Imogene Neiswander: Tomorrows 4-20, hell yeah!
Roselee Mczeal: BQ: A junior told you???? I thought that beating up freshmen has fallen out of scene.My high school doesn't have that...
Luis Farlow: cookie monster has good info in men's health.
Jayson Brod: mine was last october and i personally like pelvic thrust day more...XD
Ronnie Panas: uhh we dont have freshman kick day..
Betsey Muehlbach: Iceman:i can tell by your answer you don't believe me. we really do have a freshmen kick day.(a junior told me)
Elvie Drumgoole: xDAs a freshman, I've heard that freshman kick day at my school sucks. I'm totally ready!!!!!!!Well actually I've heard there is a whole week were the seniors do pranks.We call it Senior Prank Week....Show more
Giovanna Sherlin: since when did trolls become top contributor??! I WANNA BE A TC! AND IM NOT EVEN A F*CKING TROLL! BXTCH!
Ester Bryand: I didn't understand most of the words you used...
Cristoph! er Gavalis: never had one-we had a whole week of freshman torture, which all the teachers knew about, and even set up. every day was something new-one day all the freshman had to walk backwards, another they all had to carry their books on their heads...that was just stupid stuff-anytime "air raid" was called by a senior the freshman had to lay down flat on their stomachs, then get up as fast as possible. at lunch the freshman had to do whatever the seniors wanted them to do-sing songs, get them food..the senior girls "kidnapped" the freshman girls at two am, and taught them degrading songs, made them air raid, and scared themthe week ends when each senior picks a freshman and dresses them up in an costume. could be anything. ive seen sumo wrestlers, scuba divers, cows-they go to class, then they parade them around campus after that-no more picking on the freshman. :(...Show more
Rachell Meese: I'm a freshman but in college. There is no such thing, not even in high sc! hool.edit- I live in the US as well.
Sharee Doak: Zebraâ! ¶: oh... where do you live? i live in U.S.Ai have it at my school.
Randa Hessell: No, but I'm ready for Hitler's birthday.
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