Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Comment débrancher une machine à laver

Comment débrancher une machine à laver

p>Une machine à laver n’est pas un appareil électroménager qui est souvent déplacé dans la maison. La machine se trouve habituellement au sous-sol, dans une buanderie dédiée ou dans le garage, et c’est là qu’elle reste pour la plus grande partie de sa vie. Il arrive cependant que la machine à laver doive être déplacée. Lorsque la machine est remplacée ou déplacée vers un nouveau domicile, elle devra être débranchée des tuyaux et des fils qui l’alimentent en électricité et en eau. Ces instructions vous guideront tout au long du processus de déconnexion de votre machine et de la préparation de son déplacement hors de son emplacement habituel.

Retirez les tuyaux du mur et tournez les extrémités dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à ce que les tuyaux se détachent.

Retire! z le tuyau de vidange du drain. Selon votre installation de plomberie, il peut s’agir d’un lavabo, d’un siphon de sol, d’un siphon mural ou d’un grand tuyau sur pied. Chacun d’entre eux nécessite un processus légèrement différent d’enlèvement du tuyau. Consultez les instructions fournies avec votre machine si elles ne sont pas immédiatement évidentes.

Détachez les flexibles de la machine. S’ils sont fixés à l’aide de pinces, tournez les vis au sommet des pinces dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à ce que les pinces soient desserrées. Ensuite, pointez les extrémités des tuyaux vers votre seau pour évacuer l’eau. Alternativement, vous pouvez les placer dans l’égout, situé dans la boîte de la laveuse.

Emballez vos pièces. Si vous prévoyez de déplacer la machine sur une certaine distance, laissez vos cordons attachés à la machine. Vous pouvez coller tous les cordons pendants sur les côtés de la ro! ndelle pour les garder hors de votre chemin.

Vérifiez v! os connexions. Veillez à ce qu’il n’y ait pas de prises ou de tuyaux supplémentaires reliant la machine à laver au mur. Continuez à déplacer la machine hors de sa place. Il peut y avoir de l’eau dans la machine à laver.

Tirez ou tirez la machine à laver loin du mur. Si vous travaillez seul, prenez un côté et avancez-le, puis faites de même avec l’autre côté. Si vous avez de l’aide, essayez de tirer simultanément sur les côtés opposés.

Nettoyez les prises d’eau. Si vous gardez cette laveuse, c’est une bonne occasion de nettoyer les prises d’eau à l’aide d’une brosse à poils pour enlever tous les débris qui se sont accumulés au fil des ans.

Videz le seau d’eau. Avant de déplacer la machine, retirez le seau d’eau. Essuyer tout déversement ou égouttement. Vous ne voudriez pas glisser en déplaçant la machine.

Débranchez la machine à laver. Assurez-vous que la machine à laver ne fonctionne pas et retirez ! la fiche de la prise de courant. Cela déconnectera le lave-linge de son alimentation électrique.

Sécurisez le tambour. Si vous devez déplacer la machine à laver sur une distance importante, il est important de fixer le « tambour », la chambre intérieure de la machine à laver qui se déplace.

Retirez le cordon d’alimentation. À moins que vous ne remettiez la machine au même endroit, il est conseillé de retirer le cordon d’alimentation ou, s’il n’est pas amovible, de le fixer à l’aide d’un ruban adhésif.

Prends un seau. Placez un bac à eau ou un seau derrière la machine à laver, sous les conduites d’eau, là où l’eau sera recueillie. Entourez le seau de plusieurs serviettes pour récupérer les fuites ou l’eau qui pourraient s’échapper lorsque les tuyaux se détachent.

Fermez les vannes d’eau. Les vannes pour l’alimentation en eau chaude et froide sont généralement situées derrière la machine à laver et! dans une boîte à lave-linge fixée au mur. Fermez les vannes en les ! tournant dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à ce qu’il ne soit plus possible de les faire tourner.

Monday, 29 June 2020

marriage statistics....need your help?

Elfreda Grossen: Statistics and data mean nothing. If they did then what are the statistics for you to acquire lung cancer? Get hit by a car when crossing a busy street? Die of swine flu? Win 10 million in the state lottery when playing? Have triplets when you are 32? If you are a solid, loving, committed couple who love each other and vow to overcome the odds and the BS people try to tell you about young married couples then perhaps your marriage will survive. If not then keep worrying about a self fulfilling prophecy. The help you should consider asking for is a good DJ for your upcoming reception and what vacation you should plan for a honeymoon. Marriage is about hope and belief...don't doom it from the start....Show more

Ronnie Barcus: Use your head, generally speaking marriages are not built to last, especially when individuals marry young.

Chet Nozick: Young marriages in this age group, more than 50% of them end in divorce in less than 10 years! . A great deal end in divorce in less than 2 years because they didn't know the person well enough, and were not prepared for the rigors of everyday married life. It's tough to stay married, but especially when you're younger.

Cómo administrar medicamentos para el oído a los perros

Cómo administrar medicamentos para el oído a los perros

Si usted tiene un perro, puede haber ocasiones en las que necesite ponerle medicamento en los oídos para tratar una infección de oído, parásitos u hongos. Es posible que a su perro no le guste este tratamiento y trate de resistirse a él, por lo que es importante averiguar cómo administrar el medicamento con la misma rapidez y facilidad. También debe asegurarse de que el medicamento en sí no dañe el oído de su perro, así que asegúrese de evaluar los oídos de su perro en busca de síntomas de ruptura del tímpano antes de aplicar el medicamento.

Mantén al perro firme. Haga que su ayudante coloque un brazo debajo de la cabeza del perro para que su cuello descanse sobre el codo del ayudante. Haga que el ayudante ponga su otra mano alrededor del cuerpo del perro, manteniéndolo fi! rme.

Apunte con cuidado la abertura de la boquilla hacia la abertura del canal auditivo. Asegúrese de que no toque ninguna parte del canal. Mantenga la orejera del perro abierta si es necesario. Esto ayudará a evitar que la boquilla y el medicamento se contaminen antes de la próxima aplicación.

Masajear el exterior del conducto auditivo externo. Una vez que el medicamento es administrado, masajee suavemente la base del oído para asegurarse de que el medicamento se distribuya uniformemente. Use un pedazo de pañuelo de papel o una toalla de papel para limpiar cualquier medicamento que se haya derramado por la oreja sobre la piel.

Aplique el medicamento durante el tiempo que se le haya recetado. Asegúrese de darle el medicamento al perro siempre y cuando las instrucciones de la etiqueta se lo indiquen. El no hacerlo puede resultar en no erradicar completamente el problema e incluso puede hacer que la infección se fortalezca al desarrollar su resistenc! ia a la medicación.

Mantenga al perro firme por un rato! . El primer instinto de un perro cuando le pones medicina en el oído es agitar la cabeza. Después de esa sacudida inicial, trate de evitar que el perro sacuda excesivamente la cabeza durante unos minutos para que el medicamento tenga tiempo de hacer efecto. Usted puede soltar al perro si no cree que se va a volver loco, pero trate de distraerlo con un juego suave o una golosina o incluso con una caminata corta y lenta con correa.

Encuentra un ayudante. Tenga un ayudante que le ayude a mantener al perro firme. Esto hará su trabajo más fácil y ayudará al perro a evitar lesionarse.

Apriete suavemente el tubo o la botella. Entregue la cantidad adecuada de medicamento en el conducto auditivo externo. Si el medicamento es líquido, generalmente se especifica en un número de gotas de un frasco exprimible. Si el medicamento es un ungüento, entonces la cantidad apropiada puede ser especificada de manera diferente. Asegúrese de apuntar la punta de la boquilla hac! ia la abertura del canal auditivo para que el medicamento llegue realmente a esta área.

Lea las instrucciones en la medicina. El tubo o frasco del medicamento debe tener instrucciones que le indiquen cuánto debe aplicarse, con qué frecuencia y cuándo debe usar el medicamento. En caso de duda, póngase en contacto con su veterinario para obtener instrucciones más claras.

Reúna los suministros antes de sostener al perro en su lugar. Ponga el medicamento y el papel de seda o las toallas de papel al alcance de la mano. Retire la tapa del medicamento. La mayoría vienen con una boquilla larga y estrecha que se puede colocar en el envase del medicamento. Asegúrese de colocar esto en el extremo abierto antes de continuar.

Preste atención a los signos de que el oído interno está dañado. Si coloca el medicamento en un oído que tiene un tímpano dañado o roto, el medicamento puede dañar las delicadas estructuras que componen el oído interno. El daño ! a estas estructuras está indicado por estos síntomas:

Evalúe a! su perro en busca de síntomas de ruptura del tímpano. Antes de poner un medicamento en la oreja de un perro, primero debe asegurarse de que no dañará las orejas de su perro haciéndolo. Por lo tanto, antes de colocar cualquier medicamento en el oído del perro debe asegurarse de que el tímpano no esté dañado. Nunca coloque medicamentos en un perro que muestre estos signos, ya que pueden indicar una posible ruptura del tímpano:

Haga que un veterinario inspeccione los tímpanos de su perro. La única manera de estar totalmente seguro de que los tímpanos de su perro están bien es que los examine un veterinario o un técnico veterinario. El veterinario utilizará un otoscopio, que es un instrumento iluminado, para observar el conducto auditivo externo y ver el tímpano de manera visual.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

How artificial were some of your family Thanksgivien dinners? ?

Elvin Mannheimer: artificial = no real family

Raelene Cunnick: Not quite sure what this question has to do with politics.....I served a free range turkey to my guests. No artificial additives in that bird. I also cooked up organically grown green beans and asparagus.Okay.....but why would having a gathering of friends be an "artificial" Thanksgiving? Sometimes a gathering of friends is better than a gathering of fractious, feuding family members!The gathering of six at my house included family and the former husband of my sister-in-law! I wouldn't call my sister's ex-husband "artificial". Just included....Show more

Willetta Munhall: oooohhh ughhh oooohh gasp...... pass me the Maalox ppp lease

Robin Weelborg: I'm not too sure what a "Thanksgivien" dinner is but the Thanksgiving dinner that my sister put on for me and several of my siblings was delicious. Nothing artificial about it. No plastic fruit, no plastic cranberries, no plastic turkey, nothi! ng like that. All the food was real, and good!!

Rocio Karvis: 0%

Gaylord Barragan: My frozen TV dinner had more preservatives than turkey.

Sang Hanafin: I thought we are in politics.Don't really remember what i ate that day.

Aubrey Tirri: We ate a lot of plastic and Styrofoam last night... all artificial.

Lizzette Wendroth: Nothing artificial. I made all of the sides homemade. The turkey came from the supermarket but I had to prepare and cook it so nothing was artificial at my Thanksgiving Dinner. Did you have an artificial Thanksgiving?

Magda Vandergriend: I'm not sure what makes a dinner artificial?

Mozell Sponsler: We had a real turkey this year...it was tasty...

