Tuesday, 25 August 2020

what would i get done for?

Todd Stogner: the most thad say is dont do it again... good luck

Irvin Guiles: In NSW it's illegal to use certain vehicles on footpaths (e.g. minibikes) but OK to use others (electric scooters and mobility chairs). So... it might not be illegal. Or it might be. Sorry I can't be specific! But I doubt the boys in blue would arrest a 14y.o. for doing garden maintenance in his neighbourhood. I would just drive on the footpath and crossing, and if the fuzz comes to talk to you then just apologise and ask if you can drive on the road instead.

Orthodontic Assisant VS Dental Assisant?  

Orthodontic Assisant VS Dental Assisant?  

answers 0:What pays more. Being a dental assistant, or being a orthodontic assisant? I'm interested in both, and it's not all about the money. But I do want to make a decent living.answers 1:I'd go with one of those WIN/PAY lawyers. try to get an out of court settlement or go public.answers 2:Orthodontic assistants MAKE more money, BUT since you said it's not all about the money you should also know that (I think) it's more boring. Same thing, patient after patient, braces, braces, braces...A dental assistant on the other hand can see kids, adults, perio cases, root canals, whitening procedures. It's a little more exciting and a lot less boring. Anything in the dental field is a good choice but if you want to make REALLY good money, Dental Hygiene is only 2 years and they're the second highest paid professional in the dental! office. The dentist is the first... but if the manager is the dentist's wife, the hygienist might be bumped to the third highest, but u get the picture ;)...answers 3:Subscribe to one of the following supported specializeddiplomas in dentistry at our company spcDental Implantology diplomaEndodontic DiplomaCosmetic Dentistry diplomaOrthodontics diplomacontact_usContacts: 9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, EgyptTel: ( 202) 24010655Cell phone: ( 2) 01143050023Call phone: ( 2) 01024212175E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] http://www.spc-eg.com/‏...

Monday, 24 August 2020

How to plant a No Maintenance poolside garden?

Marya Fehn: Lots of silk plants and flowers. I had a pool in NJ. My husband refused to have any plants or grass in the pool area because their clippings, petals, leaves got into the pool and cause more clean up and more chemicals. I spent lots of money every year "decorating" the otherwise "moonscape" around the pool.

Comment se maquiller pour les yeux noisette

Comment se maquiller pour les yeux noisette

p>Vous avez les yeux noisette ? Vous avez de la chance. Le noisetier est un beau mélange de vert, de brun et d’or qui a un aspect différent selon la lumière. Le fard à paupières et le crayon que vous choisissez peuvent rendre vos yeux plus verts, plus bruns ou simplement plus lumineux. Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec des couleurs chaudes, aux tons de terre, qui feront ressortir le meilleur de vos yeux noisette.

Tapisser vos yeux d’eye-liner noir. Un crayon marron pourrait entrer en conflit avec votre fard à paupières vert, alors choisissez un noir basique pour aligner vos yeux. Tapissez vos paupières supérieures et inférieures à l’aide d’un crayon eye-liner ou d’un pinceau à eye-liner trempé dans l’ombre.

Appliquer l’ombre à paupières en couches. Si vous utilisez une seule couleur, vous pouvez sauter c! ette étape. Si vous avez une palette d’ombres à paupières avec plusieurs tons, appliquez-la en couches pour rendre vos yeux plus grands et plus frappants. Voici comment procéder :

Appliquer l’eyeliner fumé. Choisissez de l’eye-liner noir avec des nuances rougeâtres pour créer un look fumé saisissant pour vos yeux noisette. Appliquez l’eye-liner en couche épaisse sur vos paupières supérieure et inférieure. Utilisez une brosse de mélange pour estomper la doublure sur les deux couvercles afin d’ajouter à l’aspect fumé.

Utilisez le surligneur. L’utilisation d’un surligneur crémeux pour accentuer le maquillage sur le reste de votre visage attirera davantage l’attention sur vos yeux noisette. Choisissez un surligneur aux tons chauds que vous pouvez utiliser pour créer un effet rosée.

Choisissez un fard à paupières dans une teinte brune ou dorée. L’utilisation d’une couleur terreuse accentuera le brun dans vos yeux, ce q! ui les fera paraître plus profonds et plus foncés. Recherche! z une palette brune avec une gamme de couleurs pour pouvoir expérimenter avec des teintes qui font ressortir le meilleur de la couleur de vos yeux.

Appliquer le mascara noir. Votre maquillage des yeux n’est pas complet sans une application de mascara pour allonger et définir vos cils. Utilisez du mascara noir pour attirer l’attention sur les lumières vertes dans vos yeux. Pour un regard plus frappant, enroulez vos cils avant d’appliquer le mascara ou appliquez de faux cils pour un effet spectaculaire.

Appliquer le mascara couleur chocolat. Votre maquillage des yeux n’est pas complet sans une application de mascara pour allonger et définir vos cils. L’utilisation du mascara brun foncé attirera l’attention sur les lumières brunes de vos yeux et relèvera des nuances d’or. Si vous optez pour un look plus audacieux, utilisez plutôt de l’eyeliner noir.

Appliquer l’ombre à paupières en couches. Si vous utilisez une seule couleur, vous ! pouvez sauter cette étape. Si vous avez une palette d’ombres à paupières avec plusieurs tons, appliquez-la en couches pour rendre vos yeux plus grands et plus frappants. Voici comment procéder :

Accentuez vos yeux de reflets dorés. Pour un regard vraiment unique sur l’Å"il fumé, appliquez une couche légère d’ombre à paupières dorée brillante sur votre couche d’ombre de base. Appliquez également une tache d’or sous vos cils inférieurs.

Choisissez un fard à paupières vert. Les yeux noisette sont magnifiques avec un fard à paupières vert subtil, qui met en valeur le vert de vos yeux. Recherchez une palette de gelée ou de vert forêt avec une gamme de couleurs afin de pouvoir expérimenter avec des teintes qui font ressortir le meilleur de la couleur de vos yeux.

