Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Ask a REAL Celebrity !?

Marhta Teahan: For now we can only say that this is a model.

Nona Lentini: I believe your sales pitch as much as I believe the emails I get saying I've won the UK Lottery......but anyway.......here are my questions for any celebrity:What makes you think you are experts on everything from health, politics and foreign policy? I didn't realize acting school had such a diverse curriculum.What do you think of the sheep who obsess over every detail of your lives?...Show more

Roland Stampley: so can i ask a certain celeb a question or do you only have one celeb that these questions will go to? oh well, heres a generic question:Why are most celebs bad role models? And why do they get into so much trouble?--and who is the celeb that'll be getting this? (just so i know)--...Show more

Shemeka Laker: actual action picture star?!? asking a question in right here?!?! unlikely to ensue, what i think of that a man or woman will purely Personate a action picture star, an! d pretending to be a actual action picture star (a huge important subject in myspace, soo many human beings personate a action picture star and followers upload them as acquaintances even although they do no longer look to be actual, talkin celebs.

Scot Sepulbeda: For ana2rosa : Your question has been forwarded :)

Gregory Dilg: First 20 questions will be forwarded so hurry !

Hyman Coren: This celebrity you speak of is a model right? Is this model a real celebrity here in the states or in Croatia where you said you live? Do you know for a fact this celebrity has the ability to answer any question asked? You refer to the celebrity as a he/she. If you have a celebrity arranged to answer these questions you really should know their gender. You ask if someone had the brains to be working for professional interviews. What does that have to do with a person asking "questions for celebrities"? And why would they interview people? What is the name of the! best magazines you speak of? Who besides you say this is a! competition and give no limit and ending date for this "competition". And whose property does the questions and answers become and by we as a 13 or 14 year old boy your right to these would rest upon the hands of your parents if you do not do exactly as you say and would have a law suit brought against you for false statements....Show more

Lissette Semon: For user called : mommiedearest !My head hurts of your message !First, you are wrong about my age, second, I dont live in Croatia !And yes, that celebrity and have a long friendship (which was first like fan-celebrity, but now its friend-friend) !Have a good day anoying one !...Show more

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