Kris Otuafi: Artificial to the point that the holiday is more like a Hee Haw rerun than a day to celebrate family, friends and good fortune. I'd rather be alone eating Boston Market Chicken.

Jasper Mangel: i jus chilled and play computer games by myself..! which was better than last yr having to eat 3 thanksgiving din! ners

Kimberlee Bowdish: I had boston market because I was alone with no family! Yea that sucked!

Cómo elegir calcetines para patinar sobre hielo

Cómo elegir calcetines para patinar sobre hielo

Pruebe con calcetines delgados si no le gusta que sus patines le queden demasiado apretados. Deben estar al menos a la altura del corte de la tripulación y preferiblemente más altos. Demasiado bajo y los calcetines simplemente no hacen lo que usted necesita, es decir, proteger sus pies. Dicho esto, si usted tiene grandes inserciones en las botas de patinaje, los calcetines a la altura del tobillo podrían funcionar y pueden prevenir las antiestéticas líneas de los calcetines, si eso es un problema.

Trate de equilibrar el grosor con la practicidad. Si los calcetines son demasiado gruesos, puede ser difícil usar los patines cómodamente. Por otro lado, si son demasiado delgados, puede dañar o lastimar su pie debido a que no está adecuadamente protegido. Si alquila patines, vaya con cuidado y use calcetines largos y gruesos.

Decida si prefiere calcetines! o medias. Algunos patinadores prefieren medias porque toda la pierna está cubierta y las medias pueden proporcionar más calor. Sin embargo, otros patinadores encuentran las medias demasiado constrictivas, como alrededor de la cintura, o incluso pueden encontrar las medias picantes y calientes. Si prefieres medias, entonces el resto del artículo no es relevante, y tal vez quieras leer Cómo elegir medias para patinaje sobre hielo en su lugar.

Considere la posibilidad de usar medias hasta la rodilla.

Averigüe qué tipo de patinaje va a hacer.

Pruebe con calcetines de rodilla. Estos pueden ser la combinación perfecta de altura y grosor suficiente, ya que muchas rodillas se hacen teniendo en cuenta las estaciones más frías. Pruebe diferentes marcas y pregunte a las personas que han ido a patinar lo que llevaban puesto.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

How would the social environment, work environment, and culture change if environments are manipulated?

Rubye Bonnin: we know that environment is the principal thing that changes our around.work environment offers a congenial situation which helps a worker to perform his duty properly.Social environment is a part and parcel of any kind of flourishment.Social environment affects in the society for improvement.

where else can I find the thera breath products.?  

where else can I find the thera breath products.?  

answers 0:where else can I find the thera breath products.?answers 1:This link will help you check where to buy their products (either online thru them or a list of stores (there are a ton!)- http://www.therabreath.com/locations.aspHope that helps!JAMRDH - a dental hygienist...

Friday, 26 June 2020

steps to conserve our environment?

Monroe Rainey: I would like to see a trash compactor ( office size ) for every grade level,in every school.Cost a lot?How many trees would be saved if every school recycled paper.The paper would not even have to be sorted.Some chain such as Wal Mart could be and should be ,responsible for the shipping of the sorted,alreadt crushed paper.I have thought of this often,it may be the most stupid thing you ever heard,but i belive it would save millions of trees....Show more

Abel Adger: Hey, if you want to conserve the environment, you should practice the following steps:-1) Use only rechargeable batteries.2)Tell others the need to save environment. ( Believe, working a little in group is always better than working a lot alone.)3) Use bicycle for short journeys.4) Use public transport at least once a week instead of your own car if possible.5) Don't waste too much water while bathing.6) If using a car, provide a regular maintenance to it to reduce the pollution.7) You can ! collect the water by which you wash the vegetables to water plants.8) Use CFL or LED bulbs.9) Respect the Eco-System and don't try to make a change in it.10) If you think that there are some places in your house where you can plant flowers or tree, just plant them! ***************************************** ******************************** *********************** *******************************************************Trees are the best Friends***********************************************...Show more

Donnie Bolio: the best way to conserve our polluting environment is afforestation

Pamela Meno: Reuse your toilet paper. If it is just wet, hang it up to dry. If you are careful, you can get 3 or 4 uses out of the same piece unless you accidentally take a dump and then you should di! spose of it.

Comment revenir en arrière sur les messages Apple à partir d’un ordinateur

Comment revenir en arrière sur les messages Apple à partir d’un ordinateur

Choisissez votre réaction. Vous aurez le choix entre un cÅ"ur, les pouces en l’air, les pouces en l’air, « Ha Ha Ha », des points d’exclamation ou un point d’interrogation.

Sélectionnez Retour dans le menu. Vous verrez apparaître un menu de réaction.

Assurez-vous que votre application Messages est configurée pour fonctionner sur votre ordinateur. Si cela ne fonctionne pas encore, il vous suffit d’activer iMessages sur votre ordinateur de bureau ou portable.

Localisez le message auquel vous voulez réagir.

Ouvrir les messages.

Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez sur le message. Si vous utilisez un ordinateur portable, vous pouvez utiliser deux doigts sur le pavé tactile à la fois pour faire un « clic droit ». Si vous avez une souris avec ! deux boutons, vous pouvez aussi faire un clic droit directement dessus.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Can I get the green card after living for 5 years ?

Leif Andreason: this is a bit garbled information. You need at least a greencard to join the US army. You do not get a greencard based on living in the US. Living in the US on a student visa doesn't count. You can get a greencard based on getting married to an US citizen if that citizen sponsors you and has sufficient income to do so. Alternatively an employer can sponsor you for a greencard, but not too many do. I would suggest going to the USCIS website and reading through the ways to get a greencard. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb......Show more

Booker Warlick: Sgt. Star a soldier and not an immigration officer, obviously enough and a bit confused over how to get a green card. You can't get a green card simply by living in the US for any period of time. you can become a citizen after living in the US with a green card for 5 years. and you can't get a green card by simply working legally in the US. there are lots of non-immigrant work visas and! some immigrant work visas. the non-immigrant work visas do not lead directly to green card status. check out http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/type... on the various ways to qualify for an immigrant visa and a green card. that should help....Show more

Marion Wieboldt: Sgt. Star was wrong. Yes, you can get a green card by virtue of employment or marriage. It does not take five years. The citizenship requirement is that after you get your green card, you have to be in the US for five years before applying. Note--If you've been in the US for five years without a green card, you are here illegally. In order to receive a green card, you'd have to leave the country and reenter legally--after a ten-year ban....Show more

Jonathon Labonne: You cannot obtain a green card unless you first qualify for immigration, legal permanent residency. Student, employment, visit, and other types of visas are all temporary NON-immigration classes of visas. Amount of time! you spend in the US on any of these is irrelevant since you a! re only allowed into US for temporary purpose. You are not an immigrant.Almost all (some 90%) US immigrants are sponsored by spouse or immediate family member who is a US citizen and who earns enough to support them. As a student visa holder, you must return to your country of citizenship immediately upon completion or termination of studies. You are not remaining in US - finish your course in school & return home....Show more

Ardell Luy: If living in the United States for at least 5 years would lead to a Green Card, many of the 11 million illegal aliens would be Green Card holders by now, don't you think? Clearly, the Sgt doesn't think that far, which is why he had to enlist in the Army instead of getting a real job that requires usage of the brain or skills beyond saying "Yes, Sir!" and shooting at people.An F-1 is a non-immigrant visa. There is no path from a non-immigrant visa to permanent residency.You would need a reason to be eligible for permanent residency! , a.k.a. a Green Card. Being married to a US citizen would be one viable path, if the US citizen spouse files a petition and is a viable sponsor for Affidavit of Support purposes. Another path is a doctorate degree or an investment of $1M or more. An indirect path is via an H1-B visa, after 6 years of working in a certain position requiring an advanced university degree....Show more

Stormy Beliard: 1

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Global Warming~?

Hermina Ketring: Not it is not man made. The science points toward natural causes (very mild man made influence).

Sunshine Holets: I agree that it is definetely a natural cycle. Weather trends are completely random. The only reason many people think there is a global warming going on is because 400 years ago there was a little ice age, and compared to that todays temperatures are a lot warmer. Going back 3000 years temperatures are quite average.1st Refute:Temperature Change causes CO2 change.Why? The Ocean (where 93% of all CO2 is on the earth) is being heated, therefore all the atoms are getting faster. For example, when you leave a soda can in a hot area and open it up, all the fizz(CO2) will come up. Well, imagine the ocean as a huge soda can... basically same concept. CO2 is a natural cycle. IT gets warmer and there will be more CO2!2nd Refute:Climate change is naturally caused by change in sunWhy? Solar activity trends is very similar to temperature trends (ev! en during the "global cooling" of 1940-1980). Plus temperature on other planets are getting warmer. 3rd Refute: there is no consensusWhy?IPCC didn't state that Global warming was caused by humans... the scientists said that the earth has gotten warmer in the last 100 years, period. Political leaders of the IPCC changed the consensus to humans caused global warming which made many angry scientists. Plus, the Oregon Petition has 19,000 American Scientists who disagree with the fact that humans cause gloabal warming.4th Refute:CO2 is not a pollutant... and is required for life... Trees and plant life are now thriving because of CO2!!!CO2 IS GOOD!5th Refute:Human CO2 has changed from 0.03% to 0.04% (in the past century) of the Atmospheric molecules. Wow that is a lot! ACTUALLY NO IT ISN'T!Whether you like it or not temperature change is natural, and not caused by humans!!Believe me I think we should help the environment, but not by hurting/capping industries. We should subsidi! ze alternative energy businesses and support using evironmenta! lly friendly energy.Sorry if there are spelling errors i did this quickly....Show more

Douglass Sarley: These free online movies pretty much explain what is going on:The Truth About Climate Change: http://tinyurl.com/3xeokpGlobal Warming Hysteria Debunked - Scientists Ignored: http://tinyurl.com/366dbfAn Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction? Part II: http://tinyurl.com/63cfq2...Show more

Weldon Totaro: the earth does heat naturattly and it also cools. but before global warming was not as big of a product so big factorys that relase grey fumes intto the sky so it proabbly made global warming as bad as it is now.

Rebeca Mckin: there was once a global cooling scare...what happened to that? i think it is cause by both:1. earth's natural heating and cooling cycle2. all the crap humans have been doing

Tosha Tawney: i agree with the first part, man has not made as much greenhouse gas pollution as people say we have, it was exaggerated and thought to be ! true with little evidence, and now we see a bit longer winter and not such hot temperature, and what happens to that theory? in fact, a single eruption of a volcano produces much more harmful gases than humans would produce in many yearsall this to say, it isnt bad to prevent this pollution, but at this stage it is not having as big of an effect as we might think...Show more

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Cómo cultivar un mújol

Cómo cultivar un mújol

Las bolitas son un peinado muy conocido, tal vez infame. Muchas celebridades han sacudido un mújol, incluyendo a Billy Ray Cyrus, Kurt Russell y David Bowie. Obtener un mújol es sólo una cuestión de crecimiento del cabello, recortar la parte superior corta y mantener la espalda larga. Cortar tu propio cabello puede ser difícil si nunca te lo has cortado, pero cualquier peluquero debe ser capaz de peinarlo por ti.

