. *The seven states of human cognizance: a million. Unarvu - feeling two. Unarchi - concentration three. Puthi - Intell! ect four. Madhi - Judgment five. Arivu - Subtle Wisdom 6. Pahuth Arivu - Divine Wisdom 7. Perr Arivu - Divine Luminous Wisdom All people would possibly potentially have entry to the, 5 bodily senses. All people do have entry to the, "Seven States of Consciousness". A person need to try diligently to entry all "Seven States of Consciousness", for that is the actual start-proper bestowed upon every person. Hopefully that makes a few 'experience'... Peace be continually with you. Meechum Anbu (Much Love) in sha'Allah al-hamdu lillah Salaams,
Rosalia Hibler: If I sound racist or anything, I don't mean to offend anybody...Irish people are cool :D
Keven Drumgole: it is, and you might want to make sure your friend is just kidding and that she is straight... as for it being a joke i have a feeling only you and her find it funny
Kate Baune: Irish isn't a race. Irish people have contributed much to the world, I'M NOT BASHING IRISH PEOPLE! My own grandfather is from ! Ireland for goodness sake!
Barrett Zheng: You're obvious! ly not a whore i think they were genuinely trying to be funny or something!stupid ******* though....I'm from ireland(properly born in ireland,lived there all my life not an american who thinks they're irish =P) and you don't seem racist to me,I see your point!It does sound kind of annoying but theres not really anything you can do tbh mention it to your teacher and see what she says but otherwise you'll just have to get over it probably no one will notice! i dunno why people feel the need to abuse this girl over a perfectly harmless question!its not fair at all and completely biazarre...Show more
Coleman Coscia: its a school play, so people wont freak out when you dont exactly fit your character, my school play last year was beauty and the beast, a girl was chosen to play the role of her father (we just changed it to her mother) and one of my best friends got picked to play Belle and shes black, so they didnt exactly fit the stereotypical look of their parts. my schoo! l is predominately black and hispanic, so most of the people in he play were black and hispanic, do you know how many blacks and hispanics would live in a provincial French town hundreds of years ago? none, im not being racist, its just a fact, and it was mentioned several times that they were in a small french town, so basically all of teh actors were in the same boat as you are, but no one cared. we put on a great show, it was mentioned in the new york times and it was called a broadway level production, nobody cared that the actors skin tone didnt fit the look of their characters, nobody questioned it, they didnt care, all they cared about was the acting. your teacher isnt going to make you look white, but you can still pull it off, just focus on your character, not hows shes supposed to look. remember, theres no small parts, just small actors.
Enriqueta Steffen: Yeah it kinda is
Germaine Tieken: The slinky dog.
Maynard Phoubandith: pics or it didn't ha! ppen.
Hans Sachetti: Okay. I know the sensible thing to do is kee! p out of it, but when it's my best friend's happiness at stake, I'm not that sensible.Basically, my friend is a guy, and a week or so ago a girl he likes messaged him on facebook asking why he hadn't asked her to a dance that's coming up in the next few weeks (she was teasing, kinda flirting) So they talked for a while each day for about a week, and he was naturally pretty stoked about that - but she kept pressing for him to ditch his current date (a friend of our's) and go with her instead, which he's not going to do.She hasn't spoken to him since he said he's definitely not going to ditch or friend, and it does kind of seem she was just after an invite, but there's something weird about it, cos there's lots of guys she knows better that she could have picked and she could easily go to the dance anyway for twenty dollars.He's obviously a bit ticked off about this (I, on the other hand, am furious, because he's had really bad luck in love and doesn't need this)Would it be S! O bad for me to message this girl and say 'Look, I know we don't really know each other but *friend's name* mentioned you'd been speaking, and I just want to say that if you do actually want anything to do with him, talk to him.' Or something.Or should I just mind my own business?...Show more
Hilde Heskett: The characters say numerous things about my character being pale, it wouldn't matter if they didn't...a Latina girl could easily play Juliet, I saw a production with a Latina girl playing Juliet myself.
Sharie Sommerville: Your teacher probably things your the best for that certain part, no matter what you skin tone is. even thought the script might Reference something your teacher feels that you'll do great in that role.
