Venetta Coulbourne: would have to be someone who like you said makes $100 miilion per year, talk lot of crap, eats a lot of medications and is in no rush to be compassionate and get with reality of the common folk.
Dallas Bartolini: we should call it"unconstitutional"and drag congress folks to the river and pitch them in
Marion Wieboldt: lol-that's pretty funny, but unnecessary
Alphonso Brake: Control, of course, since it's MORE centered around badges, guns, handcuffs and prisons than any Democrat-written "omnibus crime bill" ever was.
Raelene Cunnick: "There is nothing wrong with health care in this country. I don't have insurance. I simply put the expense on my credit card." HINT: This person makes $100 million a year.
Adrian Paraz: I have no idea what you are on about but I can say this. Have you walked and patrolled baghdad like many of us have? I hate to burst your bubble but cons are not the bed wetting types. We are usually the one! s on the front lines protecting your lilly white *** domestically and abroad. So until you pick up a rifle and step up keep the insults to yourself.
Gordon Showes: honestly, is that all you can come up with? do not judge everyone by your own deeds and standards.
Damion Oleksa: It is government health control. If they force you to buy a policy then they are controlling you. If they say what is covered and what is not, they are controlling you. A fact for all those liberals who think the government program is going to save everyone. Medicare and Medicaid deny more claims than private insurance.
Rheba Cockman: it is control , it should be called "Divide and Conquer"
Charissa Riley: Clinton did do it. He admitted doing it. Funny but now I know why you always wanted the lower bunk at summer camp. You're addicted to the golden showers.
Sang Hanafin: Do tree hugging Liberals go to Greenpeace camp to learn how to be ecoterrorists and bang each oth! er up their Liberal gay rights poopshoots?
Kassie Kay: I! m calling it the antichrist because we are all going to die from it.
Marita Stadick: Is Rush back on the air already? That sounds like something someone with their head up their azz would say....
Elfreda Grossen: I'll take "Vice President Dick Cheney" for $400 Alex.. . . . . .Hahaha, I forgot about the other neocon with a black heart. I mean bad heart... sorry Rush....Show more
Carli Watterson: Call it a delusion.
Rick Duchane:
Antonette Shappy: Obama Socialistic DEATH
Robt Betker: We've got Depends now and I'm to old for the Christians summer camps. I had no trouble learning to say "Clinton did it" and am proud of how well I can clearly speak it!!
Mel Crapo: Well you are slightly wrong and slightly correct. The bill will not control heath care, but it is extremely likely that it will develop into government heath care. This form of government is destroying the world economy's. So I guess you are right it will be government heath ! care.
Verena Koop: It sure is sad when busted out leftists try to remain relevant. Gotta love Kweef's fast backtrack to pretend that's not what he was saying, also.
Lana Uliano: I've missed you, Patches. I might have yet another new name, but I'm still that loveable little conservative in my heart. Kweef Olbermann!!! LOL.
Chris Rosenkranz: Limbaugh. And the point he made is a valid one. There is no better health care anywhere in the world than what we have here in the United States. His ability to pay is irrelevant to that fact. And yet I notice you see it as the ONLY relevant fact. The problem with 'health care' in the U.S. is not the quality, it is the cost. And your congress just passed a bill that does absolutely NOTHING to affect the high cost of health care and the resulting cost of insurance. (Did you get that? The price of insurance is merely a reflection of the cost of health care.) Here's! a news flash for you, my socialist friend, you cannot mandate the cost! of health care. Doctors will not perform $100 procedures for $90. Until the government figures out a way to reduce the cost of that procedure down below $90 so that the doctor will not lose money by performing it, nothing will change. Wouldn't it be nice if congress HAD done something to affect the cost of health care? Wouldn't have cost our nation a single cent AND many more people could have then afforded health insurance OR paid cash for it. Wow. Wouldn't that have been nice? Unfortunately, all they did was acknowledge the fact that the cost of health care in America has gotten so high that only the government can afford to pay for it. THAT IS A PROBLEM!!...Show more
Tyree Allenbrand: Too bad. Sociopaths are never able to emphathize with other humans so his scare did him no good.God tested Rush, and he failed.
Donte Hamme: Demanded expenditure of half of your median USA = $28,567 --- Health Insurance = $15,000, paid to "for-profit" business's that! are the biggest contributors to these politicians re-re-re-election campaign bids. (Wall Street, big Insurance, ABA, big Pharmaceutical), backed by the Banks with "funny-money" printed by/from the corrupt/hidden Federal Reserve, without the ability to buy across State lines, and no tort reform.Closed bid contract? Why yes, and the biggest one ever.or prison & fines.If you call that "Caring" ... OK then, They care. (about who is the unanswered question, because it's not YOU)Health (is the disguise), Care (is for themselves)....Show more
Zulema Baccam: No, they are to busy talking about how they are going to keep America safe as opposed what is the best way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Bryant Pillitteri: Dude, you got issues.Truth denier is what you are.
Azalee Ahrendes: Neither. Government health option.I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean! , if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nat! ions taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts?FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2].FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3].Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4]Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.)Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8].Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in C! anada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare?If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012....Show more
Julienne Poplawski: The hard part is they have to repeat it 3 times while sucking their thumb.( I do not know if their is deep symbolism to that ) (or if they just enjoy it)
Davida Gisriel: Control
Otto Lingafelt: Yes. And I'm the one who has to drive the whole lot of them to McDonalds!
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