Corta la parte de arriba. Peina la parte superior del cabello hacia arriba por ambos lados. Sostenga el cabello en el centro. Usa el flequillo como guía y corta la parte superior del cabello para que coincida con esta longitud.

Peina la parte de atrás de tu cabello. Retire el cabello de la pinza y peine hacia abajo. Peinarlo suavemente para facilitar el corte.

Mantenga su salmonete corto. Hazte un corte en la parte superior del cabello, pero deja la par! te posterior del cabello larga. Esto funciona especialmente bien con el cabello rizado.

Secciona tu cabello. Utilizando clips, divide la parte superior del cabello en tres partes. Crea una sección en la parte superior de la cabeza que vaya desde la línea de nacimiento del cabello hasta aproximadamente la mitad de la corona, donde la cabeza comienza a curvarse. Seccione los lados en la línea de nacimiento del cabello tanto a la derecha como a la izquierda de la sección superior y hasta las orejas.

Mezclar los lados. Peina pequeñas secciones de tu cabello donde la parte superior y los lados se juntan. Tire del cabello hacia arriba y hacia afuera, y corte cualquier esquina o ángulo agudo que vea.

Que te crezca el pelo. Antes de que puedas cortarte el pelo en un mújol, necesitas tener algo de longitud. Depende de ti cuánto tiempo quieres que dure tu salmonete.

Recorte los lados. Elige un lado y peina tu cabello hacia adelante. Utilizando la longi! tud de tu bang como guía, corta los lados del cabello en un Ã! ¡ngulo hacia arriba. El cabello debe ser más largo en la parte superior y afilarse a una longitud más corta sobre las orejas. Peine su cabello hacia abajo para recortar el área sobre sus orejas.

Que le crezca un pompadour encima. Esto requiere mucha longitud en la parte superior, ya que necesitarás mucho pelo para conseguir el estilo pompadour adecuado. Comience cerca de la parte posterior de su cabeza y comience a deslizar su cabello hacia adelante. Deje que el cabello de la parte posterior de la cabeza se mezcle con el cabello largo de los costados.

Córtese el flequillo. Comenzando con la sección media superior primero, peine su cabello sobre su frente. Cortar el flequillo a la longitud deseada. Puedes cortarte el flequillo tan corto o tan largo como prefieras. Córtelos en línea recta o en ángulo. Hay muchas maneras de estilizar tu flequillo.

Empieza a recortar la espalda. Trabajando en secciones delgadas, peine la parte posterior del cabello ha! cia arriba y en un ángulo alejado de la cabeza. Use el cabello de la sección superior como guía para recortar la espalda.

Mezcle los lados traseros. Comprueba si hay esquinas o cortes afilados peinando donde los lados de tu cabello se unen con la parte posterior. Si ve bordes afilados, córtelos hasta que tenga un aspecto cónico suave.

Aféitate los lados de la cabeza. Para una versión actualizada del mújol clásico, afeite los lados de su cabeza. Mantenga la parte superior del cabello larga y deje crecer la parte posterior del cabello más tiempo del que se necesita para un mújol clásico.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Law of conservation of mass question.?

James Langmyer: Yes it can. It basically says in a chemcal reaction. Matter can be neither made nor destroyed. Gas would be coming from two reactants. The reactants would come to gether to make the gas, the gas wouldnt come with both reactants in the same exact amount, state or form. The gas would just be the result of two things coming together, it wouldnt be outta nowhere. Basically, law of conservation is saying 1+1=2. While you add two separate reactants, whatever the product is will equal exactly what you put in it, no more,no less....Show more

Lucille Saetteurn: Yes, because the matter that is applied in the beginning of reaction is still there in the end. It's just in a different form.

Donnell Nocella: Yes. The gas has mass (matter) that was lost into a gas during the chemical reaction

Sunday, 21 June 2020

why dont enviornmentalist use profit to lure capilists into being more efficiant.?

Heidi Creselious: Capitalists hate change. They hate using capital for non capital uses. Even demonstrating in real life that environmental emissions control produces a positive and new income stream they fought changes un til congress mandated themVoluntarily caving in to pressure sets a Bad Precedent and corporations hate Bad Precedent.Moving to higher cost lower profit per unit cars means the corporation would have to develop a new business model and sell that model to its stock owners, and more importantly to their labor unions to ask for wage and benefit concessions in return for more job security. dangerous and scary for the CEO facing the loss of that $12million in bonuses and perks.Pretty much nothing short of federal mandates will force corporate bbureaucracies to make any change at all. The US auto companies would rather fail than change their economic model from big gas guzzlers to electric cars....Show more

Lyman Gauld: Because, enviros don't have an! ything to sell, the only thing they can do in order to make those of us who do not believe in their particular religion is to threaten us with surcharges in the way of taxes and fees if we do not comply. What a surprise, their ideas are soundly rejected by the American People. Sure, we want to preserve the environment, no we do not want to trust their extremist ideas in order to protect that same environment.

Bob Nakamoto: Who was the ****** with the last answer? He doesnt want change he wants to **** the environment in the *** like he ***** his grandma.Sorry i went off a bit. LolAnyways, you are on to the very thing that we need to get change going through large corporation. You cant force GM to make a fuel efficent car. And its kinda rough to try to force them to change. Luckly we have a wonderful shortage of oil coming in the next few decades causing oil prices/gas prices to rise. The market will naturally move toward more fuel efficent vehicles or alternati! ve fuel.As much as a large corporation hates to make a change ! they have to otherwise they will end up going out of business. And like i said soon to be changing market conditions will help make this change. This is why we dont need to drill for more oil. We will run out eventually so we need to just man the **** up and start changing. Sure we could drill more oil but it will postpone the change that has to happen. And actually the quicker we start to be more environmentally friendly the quicker we will start dominating the market. Once again if GM develops a nice alternative fuel vehicle, they will already be ahead of the game when oil prices skyrocket.Anyways to your question. I dont think an environmentallist is quite an inventor or car manufacturer. They understand the environment and can recommend thing that need to happen but they can just go make a car company and build hydrogen vehicles. The only ones with the cash and capabilities to make a better product are the ones on top the market now. They just lack the proper ! mindset....Show more

Jannette Kotz: That's exactly what was done to stop acid rain. It is the fiscal conservative's approach to environmental problems: Cap and Trade. (Unfortunately, the fiscal conservative party of Reagan is now long gone.)To make it work, there has to be an economic benefit. Most environmental problems are "externalities", meaning that are external to the business decisions made by profit-oriented business managers. Take your example of mpg: there are many technologies that can improve mpg, but they are more expensive to put in cars. If only the cost of gasoline is the primary benefit then businesses and consumers have little incentive to change: the price of cars is so great compared to the price of gasoline. But if we as a society decide that burning gasoline has other costs -- such as smog and/or climate change -- then we have to find a way to build that cost into the decision process.If something is free, then it is abused. (If hamburg! ers were free, how many would you want? If water was free, how much wo! uld you use?) If something is costly to everyone, but no one has to pay, then there is no economic incentive to fix it....Show more

Monroe Rainey: Some do, T. Boone Pickens has been heavily investing in wind for years. Toyota has they hybrid, while US auto companies shunned it, now they are trying to play catch up. The way I see it, US corporations would rather spend billions convincing us to buy what they want to produce because they have a higher profit center (gas engines have a lot more parts to wear out than electric) then to become industry leaders and give us what we need. The only reason we don't have air quality as bad as China right now is because we put laws in place to protect our air quality. Corporations would rather pollute the air and sell us air filters too....Show more

How can I help my two pregnant cats?  

How can I help my two pregnant cats?  

answers 0:My young cats are both pregnant within a week of each other. Is there anything I should be doing to prepare them? I introduced them to a box with a blanket in but they weren't interested in it. They have the run of the house but there aren't any quiet areas. Should I help them when they give birth and if so, how?! Finally, how long is their pregnancy?Many thanks for any replies....Show moreanswers 1:Two pregnant cats! Wow that is a lot of kittens to find homes for. May I suggest that rather than making your cats comfortable during pregnancy you start checking into places to take them to get them spayed. There are way too many animals that have no home already....why bring even more into the world.answers 2:my cat gave birth 8 weeks ago.. was told she was done by the animal shelter but obviously she wasnt.. anyway.. put a ! box with blankets in in a corner or cupboard some were warm... feed your cat kitten food aswell as its normal food..then all you can do is wait.. if you want to make sure your cat has the kittens in the house lock her in until she has had them and put a litter tray down.. then just wait.. keep checkin on your cat but dont fuss her just leave her be.. she will have the kittens on her own cats dont normally have problems giving birth.. they will come out in like a sack looks like a balloon she will eat that away and lick the kitten clean then onto her next.. if any signs of her in stress ring vets asap... if she starts to have the kittens out of the box pick her up and place her carefully into the box. good luck. any more info needed email me at [email protected]answers 3:hi, you don't need to worry about a box just yet but you should TRY and keep their surroundings as calm as possible. queens(the mommies ) will start eating more also as their pregnancy progresses. just t! ry to make sure they are kept warm (normal inside temp. is fin! e)and adequately sheltered. you should also avoid inoculations or any kind of medication that is not absolutely necessary. the normal duration of feline pregnancy is from 60 to 64 days. anything less than 60 days and the kittens will most likely not survive. when the time comes your two queens will try to find separate places to give birth. try and make sure they have as many choices for this as possible but again most likely it will be your favorite sweater in a drawer you left open that they choose. LOL the best thing you can do for them is just make sure they have whatever they need and then let nature take its course after all they have been managing to do this all by themselves for a long time. good luck! p.s. DO NOT disturb them after they have their kits! if they are in an inconvenient place deal with it for at least a week before trying to move them! the mothers will only move them again or possibly destroy them! once again good luck!...answers 4:being a mother ! myself and being there for alot of births both human and animal one thing i know is no matter how hard you try to get a mother to sit still she wont so try not to stress on that to much but on the birth yes sometimes u need to be there to reassure the mother and to help in case the mother struggles to chew through the placenter.answers 5:Pregnancy usually lasts about 9 weeks.answers 6:For my cat it was really obvious when she was about to give birth and came looking for a spot to have them, at that time we were able to set her up. Don't worry about the birth much, your cat(s) should be able to do it by herself. After the birth watch them and set them up in a good area preferably quiet and somewhere nonthreatening, the last thing you want is your cat moving the kittens somewhere without you knowing. Last of all, I think the mothers can be spayed like 6 weeks after there pregnancy, but you can ask your vet. I recommend spaying as soon as possible because they will get pregnan! t again....answers 7:Hello, I believe that you're doing all that you ca! n think of at this point. The cats or "Queens" who will deliver will do something called "nesting" or finding space that they feel most comfortable in and that's safe for them to deliver thier babies but don't forget that most of it will come naturally to her. As far as you being ready to help I think it's a great idea. As a matter of fact,I have helped a few of my own cats deliver and helped to get the kittens to breathe once out of the birth canal. Watch for any new excited behavior. I'm not sure how many weeks they take, sorry.... Just be really carefull to give her space so that she feels at ease with you being there to assist her or else she may feel like moving her litter to a place where you can not find her.To assist a new born kitten in breathing you can simply use both of hands placed palm out in front of you but very close to the ground. Slightly move your finger tips across the chest just to move the babies chest a bit this should stimulate it to breathe,if ! not doing so alread. Do not be rough to the touch just real easy like you would be with the gentleness of a real human baby. It's real easy to help her out.I believe that you're well on your way to seeing a delivery especially since you have 2 pregnant cats! Just be careful not to spooke them or they mightl move them if they get the chance. Trust your instincts or gut feelings. You sound like you're already well aware of what s going on with them and good for you and congratulations on your new babies....answers 8:Cats gestation is about 60 days..give or take a few. Most cats will try to hide when labor starts. Mine gave birth in the closet on top of my cloths once. However, I would keep the box ready and if you notice the cat laying on her side pushing and bearing down , she's having contractions.Most cats do well and don't need help with the birthing process. However, complications can arise where you may have to intervene.When my cat gave birth for the first time, she ! panicked and I had to take over, remove the membrane, squeeze the place! nta to give it an extra boost of blood, and after sterilizing dental floss in alcohol, cut the umbilical cord and tie it off with the dental floss!!However, I could never have done this on my own! I had purchased a book on Cats which told me everything I needed to know including what to do incase of emergency and first aid. So get a good cat book, either at a good book store or I have found great ones at the local library. I would also look into having them spayed once they have weened the kittens. There are millions of kittens and cats euthanized every year because no one wants them. Good luck!!!...answers 9:spaying them.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