Choisissez un fard à paupières foncé aux tons chauds. Tous les yeux fumés ne sont pas créés de la même façon ; il est important de choisir une ombre à paupières q! ui s’harmonise avec vos yeux noisette au lieu d’en minimiser la cou! leur. La clé est de choisir des couleurs qui sont fumées et chaudes, plutôt que fumées et froides. Évitez les bleus et les gris froids au profit de l’un des éléments suivants :


Utilisez de l’eye-liner brun. L’utilisation d’un eye-liner brun foncé aidera vos yeux à paraître plus foncés et à minimiser l’importance du vert. Tapisser vos paupières supérieures et inférieures de brun pour une définition subtile, à l’aide d’un crayon eye-liner ou d’un pinceau eye-liner trempé dans l’ombre.

Utilisez du bronzant. L’utilisation d’un bronzant pour accentuer le maquillage sur le reste de votre visage terminera votre regard avec une lueur chaude et dorée. Puisque l’or se marie parfaitement avec le noisetier, vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec un look ensoleillé.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Moved From The Nederland, moving back?  

Moved From The Nederland, moving back?  

answers 0:Hi, thank you for taking your time reading this situation I am in that I want to explain, I really appreciate all the advice's I'll get from your valuable time. I'll try to tell you this as short as I can, so I lived in the Nederland with a Dutch passport. 10 years ago, I got forced by my father to move back to Africa, so we did, now he kicked me out of the house, I have no where to go (the situation I am in is very hard). It's hard for me to make money in here, the euro currency is very high, but I worked for years now and was able to save enough to pay for an airplane ticket after the arrival to the Netherlands, I'll have 200 euro left (my calculating's). I wont have enough for an apartment, so I be homeless wandering around the streets. Please I need help, could the government help me get an gov! ernmental apartment and get me on welfare just at the beginning until I find job? That's my purpose going back there. I just need the government helping me just at the beginning until whatever job I could find no matter if I find a job in a greenhouse or any labor jobs. Do I need to have an address to get a job? My second question is which government offices do i have to apply in so they know I am back in the Nederland? I hope this did not got anyone angry toward what I am asking, thanks again and have a wonderful day!Between I am 20 years of age, graduated as a dental assistant....Show moreanswers 1:Do you still have your dutch passport current or expired ? are you a citizen of the Netherlands, seems like you are, if yes, go to the Dutch embassy and try to get help to return to the Netherlands at the embassy, then try and find a job when you return there.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

How to design an Herb Garden?

Jess Grizzel: Plan your garden before planting it. Consider the herbs you want to plant and what you'll use them for. Herbs grow in various ways; some herbs, such as thyme, are low growing and spreading while others, such as parsley, grow in clumps. Mint is a taller, vigorously growing herb which often needs to be contained. Herbs are considered either annuals or perennials and many will bloom just like more traditional flowers.List or draw your garden on paper first. If you know the size of your garden you'll easily be able to choose the appropriate plants. Likewise, if you have certain herbs in mind you'll able to plan the right size garden.Plan Your Herb Garden - http://www.perennial-gardens.com/flower-articles/p...Herbs 101 - http://www.perennial-gardens.com/flower-articles/h......Show more

Wilbur Marksberry: First of decide about the herbs you want to plant and get to know about the season and best time to plant them. Then plant these herbs accordingly. Also he! rb garden are easy to maintain and setup as herbs require less care.

Lavelle Viveiros: For herb garden first you categorize all plants . whatever you want to grow in herb garden .

Joellen Zorrilla: You need to set up good garden atmosphere and you must have the knowledge of herbal plants and their habitats. Mainly you must be alert about the growth of the herbal plants and their good health. You need to plan good place for healthy herbal plants and flowers so that it beautifies your garden. Make your garden look beautiful and attractive through plantation of healthy herbal plants. For more visit the following website.

Corey Rohleder: Start your garden with a raised bed of basil, campanula, catmint, chives, cilantro, dianthus, dill, lavender, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, and thyme. The sage will eventually get too big; transplant it and use the space for more parsley. If the dianthus rebels against your hot summers, experiment with licorice plant. Bui! ld this garden at least knee-high with landscape timbers. If y! ou place a board atop one edge, you can sit and admire your lavender. Located just outside the kitchen door, this garden gives you quick access when tarragon chicken is on the menu.Read more: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/designing-an......Show more

Cómo usar la trigonometría en ángulo recto

Cómo usar la trigonometría en ángulo recto

La trigonometría en ángulo recto es útil cuando se trata de triángulos y es una parte fundamental de la trigonometría en general. Usando las relaciones que vienen del triángulo recto, y entendiendo la aplicación del círculo unitario, usted puede resolver una amplia variedad de problemas que involucran ángulos y longitudes. Necesitas desarrollar un sistema para modelar un problema con un triángulo rectángulo. Luego seleccione la mejor relación trigonométrica para resolver su problema.

Interpretar y reportar su resultado. Con cualquier problema de palabras, obtener una respuesta numérica no es el final de la solución. Usted necesita reportar su respuesta en términos que tengan sentido para el problema, usando las unidades apropiadas.

Prepara una ecuación de trigonometría. Necesit! as revisar qué partes del triángulo conoces y cuáles necesitas resolver. Esto le ayudará a elegir la función de trigonometría correcta para ayudar a encontrar el valor desconocido.

Comprender el círculo de la unidad. La trigonometría se basa en el concepto matemático del círculo unitario. Es un círculo dibujado en el plano de coordenadas x-y, con su centro en (0,0), con un radio de 1. Ajustando el radio igual a 1, las funciones trigonométricas se pueden medir directamente.

Aprenda el dispositivo mnemotécnico SOHCAHTOA. Al tratar de recordar las proporciones de las funciones primarias pecado, cos y bronceado, muchos estudiantes usan la herramienta de memoria «SOHCAHTOA». Cuando se rompe en sus partes, proporciona las proporciones de la siguiente manera:

Revise las otras proporciones. Ocasionalmente, puede necesitar proporciones alternas que el coseno, el seno y la tangente. Estas funciones alternativas son inversas a las tres primeras. Se uti! lizan con menos frecuencia en los cálculos básicos. Sin emba! rgo, en el trabajo trigonométrico más avanzado, se vuelven esenciales. Estas funciones son:

Interpreta tu resultado. Debido a que estaba resolviendo para una medición de ángulo, la unidad de su resultado será en grados. Verifique que su respuesta tenga sentido.

