Monday, 22 June 2020

Law of conservation of mass question.?

James Langmyer: Yes it can. It basically says in a chemcal reaction. Matter can be neither made nor destroyed. Gas would be coming from two reactants. The reactants would come to gether to make the gas, the gas wouldnt come with both reactants in the same exact amount, state or form. The gas would just be the result of two things coming together, it wouldnt be outta nowhere. Basically, law of conservation is saying 1+1=2. While you add two separate reactants, whatever the product is will equal exactly what you put in it, no more,no less....Show more

Lucille Saetteurn: Yes, because the matter that is applied in the beginning of reaction is still there in the end. It's just in a different form.

Donnell Nocella: Yes. The gas has mass (matter) that was lost into a gas during the chemical reaction

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