How would switching all vehicles sold in the US to run on alternative fuels by 2050 help the economy?

Phil Kuarez: There is absolutely no reason to believe that passing such a law would help.1. You haven't mentioned what you consider to be an "alternative fuel" or the possibility of cars not running on fuel (is electricity a fuel? not by current definitions. So you are going to outlaw electric cars?) 2. The bottom line is that we haven't the foggiest notion of how society is going to change over the next 40 years and what the important concerns are going to be. In this context, looking at "alternative fuelds" is letting the tail wag the dog.3. Almost of the current "alternative fuels" are currently more expensive or more damaging to the environment than any of the current non-alternative fuels. So, by definition, switching to alternative fuels is going to hurt the economy rather than help it. (It may help the environment, etc. - but that wasn't your question)The only exception I know about is liquified gas - either propane or natural. It is currently used in Tokyo taxis, ! etc. But if by alternative fuels you mean fuels that are not "mined", then LNG probably wouldn't count.4. The entire idea of thinking about the economy more than 40 years from now, rather than society as a whole, or civilization, strikes me as rather perverse. It is a short-sighted focus on the economic numbers that have gotten into this fix in the first place.5. Looking for reasons to support an argument without looking for reasons to disagree strikes me as intellectually dishonest unless you are preparing for a debate. And even then, you need to research both sides to prepare properly.(None of this is to say that encouraging research into alternative fuels is a bad idea - just that the proposed law is a loser as is the question as posed.)...Show more

Brock Hladik: Should the alternative fuel source actually be sustainable / renewable we would be looking at a renewable / inexaustable source of new jobs, from ongoing research to peripheral and support professions. Ini! tially the stranglehold that Oil producers and petroleum compa! nies have on the world would be broken, but there is the danger that other companies - "owners" of the new fuel sources- would take their place. This is entirely possible because although corn and sugar cane grow in manny countries, the monies and other resources for sustained research and development is concentrated in a few industrialized nations.So the switch to alternative fuels would only be effective / beneficial if accompanied by 1) a wholesale change in the mentality of the powers that administer / distribute not only the funds to develop alternative fuels, but also the resultant off-branching technology, and 2) committment by auto manufacturers to make a product free of planned obselecence. I am a consumer like everyone else in this country and I am far from being rich. So on the subject of cars I can't afford to buy a product that seems designed to wear out as quickly as possible. I have been burned sufficiently by the low quality of domestic cars that I will no ! longer invest in them. This has to change or alternative fuels will be meaningless. I'm not alone in my views . Consider the following data :Nearly half of all Americans (44%) believe that Japan makes the best quality cars, out-pacing the United States (29%) and Germany (15%). College-educated car buyers are even more convinced, with 55% stating Japan makes the best quality cars, while those with less education were more likely to state that the U.S. produces the best quality cars (34%). Despite this overwhelming belief, only 17% of car owners said they preferred to buy foreign cars. Senior Americans (61%) are the highest in favor of buying American, while women under 45 and those with college degrees (24% each) are in favor of buying foreign cars. When asked which manufacturer, domestic or foreign, produces the best cars, a quarter of American drivers stated Toyota, just beating General Motors (21%). Honda ranked a solid third with 17%....Show more

Comment présenter votre ordinateur personnel comme un périphérique hôte USB pour que le contenu soit partagé

Comment présenter votre ordinateur personnel comme un périphérique hôte USB pour que le contenu soit partagé

Placer l’appareil à utiliser comme côté esclave de la paire en mode esclave via le logiciel du contrôleur.

Effectuer la configuration nécessaire sur chaque appareil à l’aide du logiciel de configuration qui est transporté avec l’appareil OtG.

Désigner les noms d’hôte et de périphérique (périphérique B) sur chaque système

Affectez des ressources sur chaque machine qui seront disponibles pour l’autre périphérique. Il s’agit le plus souvent d’un dossier qui, une fois identifié, permet d’accéder à tous les contenus contenus sur l’appareil connecté.

Connectez chaque moitié de l’appareil OtG à un port USB de rechange sur chaque ordinateur personnel (l’appareil).

Obtenir un appareil conforme à la spécification de bus série universel « On-The-go » â€" communément appelé OTG sur ces appareils.

Sélectionnez l’option « Etablir la connexion » (ou équivalent associé) sur le périphérique serveur. La connexion est maintenant établie et le transfert de données / partage de contenu peut être effectué.

Friday, 19 June 2020

I want to audition for SM or YG Entertainment.?

Mel Crapo: You cannot sing or dance and you just act. And you're aiming for two of the Big Three? SM Entertainment may prioritize looks but they also look for talent. Talent that can be marketable and developed into something better or even the best.I'm sorry but you have 0% chance of getting into YG Entertainment. YG is the hardest one to get in to because they do not care about your looks. They want someone who is talented. TALENTED. Great singing skills, dancing and acting. They want to see potential in you and they want someone who is passionate for what they do. Don't get into something you're not even good at. I'm sorry. If you're really determined, try practicing first before auditioning....Show more

Michelle Sohre: No, you probably wouldn't make it if you can only "kinda" act and you can't dance or sing. If you can only do 1/3 (acting dancing and singing) then they most likely won't accept you. You should take lessons on all three if you wanna get somewhere.!

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Where do you see television programming in the next decade?

Kassie Kay: There would be no tv just maybe sports and news or something and everything good will be on DVD.

Arlen Hamper: various networks referred to as Florida for Gore on a similar time as the polls have been nevertheless open! the call via Fox for Bush got here hours after all polls have been closed. Which led to certainly harm? __________ incredibly, isn't there something extra suitable i can do with my existence than dredge up the comparable information, for individuals who of course do no longer choose for to pay attention them, for the extra suitable portion of a decade?

Valentine Michaud: There will be a shearing away from "reality shows" and moving to short-term shows.You have a show that lasts three or four years and that's it

Donte Liversedge: I think KFC and FEMA and FDIC will buy all the network and cancelled all tv show that use the katrina as a popaganda and they will stop showing reruns on primetime

Adan Alipio: Probably the next! generation of television programming will evolve from Reality to first person programming of some sorts.Seeing as how YouTube is capturing all the attention right now - and TV execs are always 2-3 years behind in what's cool - I could see people in an American Idol type of show developing programming for even the Big Three networks.There is already a reality TV series about the Next Big Director, or some inane crap like that. But eventually, someone will give the green light to a network to concept this "original programming" idea.Probably CW.... ick...Show more

Ricky Frazer: People like Martha Stewart having robots hand them there cooking untenils and helping them bake! And them helping paris hilton escape from jail!

Cómo cuidar a los terneros

Cómo cuidar a los terneros

Si usted tiene un lote rural o una pequeña granja de pasatiempos, puede estar considerando comprar una o dos vacas para que pueda disfrutar de leche fresca y todos los subproductos que pueda hacer de la leche. Mientras que usted puede comprar vacas adultas para este propósito, también puede comprar terneros poco después de nacer y criarlas. Si usted tiene una operación un poco más grande, puede incluso decidir criar las vacas por su cuenta.

Compre un ternero sano. Si usted quiere un ternero para la producción de leche, el mejor lugar donde puede comprar ese ternero es en una granja diaria. También puede comprar un ternero en una subasta o en un lote de alimento.

Prepara un corral de maternidad para la vaca. Un corral de maternidad para la vaca debe estar en una parte tranquila de su establo, en un área alejada de las corrientes de aire. El área también debe! estar limpia, seca, bien iluminada, aislada y con buen flujo de aire. Poco antes de que la vaca dé a luz, retire cualquier cama y estiércol sucios.

Ponga la vaca y el ternero en corrales separados si la vaca es ordeñada dos veces al día. Si la vaca es ordeñada dos veces al día, es mejor mantener la vaca y el ternero cerca uno del otro en corrales más pequeños donde el ternero no pueda llegar a la vaca. Cuando la vaca es ordeñada por la mañana y por la noche, no permita que sea ordeñada completamente. Deja un poco de leche para el ternero. Una vez terminado el ordeño, se puede permitir que el ternero se alimente cerca de la vaca. Entre ordeño y ordeño, el ternero puede ser alimentado a mano con heno o hierba fresca, concentrados (alimento seco) y agua.

Observe las heces y la orina de su ternera. Mientras su ternero esté en su cobertizo, vigile sus heces y orina, así como su ingesta de alimentos. Específicamente, esté atento a cualquier cambio e! n la cantidad de alimento que consume su ternero, y a la consi! stencia y frecuencia de las heces y la producción de orina. Si nota algún cambio, consulte con su veterinario.

Use sustitutos de leche para destetar completamente a su ternero. Un becerro que está siendo destetado completamente necesitará consumir sustitutos de leche antes de que pueda ser alimentado con alimento seco. Desafortunadamente, los sustitutos de leche en polvo a veces pueden causar diarrea en los terneros, así que tenga cuidado con sus heces. Además, el equipo utilizado para alimentar a su ternero debe mantenerse limpio y desinfectado en todo momento.