Aprenda la relación senoidal. La función sinusoidal es la relación entre la pierna opuesta a un ángulo elegido y la hipotenusa del triángulo recto. En el círculo unitario, el seno es una forma de medir la distancia vertical desde el eje x hasta el punto designado. Esta es otra forma de decir que es la coordenada y del punto elegido.

Utilice la función de trigonometría inversa para resolver la medición del ángulo. Cuando necesite encontrar la medida del ángulo en sí, necesitará usar lo que se llama la función de trigonometría inversa. Las funciones inversas se denominan funciones de «arco». Estos son arcosina, arcos y arcanos.

Insertar los valores conocidos y resolver para! el ángulo desconocido. En este caso, seguir resolviendo utilizando las tres funciones para ver, eventualmente, que las tres funciones diferentes llegan a la misma conclusión para el valor del ángulo θ{displaystyle heta }.

Comprender la función tangente. La tercera función trigonométrica común es la tangente. La tangente es la relación de las dos patas del triángulo recto entre sí, sin referencia a su hipotenusa. Específicamente, para un ángulo elegido de un triángulo recto, la tangente se encuentra dividiendo la longitud de la pierna opuesta al ángulo elegido sobre la pierna adyacente al ángulo elegido. En el círculo de la unidad, la tangente es igual a la coordenada y dividida por la coordenada x.

Configure otro problema con un ángulo desconocido. Cada vez que la medida del ángulo es el factor desconocido, usted usará una función de trigonometría inversa. El procedimiento es siempre el mismo.

Revise sus resultados. En este problema,! debido a que usted comenzó con un ángulo y las medidas de los tres l! ados, usted fue capaz de resolver el problema de tres maneras diferentes. Cualquiera de ellos por sí solo habría sido suficiente para encontrar la respuesta. Al resolver los tres, usted ve que la solución es la misma de cualquier manera. En este caso, el ángulo elegido es de 36,9 grados.

Resuelva otro problema para practicar. Considere un problema más, establezca un diagrama y luego resuelva para la longitud desconocida.

Utilice una calculadora o una tabla de trigonometría para encontrar los valores de la función de arco para resolver la medida del ángulo.

Lee el problema con el ángulo desconocido. La trigonometría también se puede utilizar para calcular las medidas de ángulo. El procedimiento es similar, pero el problema requerirá la medición de un ángulo desconocido.

Prepara un modelo de triángulo rectángulo. Las funciones de trigonometría se pueden utilizar para modelar situaciones del mundo real con longitudes y ángulos. El pri! mer paso es definir la situación con un modelo de triángulo recto.

Dibuje un triángulo rectángulo y etiquete las piezas. Recuerde que los problemas de trigonometría se basan en la geometría de los triángulos rectos. Dibuje un triángulo recto para representar el problema y marque los valores conocidos y desconocidos.

Resuelve para tu valor desconocido. Usar manipulación algebraica básica para reordenar la ecuación y resolver el valor desconocido. A continuación, utilizará una tabla de valores trigonométricos o una calculadora para encontrar el valor del seno del ángulo que conoce.

Prepara una ecuación de trigonometría. Revise la información que conoce y lo que está tratando de aprender, y elija la función de trigonometría que los une. Por ejemplo, la función seno une un ángulo, su lado opuesto y la hipotenusa. La función coseno une un ángulo, su lado adyacente y la hipotenusa. La función tangente une las dos piernas sin la hipotenu! sa.

Identificar las partes conocidas del triángulo. Cuando tenga! s tu sketch y hayas etiquetado las partes del mismo, necesitas asignar los valores que conoces.

Revisar la función del coseno. La función coseno es la relación de la pierna adyacente al ángulo elegido dividida por la hipotenusa del triángulo recto. En el círculo unitario, el coseno es la longitud del tramo horizontal, que es también la coordenada del eje x del punto del círculo.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Want to start my own landscaping Business, Any Pointers?

Rana Rudell: keep in mind that there is no work in winter but you still have payments on your equipment.Get a snow plow for your truck so you can make money out of lanscaping season.

Norine Lomonte: I live in coastal Virginia and have a small part time landscaping business. I only have a nurserymans certification which is pretty easy to get if you have good basic knowledge of plants. I work tugboats between New orleans and New England and my schedule has me working 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off so I only take on jobs that I can complete in 2 weeks. The equipment I have at this time is first and most important of all a good pickup truck, I have a 7 hp roto-tiller which seems adequate for most of my jobs, but mostly I rely on a really good selection of hand tools - Spades, crummers, hoes, axes, picks, forks, but you will also need woodworking and stone working tools - hammers, drills, levels, the list goes on and on. Your best bet is to get as well equipped as you ca! n afford for starters and just take on a few small jobs for friends and family and this way you will see what you need and can gradually build up your inventory and working for friends you won't have to worry about timelines and such until you get confident enough to hang out your shingle. It wouldn't be good to take on a job that you can't handle, all that will get you is a bad reputation. Also find out where the good, reliable labor can be had, in my area there are many Mexican-Americans that are great at this type of work and I have very good working relationships with them, very trustworthy. I hope this has been some help to you. GOOD LUCK!...Show more

Coralie Goldsberry: This Site Might Help You.RE:Want to start my own landscaping Business, Any Pointers?I need some pointers on where to begin with a landscaping business, like what kind of license i need and equipment and how would it be best to come across growing my business?All information would be greatly a! ppreciated.....Show more

Patricia Bolduc: I put myself t! hru college with a small landscaping business. My key to success was a lot of hard work and keep the overhead low. I used a toyota station wagon instead of a pick up truck because that is what i had. Since you have the internet now, I would use Craigslist.org to advertise it. Get a few books on landscape design and try to do some creative yard and patio stuff. That is where you can make better money. If you have an artisic flair and know your plants and flowers, people will be willing to pay. You could start by making some hanging flower pots and set up at a farmers market. pass out your business card and go from there....Show more

Hermina Ketring: You are probably tired of looking through stacks and stacks of projects on woodworking in magazines and books of all kinds for some instructions on how to do a certain project. Here is a site which offers 16000 plans https://tr.im/hStSd How would you like to have woodworking plans (actually thousands of them) availa! ble to you anytime you wanted them. It would be so easy when you do not have to paw through all kinds of old magazines but have it right there at your fingertips....Show more