Armando Somes: Yesterday, I tried out for my school's play (I do it every year) and last year I had a decent part. At auditions, the teacher in charge kept have me read for a smaller role. Well, I got that smaller role, and it turns ou! t it isn't all that small, but I only have one small scene, but in that! scene I have most of the lines.I'm not going to complain about not getting one of the lead roles, it's actually what I was expecting (I'm very involved in my school's musical department) but I guess I just wasn't what she was looking for for one of the lead roles this year and I was last year. But what I don't understand (and nobody else does either) is that my character is from Ireland and is supposed to be pale (the characters talk about me being from Ireland) and the problem is...I'm not pale! I'm mostly white but have some Middle Eastern and Latina in me so I'm bronze (just look at my avatar) and I do have some Irish in me but I don't look it one bit! And I understand that Irish people can be all different colors, but my character is like a native, white Irish person and it just doesn't make sense. Unless the teacher wants me to bleach my skin, I can't pull it off. We're thinking this is her idea of irony or something.What do you think?...Show more
Everette Rovin! sky: no this doesnt make ANY sense, she gave u the role not because of ur color of skin but because of your TALENT, now stop being so seirous, its just a SCHOOL play, nothing big that you'll actually go to those limits for, even in the hollywood world the wouldnt make u bleach urself! maybe your hair, but not your skin!
Bryant Chaudhry: But we are completely kidding around and we don't get turned on from each other.
Raul Lushbaugh: My best friends an I will like smack each. others butts and like say "Do you wanna ****?" sarcastically, but we never sext each other or role play? That's kinda creepy ...
Bettye Arre: Damn everyone this chick is SUCH a ******* loser it aint even the other types of questions she posts here:;_ylt=AoDpm...Haha go burn in hell u racist dumbass
Jannette Kotz: The green t-rex guy. ( I forgot his name, the last time I watched Toy Story was four years ago. )
Angel Klym: i lo! ve the 3 aliens and the penguin!
Ty Kirton: I'm laughing at you g! uys for calling me a slut and a whore because I'm not doing anything of that matter. It's just that the character is pale, her being from Ireland has nothing to do with it. Keep making me laugh, please.
Alisia Sutphen: well yeah, in some ways it kinda is. I get the joke sexting, but punching each others vaginas and grabbing boobs? yeah, that's..quite lesbian.
Dionna Doyel: Well, the characters flat out say she's pale. And at our first rehearsal our director wants it to stay that way.
Irvin Guiles: i like either lenny, binocular guy or all the misfit toys(:
Brittanie Zakutney: I don't understand i am so tired, remind me not to do another 14 hour shift. maybe your teacher just wants the character to shine through, despite skin colour, she couldn't not choose you if you were the best for the part, because your not native Irish looking cause it would come across rasict, if you were the best for the role, but she didn't choose you cause you didn't look "! Irish" hope this makes sense sorry sleepy :/
Marti Declue: If you do it for long enough it will start having an effect.
Boyce Gilhooly: Hopper from a bugs life, and the psycho thumper
Lavelle Viveiros: No one is going tocare if she should be Irish, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet is blond but in the play i watched she was a latina girl. No one cared.
Patrica Loertscher: no one cares about ur ******* problems u stupid redneck whore!!!!!!y cant u go back 2 the cattle in ur farm dumbf*ck?
Giovanni Malool: I actually think you are the very least bi-curious and the reason i say this is because it sounds like my friend,and her girlfriend (they are bi-sexual) thats why i think you are bi-sexual or bi-curious
Claude Gloden: I understand it's just a school play. But I was just wondering what made the teacher cast me as this character, but I don't care anymore.
Teodoro Lamond: Let him handle this the best way he sees can ! give him advice on what you think he should do but the decision should ! be his (bad or good) so far it seems that he's making a good choice to not dump his date he made already because a girl he likes wants him to go with her...just let him decide for himself Hope this helps
Jorge Detlefs: So me and my friend like to role play with each other (We're both young females) and we like to pretend being in a lesbian relationship. Sometimes we grab each others boobs and punch each others vagina's just for fun. We also sext each other. But it is just a joke. So, is this lesbian? I'm pretty sure we're both straight.
Arleen Bussing: Mr Potato Head and the slinky dog.I hated the misfit toys. When I was little, they scared me, and they still kind of freak me out.I really want to see the new one :D
Myriam Hetjonk: Evil Doctor Porkchop. ;D
Rocio Karvis: mr. potato headthe 3 alien guysslinky dogthe "weird" toysgod i forgot almost everyone...Show more
Lucien Hellerman: REX!
Francisco Schonhardt: Imfao. Y'all just keep making! me chuckle!!!
Bud Espenshade: Bo Peep.
Raven Purl: Mr.potato headi use to have the toy
Pasquale Pollet: I LOVE Bullseye the horse! I am also quite partial to those little alien guys! And who couldn't love Mr. Potato Head? Heck, I love them all. Except Jessie the cowgirl, I think she's annoying as sin.
Avis Brantner: Nah it's just fooling around but in time it might be more than that
Antonia Boomershine: Um yeah that's being lesbian there is nothing wrong with lesbians but if you don't want to be labeled one then I would say stop it or people will think you are lesbians
Matt Tiry: if you werent like a little bit lez you wouldnt even like to role play as a lezbein couple. thats just weird..