Permita que la vaca y el ternero permanezcan juntos para el destete parcial. Si su ternero está siendo destetado parcialmente, usted podrá mantener a la vaca y al ternero juntos. Pueden estar juntos en un corral grande o en un paddock, o pueden ser colocados en bolígrafos pequeños separados uno al lado del otro. La parte importante del destete parcial es que la ternera puede interactuar con su ! madre a través del tacto, la vista y el sonido.

Asegúrese de que su ternero siempre tenga agua fresca. Su ternero probablemente comenzará a beber agua cuando tenga de 1 a 2 semanas de edad. Para mantenerse sano e hidratado, su ternero debe consumir agua regularmente. Para cuando su ternero tenga 6 semanas de edad, debe estar bebiendo 4 litros de agua al día.

Decida si desea destetar total o parcialmente a su ternero. Si usted ha comprado un ternero y no tiene la madre, su única opción es hacer un destete completo. Si la cría nació en su propiedad y la madre está cerca, también puede considerar hacer un destete parcial.

Comprender los pros y contras del destete completo. El destete completo significa que el ternero y la vaca están separados y no se vuelven a poner en el mismo lugar. Si usted ha comprado un ternero sin su madre, esta es su única opción. Sin embargo, si usted tiene la capacidad de elegir entre el destete completo y parcial, aquí! hay algunas ventajas que puede tener en cuenta con respecto al destete! completo:

Ayude al becerro a alimentarse, si es necesario. Es esencial que un ternero consuma calostro dentro de las primeras cinco horas de vida. Si su ternero tiene problemas para alimentarse de su madre, es posible que usted tenga que ayudarla físicamente sosteniéndola y mostrándole la tetina.

Traslade a su ternero a su propio cobertizo. Desafortunadamente, los terneros pueden desarrollar fácilmente un número de diferentes infecciones y enfermedades que pueden ser fatales. Para ayudar a prevenir estas infecciones y enfermedades, es mejor mantener al ternero en un cobertizo o corral propio. Esto no sólo le permite monitorear al ternero, sino que también evita que varios terneros (si tiene más de uno) tengan que competir por la comida cuando se alimentan.

Cuide el ombligo de su ternera. El ombligo de su ternera puede permitir que las bacterias entren en su torrente sanguíneo, donde la infección puede llegar hasta el hígado. El ombligo de la pa! ntorrilla debe estar seco, delgado y no hinchado. Si el ombligo de su ternero no cumple con estos criterios, debe pedirle a su veterinario que venga a ver a su ternero.

Permita que su ternero mordisquee o pacte el césped que desee. Para que una vaca adulta pueda consumir hierba, necesita su estómago para poder digerirla. Para asegurar que un ternero crezca y pueda digerir la hierba, se le debe permitir comer toda la hierba que desee desde el día en que nace.

Comience a alimentar a su ternera con concentrado. El concentrado es esencialmente alimento seco para vacas. El concentrado debe estar disponible para la ternera desde el principio, pero es posible que no note que se lo está comiendo de inmediato. Sin embargo, una ternera debe estar comiendo un poco de concentrado regularmente para cuando cumpla un mes de edad.

Deje de alimentar a sus terneros con leche o sustitutos de leche. Para cuando su ternero tenga dos semanas de edad, debería estar comiendo! hierba y concentrarse por su cuenta. Sin embargo, la leche o el sustit! uto de leche no se le puede quitar hasta que usted esté seguro de que está recibiendo suficiente comida por otros medios. Al igual que usted introdujo lentamente más concentrado en la dieta de su ternera, elimine lentamente la leche de su dieta.

Retire la placenta del corral de maternidad. Después de que el ternero nace, la placenta será expulsada del cuerpo de la vaca. Cuando lo veas salir, quítalo y deshazte de él. No es necesario que la vaca coma la placenta con fines nutricionales. Por lo general, mientras todo esto está sucediendo, la vaca estará limpiando a fondo a su ternero, lo cual usted debe permitirle hacer.

Separe la vaca y el ternero sólo por la noche. Durante el día, la vaca y el ternero pueden estar juntos en un pasto o en un corral. Mientras están juntos, el ternero puede alimentarse de la vaca cuando quiera. Por la noche, tanto la vaca como el ternero son llevados al establo y puestos en corrales separados. Los corrales deben estar u! no al lado del otro, pero el ternero no debe ser capaz de llegar a través del corral para alimentarse de la vaca.

Compre calostro embotellado en una granja lechera. El calostro puede ser recolectado de una vaca que acaba de dar a luz y almacenado en el congelador. Para los terneros que no tienen acceso a su madre, este calostro puede ser alimentado con biberón y puede ayudarlos a mantenerse sanos.

Esté preparado si la vaca tiene problemas para parir. Algunas vacas tienen problemas para parir y necesitan su ayuda. Si necesita ayudar a su vaca, debe asegurarse de que el corral de maternidad incluya un poste que pueda asegurar a su vaca. Lo mejor es que el puntal se pueda cerrar con llave y esté cerca del suelo para evitar lesiones a la vaca (por ejemplo, estrangulamiento).

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

XM Satellite radio activation for 2005 Yukon Denali?

Kellie Waycott: When turn a XM radio on, cycle through the channel settings and after the samples a radio id # will appear on the face.

Comment afficher du texte à l’écran en C

Comment afficher du texte à l’écran en C

Ouvrez ou créez un fichier C . N’hésitez pas à lui donner le nom que vous voulez. Gardez-le dans un endroit dont vous vous souviendrez.

Sur la ligne suivante, tapez cout

is family feud really conducting surveys?

Joey Mekeel: The survey questions are asked to the audience

Tuesday, 16 June 2020


Faustino Mellerson: Fill Surveys Get Money - http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?pZGd

Lourie Mcroberts: Yes i tried once. Its real, but it sucks because they say they will start paying you when your wages hit a certiain amount. the one I signed up for said they will cut a check when the amount of surveys I did added up to $5. I thought, 'Great! this is easy". I was wrong. the way they get you is they say every survey pays anywhere from .01-1.00. Every single survey I did was only worth a penny so before I could get paid I had to do 500 surveys. It was a bust. So it sounds great, but you wont ever see any money....Show more

Catheryn Small: 2

Karie Mavle: I was doing hard work of finding home based jobs. Luckily I found this website: http://www.wah-jobs.biz. As I subscribe for legitimate work at home jobs, they gave me list of top companies. I did some jobs and received my first pay yesterday. Best place for home based jobs.

Monday, 15 June 2020

AP Poll questions, need help?

Miguel Koczela: It's not a random poll of sports fans. The AP poll is 72 sportswriters/broadcasters selected by the Associated Press. I don't really know how they select who votes, but I imagine they choose a sample that represents all of the different areas/cities of the US.

Tricia Dossous: i don't know, sorry

Sheree Hipwell: and how do they select who votes

Cómo ser un padre eficaz para una adolescente

Cómo ser un padre eficaz para una adolescente

Recuerde que aunque su hija puede ser tan alta o más alta que usted, y parece una mujer, su cerebro no está completamente desarrollado. Ella no piensa como una adulta. Ella puede tomar algunas decisiones no muy bien pensadas, puede ser impulsiva, puede hacer cosas extrañas a veces. La razón es que aún no ha usado todo su cerebro. Así que ten paciencia, ya llegará.

Llame a un mentor si es necesario. A veces, mamá o papá no pueden o no son la persona ideal para que tu hija te pida consejo. Eso no significa que ella te falte el respeto o piense que no sabes nada. Respete la elección de su hija de un consejero (siempre y cuando esa persona sea capaz, segura y razonable).

Déle a su hija opciones siempre que sea posible. Ser adolescente es difícil, ya que estás a merced de los adultos. Tener algo de poder para elegir casi s! iempre ayuda.

Aunque le dé su espacio, todavía necesita su guía y atención. Los adolescentes necesitan conocer sus límites, el bien y el mal, y la disciplina. Ella actuará y dirá que no quieren su atención, pero en realidad, es su participación lo que la ayuda a guiarla a ser una gran mujer.

Sea un modelo a seguir. Sea una persona decente que siempre está ahí para su hija, lista para escuchar y aconsejar cuando sea necesario. Si tu intención es tratar a los demás con respeto y dignidad, ella lo recogerá y lo emulará.

Anime la vida social de su hija de una manera positiva. Ella verá cada vez más a sus amigos como figuras importantes en su vida. Esto no significa que no seas importante. Significa que está desarrollando una vida social adulta.

Haga que sea más fácil para su hija escuchar:

Escucha a tu hija. Aunque es natural querer constantemente dar consejos, animarla, comentarla e interrogarla, es más probable que usted obte! nga información sobre ella prestando atención a lo que dice ! (o no dice) y a cómo lo dice. También es más probable que te escuche a ti si siente que la están escuchando. Si ella no está lista para escuchar consejos y sólo quiere que usted esté ahí para ella, no diga nada. Con el tiempo estará lista para escucharte, y ese es el momento adecuado para hablar con ella.

Interactuar con sensibilidad. Le guste o no, los adolescentes tienen dificultades para interactuar con los padres a veces. A veces quieren fingir que no tienen padres. Pero aún puedes mostrar tu amor. Utilice el poder de una simple mirada afectuosa, una pequeña sonrisa corta. Puede romper las dificultades entre ustedes y hacerle saber que son receptivos a una discusión, o simplemente están ahí para un abrazo de oso si lo necesita.

Si necesitas demostrar simpatía por ella, sé sincero. Sus sentimientos son tan reales como los tuyos. No menosprecie sus sentimientos si parece que siente algo profundamente, como una ruptura, una decepción en la escu! ela u otros eventos en su vida. Déle ejemplos de por lo que usted pasó cuando era adolescente y cómo los logró para ayudarla a darse cuenta de que hay luz al final del túnel y que ella puede seguir adelante. (¡Aunque ella puede actuar como si no pudiera creer que alguna vez tuviste su edad!)

Ama a tu hija. Aunque naturalmente amas a tu hija, es posible que ella no siempre lo sepa. No sólo a veces se siente insegura, sino que necesita saber que usted la ama por lo que es. Recuerde seguir diciéndole y mostrándole que es amada. Es sorprendentemente fácil de pasar por alto, y puede cambiar la perspectiva de su hija.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Music (8) ?????????????

Dorinda Metzer: I use a youtube converter.

Jeff Frizzell: Limewire and iTunes, but I haven't used Limewire in forever, because it gave my computer a virus. -_-

Marquetta Gimm: I don't download music free any more I just buy CD's instead but when I was broke I used to do this:http://www.downloads.nl/local/en/mp3.htmlhttp://search.4shared.com/q/BAQD/1/musichttp://mediaconverter.org/...Show more

Helen Zafar: AresLimewireFrostwireiTunesYouTube

Kimberlee Bowdish: A majority of the time I use Limewire. Free music ftw.