Hilma Pestano: hmmm.... i don't mean to insult you, but i find people like you to be slightly irritating. i just spent 4 years in college for a horticulture degree with a concentration in landscape design, construction, and management. the reason i find people like you irritating is becuase you tend to underestimate the amount of skill and knowledge needed to operate a successful landscape company. running a landscape company goes far beyond knowing how to walk behind a mower.if you are serious about trying to start a company that will be successful in the long-run, i would highly recommend taking a few classes at a local college. learn some basic plant physiology, landscape construction techniques, and management strategies. do not underestimate the amount of knowledge and skill required in! a seemingly simple industry.one of the most interesting things that i ! learned during my education is that 2/3s of landscape companies go out of business within their first 3 years of operation. the reason for this is that they do not possess an adequate knowledge of estimating and bidding. if you are serious about this company, the best thing you can do is purchase this book: http://www.amazon.com/Price-Landscape-Irrigation-P...i hope i could be of some help, and good luck....Show more

Coleman Coscia: If you are a newbie browsing for some effortless DIY landscaping ideas to get you going you will not be disappointed if to take it from right here https://tr.im/dOmKQ simply because find out it from photographs is much easier rather than studying paragraphs. This package is definitely best for any landscaping skill degree. The diagrams are comprehensive for straightforward installation; the images are of exceptional good quality and are in full colour. With its dynamic and wide assortment of backyard variations, creative themes and add! ed materials, the package is really organized as effectively as consumer pleasant. There are fresh guidelines and guidance on every thing from Japanese backyard to pools. The package from Ideas 4 Landscaping is the ideal on the market place....Show more

Stormy Beliard: Use this basic checklist to make sure all the important steps are taken before you launch your new venture. This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t's and dot all your i's before your business launch. Steps to Starting a Business -http://www.developer-resource.com/starting-a-busin...Other sites you might find helpful are: SBA - http://www.sba.gov/SCORE - http://www.score.orgSmall Business Resource - http://www.small-business-software.netBusiness Link - http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/homeGoodluck!...Show more

Karey Dunken: I have one simple rule when it comes to power equipment: Buy Echo tools. They are good quality. They are reliable. They are reasonably pr! iced. I have never had a problem with any of them.

Cómo ser un padre eficaz para una adolescente

Cómo ser un padre eficaz para una adolescente

Recuerde que aunque su hija puede ser tan alta o más alta que usted, y parece una mujer, su cerebro no está completamente desarrollado. Ella no piensa como una adulta. Ella puede tomar algunas decisiones no muy bien pensadas, puede ser impulsiva, puede hacer cosas extrañas a veces. La razón es que aún no ha usado todo su cerebro. Así que ten paciencia, ya llegará.

Llame a un mentor si es necesario. A veces, mamá o papá no pueden o no son la persona ideal para que tu hija te pida consejo. Eso no significa que ella te falte el respeto o piense que no sabes nada. Respete la elección de su hija de un consejero (siempre y cuando esa persona sea capaz, segura y razonable).

Déle a su hija opciones siempre que sea posible. Ser adolescente es difícil, ya que estás a merced de los adultos. Tener algo de poder para elegir casi siempre ayuda.

Aunque le ! dé su espacio, todavía necesita su guía y atención. Los adolescentes necesitan conocer sus límites, el bien y el mal, y la disciplina. Ella actuará y dirá que no quieren su atención, pero en realidad, es su participación lo que la ayuda a guiarla a ser una gran mujer.

Sea un modelo a seguir. Sea una persona decente que siempre está ahí para su hija, lista para escuchar y aconsejar cuando sea necesario. Si tu intención es tratar a los demás con respeto y dignidad, ella lo recogerá y lo emulará.

Anime la vida social de su hija de una manera positiva. Ella verá cada vez más a sus amigos como figuras importantes en su vida. Esto no significa que no seas importante. Significa que está desarrollando una vida social adulta.

Haga que sea más fácil para su hija escuchar:

Escucha a tu hija. Aunque es natural querer constantemente dar consejos, animarla, comentarla e interrogarla, es más probable que usted obtenga información sobre ella pr! estando atención a lo que dice (o no dice) y a cómo lo dice.! También es más probable que te escuche a ti si siente que la están escuchando. Si ella no está lista para escuchar consejos y sólo quiere que usted esté ahí para ella, no diga nada. Con el tiempo estará lista para escucharte, y ese es el momento adecuado para hablar con ella.

Interactuar con sensibilidad. Le guste o no, los adolescentes tienen dificultades para interactuar con los padres a veces. A veces quieren fingir que no tienen padres. Pero aún puedes mostrar tu amor. Utilice el poder de una simple mirada afectuosa, una pequeña sonrisa corta. Puede romper las dificultades entre ustedes y hacerle saber que son receptivos a una discusión, o simplemente están ahí para un abrazo de oso si lo necesita.

Si necesitas demostrar simpatía por ella, sé sincero. Sus sentimientos son tan reales como los tuyos. No menosprecie sus sentimientos si parece que siente algo profundamente, como una ruptura, una decepción en la escuela u otros eventos en su vida! . Déle ejemplos de por lo que usted pasó cuando era adolescente y cómo los logró para ayudarla a darse cuenta de que hay luz al final del túnel y que ella puede seguir adelante. (¡Aunque ella puede actuar como si no pudiera creer que alguna vez tuviste su edad!)

Ama a tu hija. Aunque naturalmente amas a tu hija, es posible que ella no siempre lo sepa. No sólo a veces se siente insegura, sino que necesita saber que usted la ama por lo que es. Recuerde seguir diciéndole y mostrándole que es amada. Es sorprendentemente fácil de pasar por alto, y puede cambiar la perspectiva de su hija.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

I am digging my own shallow well, a diy. Can't prime,?

Lady Laflin: The suction side of the pump has to be full of water,..a check valve at the screen..If you have access to a garden hose fill the pump thru the pipe fitting on the pump housing.The suction side can't have any air leaks..

