Thursday, 20 August 2020

I am digging my own shallow well, a diy. Can't prime,?

Lady Laflin: The suction side of the pump has to be full of water,..a check valve at the screen..If you have access to a garden hose fill the pump thru the pipe fitting on the pump housing.The suction side can't have any air leaks..

Nedra Oltz: don't know if you have figured it out yet but try this if you haven't.1. At the top of the pump side there should be a plug. Unscrew the plug so that the threads are still catching but the plug is loose.2. At your discharge side, try folding the hose so water can't get out. This will create back pressure as your attempting to get your pump going.3. fire it up and see if this works. If you start to feel water coming up the intake screw the plug back in and hold the discharge until it gets pressurized.Then let er' buck! If this does not work try filling up your pump cavity with water and repeat 1,2,3. good luck and happy holidays....Show more

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