Rubye Bonnin: I use limewire to illegally download music.It's brilliant if you know how to use it.

Foster Padgette: limeiwre or frostwire

Comment choisir les poissons pour un aquarium d’eau douce

Comment choisir les poissons pour un aquarium d’eau douce

Comment choisir les poissons pour un aquarium d’eau douce

Choisissez des poissons qui s’adapteront à votre aquarium. Si vous avez déjà un aquarium, vous pouvez utiliser sa taille pour vous aider à prendre une décision éclairée quant aux poissons à acheter. Faites une petite recherche en ligne â€" ou discutez avec le personnel de vente bien informé d’une animalerie â€" pour voir quelle sera la taille des espèces spécifiques de poissons qui se développeront.

Commencez par des poissons faciles à entretenir. Si vous êtes un propriétaire débutant, assurez-vous d’éviter les espèces qui sont notoirement difficiles d’entretien. Bien que le poisson soit un animal de compagnie qui nécessite relativement peu d’entretien, certaines espèces sont difficiles à garder en vie et exigent plus! de temps et d’énergie que d’autres espèces.

N’achetez que des poissons sains. N’achetez jamais de poisson malade, car il est probable qu’il meure peu de temps après que vous l’ayez acheté. Les poissons en bonne santé afficheront un comportement normal et des couleurs vives typiques de leur espèce. Si vous remarquez un poisson avec des ulcères ou des furoncles, des yeux globuleux ou des écailles décolorées, c’est probablement en mauvais état de santé.

Visitez une animalerie locale. De nombreuses espèces de poissons d’eau douce sont vendues dans les animaleries. Si vous pouvez trouver une animalerie qui se spécialise dans le poisson (p. ex., pas seulement votre WalMart local), vous pourrez parler avec le personnel de vente compétent. Demandez leur recommandation si vous avez encore des questions sur les poissons à utiliser pour remplir votre aquarium.

Inclure les poissons ayant des besoins alimentaires similaires. Si vous prÃ! ©voyez avoir plusieurs espèces de poissons vivant dans le mê! me aquarium, elles devraient toutes pouvoir manger le même type de nourriture. La plupart des races de poissons d’eau douce de niveau « débutant » peuvent être nourries avec un pot de flocons de nourriture pour poissons.

Inclure les poissons ayant des exigences similaires en matière de température de l’eau. Les viviers d’eau douce sont soit d’eau froide, soit d’eau chaude. Si vous prévoyez construire un réservoir communautaire, assurez-vous que les espèces que vous prévoyez assembler ont des exigences de température similaires. Par exemple, ne mettez pas de poissons rouges, qui sont des poissons d’eau froide, dans un réservoir avec des poissons tropicaux comme les bettas (qui nécessitent de l’eau chaude).

Ne mettez pas de poissons territoriaux dans un aquarium plein. Les poissons territoriaux ont tendance à s’approprier une partie de l’aquarium (ou un élément de décoration spécifique à l’intérieur du bassin) et s’en p! rennent à d’autres poissons qui s’approchent par inadvertance. Si vous prévoyez acheter un ou plusieurs poissons d’une race territoriale, ils auront besoin d’espace supplémentaire dans l’aquarium.

Remplissez votre aquarium avec du poisson comportementalement compatible. Ce ne sont pas toutes les races de poissons qui se portent bien ensemble dans le même vivier. Afin de créer un environnement sain dans votre bassin, choisissez des races qui s’entendront bien ensemble. Si vous prévoyez avoir un aquarium communautaire avec de nombreuses races de poissons, les poissons agressifs (comme le betta) ne sont pas une bonne option.

Évitez d’acheter un mâle et une femelle de la même espèce. Si vous vous retrouvez avec un mâle et une femelle sexuellement compatibles dans le même réservoir, ils sont susceptibles de se reproduire l’un avec l’autre. Par exemple, les guppies se reproduisent souvent et produisent un grand nombre de petits. Garder l! es guppies mâles et femelles séparées peut résoudre ce problème po! tentiel.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

What did you think of the movie Sweeney Todd?

Derick Kinnard: You can view the idea for free utilizing: http://is.gd/movienet

Irvin Guiles: I love it, and I love Tim Burton. I only wish they would have found a way to keep the chorus in it, the original production has one.

Douglass Sarley: I liked it but is not a big deal.

Idell Dufort: i hate how it looks so i never watched it

Kaley Lappas: It was an amazing movie, i personally enjoyed the singing of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. I also think if done right it would make a great and disturbing school play. Then again i had similar thoughts when it came to Nightmare before Christmas.

Sharron Salin: sweeny todd was a good movie but i can't say it's my favourite. the whole setting of the movie was kind of eerie and it frightened me most of the time but i uess you like movies like that.

Jestine Osumi: loved it!depp + burton = movie magic!

Lawana Neemann: I was very pleasantly surprised... I'm a great fan of both Johnny ! Depp and Tim Burton - and thought they both did a fantastic piece of work. Normally I'm not that much into musicals (ok - Rocky Horror Picture Show and Grease are in my movie collection), but I really found that the singing fitted perfectly in Sweeney - and all of the (singing) actors did a good job.So all in all - I'd give it 8/10 :-)

Comment faire un court métrage documentaire

Comment faire un court métrage documentaire

p>Un court documentaire est une lentille sur un monde autonome. Que votre sujet soit le printemps arabe, le bonheur humain ou les cimetières d’animaux de compagnie, il doit être engageant et i>dire quelque chose /i> sur le monde. Contrairement à ce que vous pourriez penser, un court doc prend autant de temps qu’un long métrage, mais c’est tout aussi amusant à réaliser. Si vous voulez commencer à faire de votre vision une réalité, il n’y a pas de meilleur moment que maintenant pour faire un court documentaire.

Regardez des documentaires. Une fois que vous aurez déterminé le style de documentaire que vous allez réaliser, analysez des documentaires similaires pour identifier les conventions. Faites attention à la structure narrative des documentaires, car c’est là que la plupart des documentaristes a! mateurs se trompent.

Préparez-vous à tirer. Choisissez l’équipement, quelque chose qui peut enregistrer la vidéo. Il y a beaucoup de choix. Ce processus peut prendre des mois, voire des années, mais il faut continuer à chercher. Assurez-vous que votre magnétoscope fonctionne avec votre magnétoscope ou votre équipement de montage.

Soyez prêt. Faites un remue-méninges sur les pires choses qui pourraient arriver pendant la réalisation de votre documentaire et sur la façon dont vous allez vous y prendre. N’oubliez pas d’examiner à la fois les problèmes techniques et les problèmes liés à l’histoire.

Dessinez un scénarimage illustrant les plans que vous comptez utiliser. Ne vous inquiétez pas de suivre parfaitement le storyboard. C’est juste une bonne idée de mettre vos idées sur papier et une excellente façon de voir si vous pouvez communiquer une idée « visuellement » plutôt que d’avoir besoin des acteurs pour communiqu! er verbalement le concept. Le téléspectateur regarde en prem! ier et écoute en second.

Choisissez un sujet â€" ce sur quoi vous voulez faire un film. N’oubliez pas que vous devrez terminer le projet. Pensez à qui, quoi et où vous allez tirer. Formez une idée de base pour une histoire et si vous avez des difficultés, lisez des histoires courtes pour vous inspirer.

Apprenez quelques fonctionnalités et découvrez le fonctionnement de votre appareil d’enregistrement. Apprenez comment démarrer et arrêter l’enregistrement, l’avance rapide, le rembobinage, la lecture et tout ce dont vous pourriez avoir besoin. Enregistrez les effets spéciaux pour votre deuxième ou troisième projet.

Trouvez des gens qui ne sont pas occupés et qui sont prêts à travailler dur sur votre film. Fournissez de la nourriture à votre équipage. Ils l’apprécieront et pourront rester plus longtemps.

Tenez un journal intime. Tenez un journal dans lequel vous écrivez comment le tournage s’est déroulé, quelles erreurs ! vous avez commises et comment vous pourriez les éviter la prochaine fois, ainsi que des idées sur ce que vous pourriez filmer sur d’autres tournages.

Donner la priorité aux scènes. À partir de votre schéma, identifiez les scènes prioritaires.

Scénarisez votre idée d’histoire. Vous aurez besoin d’un scénario, ou vous ne pouvez pas avoir de film. Tout en pensant à une idée, assurez-vous d’écrire quelque chose d’attrayant pour vos téléspectateurs. Par exemple, si vous donnez le scénario à quelqu’un qui aime le théâtre, ajoutez beaucoup de théâtre. Comédie, ajouter une comédie, etc.

Filmez vos images. Si vous voulez mettre votre animal en valeur, vous pouvez filmer des vidéos de votre animal en train de manger, de dormir et de jouer et peut-être le mettre en musique. Si vous êtes pressé par le temps, envisagez d’utiliser une deuxième caméra car cela vous permettra d’être deux fois plus efficace.

Journal de bo! rd. Avant de procéder au montage de votre film, regardez toutes vos sÃ! ©quences, en écrivant des notes sur chaque prise de vue indiquant si cela fonctionne, s’il y a des problèmes techniques. Cela vous fera gagner beaucoup de temps lors de l’édition.

Créez un calendrier. Cela vous permettra de vous concentrer sur votre projet.

Obtenez de la rétroaction. Montrez ce que vous avez jusqu’à présent à vos amis, votre famille, vos professeurs, etc. Polissez votre travail jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à filmer.

Interviewez les sujets.

Ecrire un traitement. Ce document initial devrait comprendre un résumé du documentaire, ainsi que le but ou le but du film. Énoncez votre texte, en couvrant chaque section principale, mais en ne dépassant pas 300 mots.

Montez votre film. De nombreuses caméras montent de façon limitée et certaines ont des effets spéciaux. Apprenez à « couper » des morceaux de vos séquences et à mettre de la musique ou de la parole sur votre vidéo. Consultez le manuel de vot! re appareil photo ou utilisez un logiciel comme iMovie pour effectuer vos dernières coupes. Une façon est d’utiliser votre magnétoscope ou votre graveur de DVD pour faire des copies pour les amis et les auditions. Si votre film est numérique, vous pouvez également sortir votre montage final dans un format lisible pour l’envoyer par e-mail. De plus, si votre film est au format numérique, vous pouvez le télécharger sur YouTube ou sur un autre site de partage de vidéos. Vérifiez avec les formats vidéo du site Web pour voir si vous pouvez télécharger votre film.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Malebille Movie Review ?