Nedra Oltz: don't know if you have figured it out yet but try this if you haven't.1. At the top of the pump side there should be a plug. Unscrew the plug so that the threads are still catching but the plug is loose.2. At your discharge side, try folding the hose so water can't get out. This will create back pressure as your attempting to get your pump going.3. fire it up and see if this works. If you start to feel water coming up the intake screw the plug back in and hold the discharge until it gets pressurized.Then let er' buck! If this does not work try filling up your pump cavity with water and repeat 1,2,3. good luck and happy holidays....Show more

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Best type of tub for bathroom remodel?

Malissa Porth: i am a property developer and either option is fine however because they are heavy they can cost a fair amount to install so acrylic baths are the newer option to install which will last years and can be modeled into amazing shapes have a look at these links.http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=acrylic+baths+usa...http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=acrylic+baths+usa......Show more

Nadia Crauswell: If you bathe a lot, go with cast iron, simply because once it heats up, it keeps the bath water warm longer. Think of the ole cast iron skillet. Until they warm up though, they suck the heat out of your initial bath water, so you have to run it hotter than you want. But you live in CA so that's no likely an issue like here in MI winters.And yes, old cast iron tubs carry on infinitely. Some people love them so much they have them refurbished. I know I did. They are heavy, but they don't scratch as easily as fiberglass ones.I'd just do the yellowpages.com to f! ind a dealer near you....Show more

Antone Youla: I redid mine in it did no longer fee no longer often something.I used a spay paint referred to as Hammerite. That exchange into the exterior of it as for the interior i usedtub and tile bath refinisher.basically accompanied guidelines. I mean that fluctuate into me in case you haven't any longer have been given the persistence then i advise purchase all new. however the redo is extra fee-effective whether somebody eles does it.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

How should i decorate my notebook?

Bibi Tyron: have pictures of your friends family pets or idols then you can add different frames to the pics. i use to decorate my binder with funny ads or pictures from magazines or something

Tijuana Tatsak: I would get a cool lime green ribbon with polka dots and put it up the binding of the notebook. Also you could hot glue cute buttons on it. Or you could make it look like it is tye-died. My favorite is colorful sharpies to draw cool designs all over it. Good luck!

Luke Creitz: i go to the dollar stores and buy the scrap-booking kits and put a few pics and stickers and make it look detailed

Monday, 17 August 2020

Decorating for Christmas?

Clementina Collelo: If this is a truly tree, sure, surely is simply too quickly. Most folks do not begin striking up Christmas ornament till December 1st, after Thanksgiving. And truly bushes are at high-quality hazard for drying out, so getting a recent reduce tree and preserving it in water always is important when you have an electrical lighting fixtures or points at the tree. Two weeks earlier than Christmas is approximately the soonest such a lot folks do the tree, however a few folks like them previous. If you utilize a man-made tree, you'll positioned it up every time. I'd truthfully wait till Thanksgiving, however that is me, I'm an fanatic too however I do not wish to get worn out of the decorations both, and virtually 7 weeks is many years. If it makes you comfortable, do it now, however don't use a truly tree as that might be enormously damaging. Start deliver out the small matters. So, wait if you'll, you'll be first, simply supply it a bit longer. It can be e! xtra amusing, anything you must appear ahead to and you'll spend the following couple of weeks in anticipation....Show more

Willetta Munhall: Do some research: http://www.custom-christmas.com/Default.aspx?tabid... is one place to begin for ideas.There is some good money to be made decorating others houses. Don't sell yourself short.

Sammy Kar: I would talk with these people http://www.creativedecoratinginc.comBrad can assist you in answering your questions.Otherwise, there is a forum on http://www.PlanetChristmas.com where you can discuss things like this with other professional decorators....Show more

Newton Fedorko: Charge by the job. And advertise on craigslist, make flyers and put them out door to door.

Lolita Deschamp: estimate how many hours you think it will take then charge for that--if it takes longer your badif it takes lessyour ahead of the gamemake flyers and cardsnetworkpost on myspace and craigslist for free...Show more

Devon Kalb! erer: There are many source for Decorating for Christmas. you ! can also try this source

Gregg Hagge: Ok first, get in touch with trading standards, give them a call and see if you'll need a license for this sort of thing, if so apply for one. Once all that is out of the way, you need to build up a portfolio. Use pictures of previously decorated rooms, and have your friends write you some commendations i.e "this talented decorator always injects festive cheer into each room - lynne potter" etc. You'll need that to show clients. Then you need to advertise a little, create a website, an advert in the phonebook, leaflets.I would charge by job, not hour as decorating a mansion would be different to decorate a bedsit. I'd have a catalogue of styles for your clients to select how they want their house decorated from. Make sure you have a few stockists in mind. You should charge you clients for all the decorations you will buy and put up for them, plus a service fee depending on how big the house. This service fee could be a percentage o! f the decoration costs? If it's a big mansion the decorations to cover it will cost more than decorations for a flat so if you charged 10% of the total cost per job, it would be a varied income. Why not check out some companies that are already doing this? Here's some:http://www.thechristmasdecorators.com/http://www.christmasdecor.net/holiday_decorating.p...http://www.creativedecoratinginc.com/residential.h...Good luck!!...Show more

Maryland Gareau: start out with a website that you'll probably have to pay for it monthly. make it look nice nad show some of you works! put your rates on there too. also make sure you copyright your bussiness name and put an add in the yellow pages and advertise! you might want to go to some bussiness tutorials too! good luck!

Brice Greczkowski: By the job.Advertise on your local cable company and don't forget Internet pages from the local providers.You might want to try some of the floral shops and see if they could give you some h! elp if you buy supplies from them.Also hit some of the local Corp offic! es and hand out flyer's with prices.Prices would have to very because you don't know how big a job.If they are providing decorations or are you.You need to appraise the jobs first.Check prices and then give them a price.There is a lot to it.But it can be done with hard work .Good Luck...Show more

Garry Ohmen: go with the second answer

All dental phobic: how do you like it?  

All dental phobic: how do you like it?  

answers 0:I was browsing the net today and found this site: http://www.personalcaredental.com/Note how there is a "for the coward" button. I couldn't believe they were referring to people with dental fear!!!!Now I want to write them and let them have a piece of my mind. In your opinion, what can I say to them to let them know how wrong it is to call a phobic person a coward?...Show moreanswers 1:well I'm a coward. I always have sedation. I tell the dentist it's for his own good to give it to me lolanswers 2:You guys don't understand the problem! I couldn't care less what they do to *me*, mainly because I don't allow people to shame me unless I've done something that deserves shame. As a matter of fact, and in principle, it's just plain IMMORAL to shame a person for an illness s/he has. This is EVEN MORE immor! al when it's a health professional who does the shaming. If you don't get this now, I'm positive you will as soon as something will happen to you... something calling you not a woman because you can't have kids, or not a real mother because you adopted, or some other idiotic comment like that....answers 3:Calm Down! Don't give them a "piece" of anything! the ole "We cater to Cowards" bill has been around a long long time. Look up a definition of "phobic" it's not too glamorous either. In my opinion, which is what you asked for, the only way they can be shown that it is "wrong" is to do "wrong" when these fearful people show up to their office for help. If they scare them, hurt them unnecessarily or do shoddy work which will create complications then the patients' fears will be realized. Part of being a good dental practitioner is to recognize what makes people fearful and address it. If this office feels that offering sedation and/or calming medications will ease the ! fears of anxious patients and enable them to get the needed wo! rk done, what is the problem? We don't use nitrous oxide in my office, but we have occasionally prescribed valium or something similar for extensive procedures with anxious patients. They are usually grateful that we understand. Hope you can see this in a different light, or maybe I missed your point altogether?...answers 4:I think there are a lot of people with a fear of the dentist who opt for sedation, but if they were just to have some acclimatisation and extra support they could be fine with normal dentistry. Maybe that's who they're referring to - people who are scared but not necessarily phobic. It does seem a bit disrespectful to refer to someone who's phobic of anything as a coward though, and if it offended you there's no harm in politely letting them know that you disagree....answers 5:Sure it's wrong to call a person with an illness a coward. The fact that it has been going around for a while doesn't make it legit! Many other prejudices have been around for a! while, but they are still UNINFORMED PREJUDICES, which I wouldn't expect from a health professional of ANY kind, let alone one in the dental field.answers 6:Damn.Don't take it so personally!Most people with this fear realize that it's silly and they don't really have a justification for it, so they find humor in their phobia. If you "give them a piece of your mind", they'll probably just think that you're crazy. Most people don't get so upset over such little things....

Sunday, 16 August 2020

laundry detergent for toddlers with eczema?

Loriann Carrigan: Tide Free

Michel Mccaulley: Dreft, Ivory Snow (if they still make it)probably any kind of detergent free of heavy perfumes, etc., like a hypoallergenic detergent if it is possible.

Luke Creitz: 1

Minh Lefrancois: My little boy had eczema on his cheeks. I was not sure what method to use but I didn't want to make my boy go through any surgery treatments at this young age. Some suggested a plastic surgeon since it was in a very visible location but our family doctor recommend this natural guide. Best Eczema Treatment?

Glynda Darrin: My son has eczema and we use dreft.

Faviola Dewire: All Free & Clear

Paul Maymi: You can use Tide Free, Dreft or Zote. If you hold your child a lot, he can also react to the detergent residue on your clothes.

Cole Desher: I Cured Eczema Easily Permanently : http://Eczema.neatprim.com

Oswaldo Rayburn: Some kids do great with the mainstream 'free and clear' laundry soaps. Some ki! ds are more sensitive than others like mine. We use Seventh Generation free and clean, it's the only one that we can use without problems.Most brands use optical brighteners which can be very irritating. As far as I know Seventh Generation and Ecos are the only brands that don't.In case you're not already doing so, you might need to change body soap, shampoo, lotion, and even switch to cotton only clothing. Also, the biggest help for our family was a chlorine water filter, at first for just the shower and tub, but eventually we got one for the whole house. The difference it made was incredible. (The chlorine filter is only necessary for those with municipal water)....Show more

What to use on pizza screens to clean them?

Cecil Derenzi: Oven cleaner-but do outdoors or in a well ventilated room.or try soaking in dawn dishwashing soap

Ardelia Liptow: Dont clean them!!! They need to be well seasoned. The heat from the pizza oven will sanitize them. You will have better crust if you use a seasoned screen.

Susan Rambo: Never ever use a chemical on them like oven cleaner, you risk leaving some on and transferring to the food. Soak it in water for about 2 hours, then clean them with a stiff brush

Romeo Tinnea: brillo

Rhett Kaines: Brillo

Saturday, 15 August 2020

clean Nails?

Weldon Totaro: you do not all way need your nail clean

Elva Batie: yes,you can use moistened q-tips to clean any debris underneath your fingernail. Also to clean the top you can soak your nails in warm water and put a clear polish on to seal the moisture.

Coleman Senn: Yes. Put your fingers undere the warm tap. Make the water flow under your nail. Lovely and clen

Lon Pennington: Q-tips!

Comment écrire un texte rayé sur Skype

Comment écrire un texte rayé sur Skype

p>Ce wiki vous apprend à rayer des mots dans un message Skype sur un smartphone, une tablette ou un ordinateur.

Tapez sur la touche =

Friday, 14 August 2020

Should we call it, government health care or,?

Venetta Coulbourne: would have to be someone who like you said makes $100 miilion per year, talk lot of crap, eats a lot of medications and is in no rush to be compassionate and get with reality of the common folk.

Dallas Bartolini: we should call it"unconstitutional"and drag congress folks to the river and pitch them in

Marion Wieboldt: lol-that's pretty funny, but unnecessary

Alphonso Brake: Control, of course, since it's MORE centered around badges, guns, handcuffs and prisons than any Democrat-written "omnibus crime bill" ever was.

Raelene Cunnick: "There is nothing wrong with health care in this country. I don't have insurance. I simply put the expense on my credit card." HINT: This person makes $100 million a year.

Adrian Paraz: I have no idea what you are on about but I can say this. Have you walked and patrolled baghdad like many of us have? I hate to burst your bubble but cons are not the bed wetting types. We are usually the one! s on the front lines protecting your lilly white *** domestically and abroad. So until you pick up a rifle and step up keep the insults to yourself.