Maynard Phoubandith: chk out http://www.kannadafms.com/2009/12/malebille-movie-...Malebille kannada Movie, Malebille kannada Movie review, Malebille kannada Movie stills, Malebille kannada video songs, Malebille kannada Movie mp3 songs, Malebille kannada Movie songs, Malebille kannada watch online, Malebille kannada download online, Malebille kannada wallpapers online...Show more

Marylee Lucks: You can view it for free utilizing: http://is.gd/movienet

Comment créer une boîte de riz pour les tout-petits

Comment créer une boîte de riz pour les tout-petits

Ajoutez des jouets à la poubelle. Pensez à des choses avec lesquelles un tout-petit pourrait jouer dans un bac à sable ordinaire, comme des seaux et des pelles en plastique. Vous pouvez également fournir des ustensiles de cuisine sécuritaires comme des cuillères, des tasses, des tamis ou des passoires en plastique.

Remplir le bac de riz cru. La façon la moins chère d’acheter une quantité en vrac est d’aller à un entrepôt de gros, tel que Costco.

Regardez comment réagit le tout-petit. Le riz non cuit a une texture différente de celle du sable. Laissez-les jouer avec le riz en faisant le plein.

Utilisez différents jouets de Noël dans la boîte de riz. Par exemple, utilisez de vieux Å"ufs de Pâques en plastique et des carottes en plastique pour les remplir. Remplissez-les à moitié, fermez les ! Å"ufs et utilisez-les comme shakers.

Trouvez une boîte de bonne taille. Il peut s’agir d’un petit bac ou d’un bac portatif de taille moyenne. C’est à vous de décider si vous voulez que le tout-petit se lève pendant qu’il joue ou s’il veut qu’il s’y assoie (comme dans une piscine).

Thursday, 11 June 2020

I need a good magazine?

Madge Voice: I get W magazine (for the pictures), Allure magazine, Justine, Vogue, CosmoGirl. I recommend going to a store to preview them.

Stanton Degregorio: Teen People has fair content and more entertainment stuff than most. It won't give you the advise of YM or or Seventeen, but it is decent. Also you can get it pretty cheap. I would advise going to the store, (Wal-Mart has an awesome selection) and pre-view several. Take home three you like and then subscribe to the best one (or tell Grandma that it is what you want for your birthday, give her the card filled out with your info. It sure beats a wool sweater!)Good Luck!...Show more

Cómo construir una motocicleta de helicóptero

Cómo construir una motocicleta de helicóptero

La mayoría de los entusiastas de las motocicletas rastrean a los veteranos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que regresan a sus hogares después de su turno de servicio, especialmente en Europa, y que querían reavivar algunas de las emociones de las dos ruedas que se experimentan en el extranjero. Sin embargo, los fabricantes estadounidenses fabricaban bicicletas más voluminosas con carrocería, especialmente defensas y parachoques, que se parecían más a los automóviles que a las bicicletas más ligeras de Europa. Así que los pilotos empezaron a cortar piezas para perder peso y ganar velocidad. Los helicópteros nacieron. Usted mismo puede liberar al artista interior, siguiendo cualquiera de las cuatro avenidas principales para construir una motocicleta de helicóptero.

Aproveche una motocicleta ya en funcionamiento y córtela al gus! to.

Desarrolle una relación sólida con una tienda de velocidad.

Instale la transmisión de su elección.

Combine el desafío de construir un nuevo helicóptero desde cero con la conveniencia de obtener todos los componentes principales de un solo fabricante.

Comience con un objeto, como un tanque de gasolina, un carburador o un juego de ruedas, y construya un helicóptero personalizado en torno al tema imaginado desde esa parte.

Compra y personaliza el chasis rodante. Un chasis rodante incluye el bastidor, las dos ruedas, las horquillas delanteras, el manillar y las abrazaderas que sujetan las barras a las horquillas, y que se pueden personalizar con carrocería y transmisión.

Prepárese para tiempo, esfuerzo y espacio adicionales.

Trabaje con una fuente confiable de piezas.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

what are some good riddles?

Ismael Sixon: What is alive with out ever taking a breath? Alive, but feels as cold as death? It's never thirsty but always drinking. It's dressed all in mail, yet never clinks. What is it?It's a fish. I took the riddle from The Hobbit. Hope you like it!

Barrett Alosa: What is greater then God, more evil then the devil, the poor have it the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die?answer: Nothing(nothing is greater then God, nothing is more evil then the devil, the poor have nothing, the rich need nothing and if you eat nothing you'll die.)...Show more

Comment dire le sexe de la pintade

Comment dire le sexe de la pintade

Regarde la taille du casque. Le casque d’une pintade, également appelé casque, est une structure proéminente en forme de corne sur le dessus de la tête. Le casque est plus grand chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Le casque des pintades femelles a tendance à être court et étroit.

Attendez que les pintades soient plus âgées. Le sexe d’une pintade peut être déterminé de la manière la plus fiable par ses vocalisations. Les pintades ne commencent à vocaliser qu’à partir de l’âge de 8 semaines environ. Si vous avez de jeunes pintades, appelées keets, attendez qu’elles aient environ 2 mois avant d’écouter leurs vocalises.

Écoutez l’appel d’un pintade mâle. Les pintades mâles font un appel d’une syllabe qui sonne comme « chek ». La vocalisation du mâle sera soit un gazouillis, soit un jappement répété à des intervalles variables. ! La vocalisation a également été comparée au son d’une mitrailleuse.

Exposez le cloaque. Le cloaque est l’ouverture circulaire où les fluides reproducteurs, urinaires et digestifs sortent du corps de l’oiseau. De l’autre main (ou de la main de votre ami), placez un index et un pouce de chaque côté de l’évent. Séparez doucement ces doigts pour étirer et repousser le cloaque. Utilisez une pression douce mais ferme pour exposer le cloaque.

Observez les caroncules. Les fanons sont des lambeaux de peau qui pendent de la tête ou du cou d’un oiseau. Bien que les pintades mâles et femelles se ressemblent beaucoup, il est possible de distinguer le sexe en regardant les caroncules. Chez les pintades mâles adultes, la caroncule est généralement grande, allongée et se plie vers le haut en direction de la mâchoire supérieure. La caroncule d’une pintade femelle aura l’air assez plate.

Retourner la pintade. Une autre façon de déterminer! le sexe d’une pintade est d’examiner l’évent, qui est ! la zone génitale d’un oiseau qui contrôle l’élimination des fluides corporels. Pour faire l’aération sexuelle, utilisez une de vos mains pour tourner la pintade à l’envers et poussez sa queue vers sa tête. Envisagez de demander à un ami de vous aider avec l’intervention.

Écoutez l’appel pour une pintade femelle. C’est là que les choses peuvent devenir un peu délicates, puisque les pintades femelles font aussi le son’chek’ de 1 syllabe. Cependant, les femelles font aussi un appel de 2 syllabes qui peut ressembler à une variété de mots, comme  » sarrasin « ,  » put-rock  » ou  » qua-track « . Typiquement, la première syllabe sera courte et la deuxième syllabe sera plus longue et de ton ascendant.

Examinez le phallus. En général, il est très difficile de faire la différence entre les organes sexuels des oiseaux mâles et femelles. Le phallus d’une pintade mâle est plus long et plus épais que celui d’une pintade! femelle. Le phallus se distingue davantage entre les sexes vers l’âge de 8 semaines.

Ne vous fiez pas aux différences visuelles. Comme les pintades mâles et femelles se ressemblent, il ne faut pas utiliser uniquement les caractéristiques physiques pour différencier les sexes. En fait, les keets semblent presque identiques, ce qui rend d’autant plus difficile de connaître la différence entre les hommes et les femmes.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Anyone know of any good joke websites?

Arden Strachn: http://www.rd.com/Click on Jokes Button to top left.They are clean and quite humorous.

Jesse Pirieda: something to make u laugh cud be like youtube and type in nigahiga and look through his videos like how to be emo,nerb,gangster and funny videos or SMOSH.com funny retarded guys

Ha Wolski: I want some short dirty jokes that I can send through text messages.

Has anyone tried the dental assisting institute in Pinellas County Florida?  

Has anyone tried the dental assisting institute in Pinellas County Florida?  

answers 0:It's called Dental Assisting Institute, Inc, and is located in Pinellas County Florida. I need to know if it was worth the money, and if it helped at all with getting your dental assisting certificate. I want to go there but have to make sure it's worth it. I know that they are accredited somewhat, or accepted really. Please let me know if you know anything about this institute.answers 1:I'll bet the local vo-tech school [operated by the public school district] offers dental assisting class.and the vo-tech might be a fair bit cheaper.***as to quality ... have you asked your dentist?...answers 2:because is summer time i could verify into the summer time camps. i comprehend that the YMCAs have them and additionally various the rec centers do. I worked at Seminole Rec middle! for 2 or 3 summers as a youngster chief and that they do container journeys and stuff each week. That way onstead o in basic terms an afternoon care your little ones are having relaxing. stable success! Small worldwide huh... I even have lived in pinellas my entire existence...

Monday, 8 June 2020

Are there any horoscope websites out there that suggest best colors to wear?

Wilmer Skidmore: I use www.horoscope.com it has everything on it, astrological profiles with luckiest colors, horoscopes, and numerology. good luck!

Deangelo Marchak: Have you checked out Segmation? I like it as it allows you to paint online with your mouse and using different colors. It also has several Zodiacs with many differerent colors. Just check it out and I think you will have fun with your painting as well as what colors to wear!Thanks!

Comment créer une équipe équilibrée de Pokémon

Comment créer une équipe équilibrée de Pokémon

p>Préparer un link party ? Finissez le jeu et vous avez besoin de quelque chose à faire ? Votre ami a-t-il une équipe imbattable ? Si vous avez une équipe Pokémon équilibrée, vous serez prêt à tout affronter. Poursuivez votre lecture pour apprendre à être le meilleur !

Sunday, 7 June 2020

How much do you believe in horoscope?

Davina David: i never believed in horosope....i just enjoyed reading it....it's fun really...astrology is correct and true but horoscope is not.it's something that is made by human.we just have to live ur life....

Reginald Maxi: pluto

Emile Midgley: I don't really beleive in horoscope, but I still look at mine because it's just kind of fun to see if your horoscope is exactly how you feel. Most of the time mine is wrong, but sometimes it's not.

Riley Migl: About one tenth of a percent and here is why... as it was explained to me... When you are born there are certain gravitational forces etc that change with the season, so in theory some conditions may have similarities as to a June baby as to a December baby. However I am sure there are huge variances within this theory making this a complete pseudo science but, playing the devils advocate they say a full moon affects some peoples personalities and does affect tidal systems and humans are 90% plus water ! so there you go... it just fun sometimes to think someone else has the answer to your life's questions, but not very realistic....Show more

Clinton Quant: Sometimes I do, Sometimes I don't because it doesn't fit what I did all day.

Todd Stogner: I believe it a little bit. the general personality traits taht I believe.

Idell Mulliniks: Yep. I'm a pisces guy and one of the best girls I've ever dated was a scorpio. I say go for it bro!