Gordon Showes: honestly, is that all you can come up with? do not judge everyone by your own deeds and standards.

Damion Oleksa: It is government health control. If they force you to buy a policy then they are controlling you. If they say what is covered and what is not, they are controlling you. A fact for all those liberals who think the government program is going to save everyone. Medicare and Medicaid deny more claims than private insurance.

Rheba Cockman: it is control , it should be called "Divide and Conquer"

Charissa Riley: Clinton did do it. He admitted doing it. Funny but now I know why you always wanted the lower bunk at summer camp. You're addicted to the golden showers.

Sang Hanafin: Do tree hugging Liberals go to Greenpeace camp to learn how to be ecoterrorists and bang each oth! er up their Liberal gay rights poopshoots?

Kassie Kay: I! m calling it the antichrist because we are all going to die from it.

Marita Stadick: Is Rush back on the air already? That sounds like something someone with their head up their azz would say....

Elfreda Grossen: I'll take "Vice President Dick Cheney" for $400 Alex.. . . . . .Hahaha, I forgot about the other neocon with a black heart. I mean bad heart... sorry Rush....Show more

Carli Watterson: Call it a delusion.

Rick Duchane:

Antonette Shappy: Obama Socialistic DEATH

Robt Betker: We've got Depends now and I'm to old for the Christians summer camps. I had no trouble learning to say "Clinton did it" and am proud of how well I can clearly speak it!!

Mel Crapo: Well you are slightly wrong and slightly correct. The bill will not control heath care, but it is extremely likely that it will develop into government heath care. This form of government is destroying the world economy's. So I guess you are right it will be government heath ! care.

Verena Koop: It sure is sad when busted out leftists try to remain relevant. Gotta love Kweef's fast backtrack to pretend that's not what he was saying, also. http://dailycaller.com/2011/04/14/olbermann-says-s...

Lana Uliano: I've missed you, Patches. I might have yet another new name, but I'm still that loveable little conservative in my heart. Kweef Olbermann!!! LOL.

Chris Rosenkranz: Limbaugh. And the point he made is a valid one. There is no better health care anywhere in the world than what we have here in the United States. His ability to pay is irrelevant to that fact. And yet I notice you see it as the ONLY relevant fact. The problem with 'health care' in the U.S. is not the quality, it is the cost. And your congress just passed a bill that does absolutely NOTHING to affect the high cost of health care and the resulting cost of insurance. (Did you get that? The price of insurance is merely a reflection of the cost of health care.) Here's! a news flash for you, my socialist friend, you cannot mandate the cost! of health care. Doctors will not perform $100 procedures for $90. Until the government figures out a way to reduce the cost of that procedure down below $90 so that the doctor will not lose money by performing it, nothing will change. Wouldn't it be nice if congress HAD done something to affect the cost of health care? Wouldn't have cost our nation a single cent AND many more people could have then afforded health insurance OR paid cash for it. Wow. Wouldn't that have been nice? Unfortunately, all they did was acknowledge the fact that the cost of health care in America has gotten so high that only the government can afford to pay for it. THAT IS A PROBLEM!!...Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: Too bad. Sociopaths are never able to emphathize with other humans so his scare did him no good.God tested Rush, and he failed.

Donte Hamme: Demanded expenditure of half of your median income.in USA = $28,567 --- Health Insurance = $15,000, paid to "for-profit" business's that! are the biggest contributors to these politicians re-re-re-election campaign bids. (Wall Street, big Insurance, ABA, big Pharmaceutical), backed by the Banks with "funny-money" printed by/from the corrupt/hidden Federal Reserve, without the ability to buy across State lines, and no tort reform.Closed bid contract? Why yes, and the biggest one ever.or prison & fines.If you call that "Caring" ... OK then, They care. (about who is the unanswered question, because it's not YOU)Health (is the disguise), Care (is for themselves)....Show more

Zulema Baccam: No, they are to busy talking about how they are going to keep America safe as opposed what is the best way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Bryant Pillitteri: Dude, you got issues.Truth denier is what you are.

Azalee Ahrendes: Neither. Government health option.I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean! , if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nat! ions taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts?FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2].FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3].Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4]Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.)Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8].Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in C! anada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare?If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012....Show more

Julienne Poplawski: The hard part is they have to repeat it 3 times while sucking their thumb.( I do not know if their is deep symbolism to that ) (or if they just enjoy it)

Davida Gisriel: Control

Otto Lingafelt: Yes. And I'm the one who has to drive the whole lot of them to McDonalds!

Cómo hacer magdalenas de cal clave

Cómo hacer magdalenas de cal clave

Los cupcakes de limón son la perfección pura con su textura esponjosa y su sabor dulce y lima. Estas magdalenas son perfectas para el verano y para fiestas. Lo mejor de todo es que no son muy difíciles de hacer. Desplácese hacia abajo hasta el primer paso para comenzar a hacer esta deliciosa receta.

Hornee durante 20-22 minutos. Coloque la bandeja de magdalenas en el horno para hornear. Las magdalenas deben estar ligeramente doradas cuando estén listas. Para comprobar si están hechos, pinche un palillo de dientes en uno de los pastelitos. Si sale seco, las magdalenas deberían estar listas para llevar. Deje que se enfríen de cinco a siete minutos.

Prepárate para hacer las magdalenas. Precaliente su horno a 300 grados Fahrenheit o 148 grados Celsius. Llena tu bandeja de magdalenas con 24 envoltorios de magdalenas.

Tamizar los ingredientes secos. En un tazÃ! ³n grande tamizar la harina, el polvo de hornear y la sal. Cernir hasta que los ingredientes secos estén ligeros y esponjosos. Deje a un lado.

Crema la mantequilla y el queso crema. En otro recipiente, unte la mantequilla y el queso crema con una batidora de mano o una batidora eléctrica. También puede usar un batidor, pero puede tardar más tiempo. La mezcla debe ser cremosa y de color amarillo claro cuando esté bien cremosa.

Añadir los huevos y la cáscara de limón. Uno por uno, rompa los 6 huevos en la mezcla de crema. A continuación, añada la cáscara de limón. Mezcle hasta que esté bien combinado.

Servir. Coge una magdalena y sírvela en un plato con un vaso de leche fría. Disfrute!