Adam Momaya: I don't really believe in the forcasting of your future with your horoscope. The horoscope in the newspaper, and back of magazine is just too general. Anybody with a real interest in astrology will find out that those are just the sun sign, and there are other signs that influence your personality. So for instance, your sun sign might be an Aries and Arieans are supposed to be really outgoing and athletic, etc. But maybe you identify with some traits of an Aries but are not outgoing, etc. Maybe because your M! ercury (planet that represents communication) is in Capricorn,! which is going to make you more introverted. Some people don't believe in astrology and think its a bunch of crap, but they may have never had their entire birth chart drawn up, so they have no idea whether or not astrology/birth sign stuff is legitimate or not. Remeber, your birth chart is affected by the time and place you were born and involves other 'planets' and aspects. If you're truely interested in astrology, I suggest a book called "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" and covers just about everything, and you can make your own chart. I know Barnes & Noble has this book....Show more

Raven Purl: I don't I think its stupid only god knows what will happens to you :)

Arlen Lopiccalo: Horoscopes are nice and all but you can't base every life decision off of what they say. If you both like each other it can work, whether you're horoscope says it can or not. Maybe try some traditional methods, like asking him to go get coffee or a bite to eat after wor! k one day?

Oscar Wieland: -When I look at him he was already staring at me and he looks away quickly.- Whenever I'm around he makes a conversation with me- He isn't a 'flirty' type but he likes to make a simple conversation with me.- Whenever I need help with school work, he stops whatever he was doing just to help me- He would always listen to me no matter what he was doing- He always seems chill and relaxed but I know he can be an overachiever and extremely competitive.- He tries to make me laugh and I can tell he likes to express his happy side around meHis Chart:Capricorn SunAquarius MoonLeo RisingSagittarius MercuryAquarius VenusAquarius MarsMine:Aquarius SunScorpio MoonLeo RisingAquarius MercuryCapricorn VenusPisces Mars...Show more

Barrett Alosa: His first contact with a woman has to be made through the mind. Before he can become physically stimulated, he must be intellectually stimulated. For Aquarius the meeting of minds always precedes the meeting of b! odies. He wants to make love to somebody, not just any body. Give him ! half a chance and he'll fall in love. He thinks that that is a naturalâ€"and delightfulâ€"condition. But falling in love and loving mean two different things to this man, and the latter is likely to bring out his inner conflicts. One reason is that Aquarius tends to repress emotion. He is a cerebral sign, and he's somewhat unnerved and embarrassed by emotion. Also, love represents a demand on him and he has a fierce need for independence. In addition, loving means making room for another person, and in common with the other fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio). Aquarius does not adapt easily to others. Others have to adapt to him.He is very attractive to women, but he may not linger long in a liaison. To him, love passes like a train in the night and there is always another train coming along the track. Yet Aquarius isn't a Don Juan. He is remarkably true to this womenâ€"in his fashion. He doesn't try to keep many women on his string at one time. Rather he believes in con! secutive monogamy. Even if he marries, he doesn't consider the bond to be forged in steel. Aquarius men are the most often married in the zodiac. The Aquarius man does not expect any woman to be easily won. His patience is proverbial and a woman may finally make the proposition herself. Then, surprisingly, she'll discover how intensely and passionately her Aquarius lover has wanted her. When a love affair is underway he makes up for lost time. A woman will find that making love with him is like living in the midst of a carnivalâ€"there's always a new and exciting ride.Aquarius is the sign of truth, and this man doesn't lie or misrepresent himself. This is, of course, a winning qualityâ€"though in Aquarius's case it sometimes has unexpected consequences. One young woman I know spotted this quality in her Aquarius lover. She compelled him at various times throughout the day to tell her how he felt about her at that exact moment: "To tell you the truth, right now I'm not as m! uch in love with you as I was this morning." In a love affair Aquarius! is generous and tolerant, the kind who tries never to encroach on your rights or to give orders. A love relationship with him has many of the elements of friendshipâ€"intellectual interests, social compatibility. He won't be selfish or domineering either. He may be less than fiery, but he is a surprising, stimulating, broadminded, and inventive lover. Don't fence him in. Once this man is in love with you he will stay pretty much in his pasture. But he must feel the escape routes are open. HOW TO ATTRACT AQUARIUSThese highly social creatures make friends easily. They are amusing, interesting conversationalists who nonetheless prefer to discuss what is significant or important. Don't be surprised if they don't reach any conclusions, though. When you're dealing with eternal verities, it's hard to come to the point. Aquarians are usually courteous but elusive. There is no way to breach this demeanorâ€"especially not with a direct attack. When faced with a head-on approach, A! quarians tend to retreat.It is easy to draw out their compassionate qualities. They are humanitarians whose interests stretch far beyond the horizon. They see the big picture, not its little flaws. They are interested in books, art, or scientific matters. Most Aquarians have an interest in science. They are also fascinated by hobbies and gadgets. If you can't share all their interests, at least try not to be jealous of the fact that Aquarians have so many. They can't help it; it's in their stars.Aquarians are not steak-and-potatoes people;they prefer to try the little place that features a quiet existence with a few close friends. Chinois cuisineâ€"a combination of Chinese and continental cooking. Aquarians are always delighted with the different. Give them time to know you, trust you, depend on you. Aquarians may take advice but are too smart to be fooled. They won't keep taking bad advice; they'll just avoid the adviser.Important: Never nag Aquarians about a mistake. Th! ey will acknowledge one readily enough, but then forget it. A mistake s! eems genuinely unimportant to them, and if you keep harping on it they'll just think you are strange.Leo is delighted by Aquarius's sexual inventiveness, and Aquarius is drawn to Leo's fire and robust zest for living. These two opposites in the zodiac start off on a high note, but then the notes go sour. Basically, Leo is physical and Aquarius is mental. Leo can't get the cooperation or the admiration it requires, and Aquarius resents Leo's attempt to rule. They have different views of independence: to Aquarius it means freedom to explore new horizons; to Leo it means pursuing a glamorous, extravagant lifestyle. Aquarius is interested in the world; Leo is strictly interested in Leo....Show more

Corrina Faro: Not much. In fact I was warned against it. Some people follow it like its for real. Makes someone money.

Ulysses Failey: i believe 6.5

Peggy Sandefer: Yeah you guys look cute

Providencia Serpe: Leo + Aquarius Fire + Air = Hot Air They say that op! posites attract. In astrology, when a star sign is the seventh or opposite sign of another (and Aquarius is your seventh sign), it’s a good omen for an enduring partnership â€" but only under certain conditions. A match between Leo and Aquarius could work well, or crash and burn; Aquarius’s quiet intellectual curiosity could work with or against your attention-seeking style.Being a fire sign, you are spontaneous and emotional, outgoing and bubbly; Aquarians are cool and airy, aloof and detached. Aquarius could find your loudness and your love of the limelight over the top, and you could find Aquarius much too rational and distant. However, the two of you are very similar on at least on one count. You’re both wilful and self-centred. Both of you have very firm views â€" you could fight over social, political and philosophical opinions. Try not to let the airiness of Aquarius ignite your rage.There will have to be some adjusting and compromising on both sides of this co! mbination, or it will just turn into a battlefield.Some Leos are really! conservative, surprisingly. Aquarius is the opposite: very progressive, and without much respect for the conventional approach. Here is another bone of contention. You might start to ask yourself â€" is there any value in this relationship? Yes, there is.For one thing, you could be very attracted to each other. Marriage, or at least a serious relationship heading in that direction, will be a natural next step at some point after you meet.If you are a Leo looking for a long-term friendship with an Aquarian, consider those born between 21 January and 30 January. They are extremely well suited to your temperament, notwithstanding some of the above differences between you. Aquarians born from 31 January to 8 February will make good friends who are happy to share their insights and experiences with you. They are also good lovers, so they could be quite well suited to you as romantic partners. Probably the best Aquarians for you are those born between 9 February and 19 February.! They will be staunchly loyal supporters of anything you set out to do, and will not compete with your powerful ego. This is a very good match as far as Aquarius is concerned, too....Show more

Angel Klym: No - people that base their relationship decisions on Zodiac signs are due to almost certain failure. Horoscopes are a myth. Instead, how about finding someone that you like/love, that you share common interests, that is supportive of you, and that shares a mutual attraction with you. Your odds are better.

Karl Jantzen: You guys look good together. Pisces and Scorpio are a good match. Good luck!

Raymon Fiene: I've worked with this guy for 10+ months, some days he seems very interested, others, not so much. I realize Aqua's do the aloof thing but should I wait for him to make a move or move on?

Arnulfo Seegars: "Foretellers are lying even if they said the truth..."

Jamika Gregorio: if you want to keep an aquar interested you have to be loo! se and able to 'go with the flow' and be assertive or they will quickly! loose interest, try being more spontanious

Tijuana Tatsak: You do know she's really a dude right? Look at that adam's apple. She's a total dude. And not even a very good tranny.

Kalyn Proietto: ok, gd luck with your proposition. I guess you make a good couple if you look happy when you are together and not just separately. Just try and take pictures of her and see if you are both smiling and see the difference in smiles between you "together" and you separately and if you feel they are the same, then you make a good couple.

Marjory Stromme: i dont believe in them at all but i think some ppl are just desperate for answers to life so they dont have to live it for themselves. plus its fun!!!

Johnnie Pummill: Horoscopes are okI prefer Runes and Tarot readings

Giovanna Cramblit: Aquarians aren't really aloof. If he was interested in you he would have asked you out by now. He probably thinks you are a really cool person but you are getting tha! t confused with flirting or sexual attraction.Just keep going on like you are, if by chance he is shy, then he may take a little time asking you out.

Elinore Schlinker: yes

Hilton Paiva: Not to much, I just like to check it out for fun or when I am bored. I get bored a lot.

Luke Gacusan: I'm an aquarian male and we tend to develop an interest in people that intrigue us. we would be more interested in a book that is shut tight rather than an open one for example but for the most part dint base what he or you may feel on a horoscope if you like him go for it and be careful

Jonathan Schlussel: LEO AND AQUARIUSThere is initial physical attraction between these two, but Aquarius's tendency to analyze and criticize will shake Leo's confidence and deflate its ego. Leo views Aquarius's aloof emotions as a personal rejection. Also, Aquarius's unconventional, experimental approach to love may prove upsetting to Leo, who doesn't like to wander too far afield. B! oth like socializing and meeting new people, but Leo always needs to pe! rform on center stage, which makes Aquarius impatient and irritable. Aquarius is too independent to become Leo's devoted subject. And that's where it ends. Love & Blessings Milly...Show more

Mahalia Brindle: U know good and well that's not really you so just stop

Refugio Gastineau: she use to be my crush but now we're good friends. Im thinking of of maybe taking it farther. we're compatible I'm a Pisces and she's a Scorpio. this is me btw http://24.media.tumblr.com/aa5276d2d7243517f175341...

Anton Waln: I don't believe in the "daily" hororscopes, however, I do believe in zodiac signs..If you read about your sign, you'll realize a lot about yourself and others.

Bianca Lannier: Aquarians never follow a predictive behaviour pattern. Just to warn you.