Escarchar las magdalenas. Usando un tubo de glaseado, escarchar las magdalenas. Ponga cada uno en un plato después de que haya escarchado uno.

Añadir el zumo de limón y la cáscara. Para el sabor dulce de la lima, agregue la cáscara de jugo de li! ma y mezcle hasta que se mezclen.

Tamizar el azúcar en ! polvo. En un recipiente mediano, tamizar el azúcar en polvo hasta que esté esponjoso. Deje a un lado.

Añadir la leche y los ingredientes secos. Vierta la media taza de leche en la mezcla de la crema. Mezcle hasta que se mezclen. Añadir lentamente los ingredientes secos y mezclar a fuego lento para evitar que la harina se derrame por todas partes. Mezclar hasta que se forme la masa y no queden vetas de harina.

Crema la mantequilla y el azúcar. Usando una licuadora de mano o una licuadora eléctrica, crema la mantequilla y el azúcar hasta que esté de un color amarillo brillante y esponjoso. Trate de aplicar crema en la zona alta durante aproximadamente 2 minutos para obtener resultados rápidos.

Añadir el azúcar en polvo. Lentamente agregue el azúcar en polvo, una taza a la vez, y mezcle. No mezcle las 5-6 tazas de una sola vez o su licuadora se atascará. Después de haber añadido y mezclado las tazas de azúcar en polvo, asegúrese de que no hay! a rayas de harina en el glaseado.

Ponga la masa de magdalenas en la bandeja de panecillos. Con una cuchara para helado, vierta la masa de magdalenas en la bandeja de magdalenas. Raspe el recipiente con una espátula de goma para obtener la masa restante.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

woman only plzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!?

Imogene Neiswander: you period could just be irregular. calm down. happens to me all the time. if you are really scared, consult a doctor.

Giovanna Cramblit: It sounds as while you're doing the perfect issues, different than for possibly nevertheless being in touch with him. I choose i ought to enable you recognize there's a magic treatment to make you spot him for what he quite is (and to be hassle-free, he appears like an absolute d-bag) yet regrettably time is in all probability the only element. See in case you may commence relationship back, purely casually earlier each and every thing, and as quickly as you ease into that it is going to likely be much less stressful to enable circulate of this guy, and quickly sufficient you will meet somebody surprising who loves you and does not pitch suits to get their way and lie and control you, and this guy would be a memory, like somebody in a action picture you observed as quickly as. good success....Show more

Ro! ni Kurz: it happens to me too it's ok nothings wrong your periods just arn't normal yet...:D

Sook Hershkowitz: I am 14 and I honestly don't think age matters. Ive know him for about 5 months and i used to like his brother but now that his brother wont give me a chance i like him. is that bad? I'm not trying to make the guy i likes brother jealous. I really do like him now that hes in my school and i know him better. And if i do go out with the guy i like and hang out at his house i may start liking his brother again! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!

Tomi Vauters: This should be in Women's Health.Could be you aren't regular yet.Could be due to stress.Could be due to dieting or excessive exercise.Could be a fluctuation in your hormones.If you are a virgin and have not been exposed to semen that could enter your vagina, then I wouldn't worry. If you miss more than one period however, you might want to check with your doctor to make sure everything is okay....Show more

Fr! ed Caminita: Malnutrition could be an answer. {Are you a veget! arian? On a diet? Changed your diet?...}Also, if you started having your period within the past 2 years, it's bound to be irregular for a while.If it's really bothering you, best suggestion would be to visit the doctor. [:

Elissa Curlin: It could just be your diet or stress.No worries,that happens to me sometimes and I'm still a virgin.

Cassidy Pangrazio: Your probably still getting into you regular cycle, it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary

Chadwick Schmelz: Younger girls are often irregular. If it continues, call a doctor.

Terrell Voltz: if ur a teenager or ust stared your period...... this year ur period will not have a schedlue its irregular... if ur not teen. go to the doctor there could be an infection but most likely not. dont wrry bout it unles u r perd=iod become 6 weeks late

Buster Exline: ya shes right ^

Willis Liburd: don't worry your fine.your probably just not regular yet.my doctor tod me it could take up to! 5 yrs for a girl to become completely regular.and some people never do.

Logan Bero: Stress. If you're a teenager being irregular is very common. If you've been sick in the last month it could make your period late. All sorts of things cause late periods. Don't worry too much about it unless it's over two months late then you need to see your doctor.

Alexander Villas: change in diet? workin out with friends like weating can actually change ur period flow you guys will have roughly the same, i know i have missed a few dont know why if you are that woried go see a dr.

German Thal: ur not regular yet or too much stress trust me i have been there b4

Brenton Cornwall: I agree. It's most likely stress. This has happened to me before.

Nikki Sypult: get yo *** over their and tell her sorry u sure u didn't do anything try to think man remember us girls are sensitive so be careful.

Marna Liddie: Flowers, chocolate and a trip to her place! Face to! face NEVER measuers up to txts! (especially when theres chocolate invo! lved) lol

Joellen Zorrilla: oh i've been there!are you more stressed out than usual? cause that could be it. or else it just a change in your diet or other things that can cause it. no worries, it will come! you may have killer cramps because of it, but it will come and thats the important part, lol.

Bell Pasco: I see what you're saying, it's not that I find THEM more attractive than my boyfriend, I'm just so curious

Dalila Yoon: Oh the drama of it all! You're only 14 and too young to be dating. Help yourself by concentrating on your schoolwork and getting good grades. Anyway, a boy of 11 or 12 is certainly too young to be getting involved with girls. Hang out with friends your own age and leave the little boys alone.

Shad Bushweller: Stress matters a lot and can make you irregular. There could also be something physically wrong with you. It's best to back up and head to your GYN and see what he/she has to say, because they are more likely to kn! ow what can go wrong and even give you medication to help. They might put you on birth control to regulate your periods.However, if you've just started, this is incredibly normal. You're going to be irregular up to three years in until your body settles down.Hope this helps!...Show more

Thurman Buege: Have you been stressed out lately? A lot a stress can cause you to miss your period.

Dick Maisenbacher: she isnt mad with me i know that :P

Nona Lentini: If you are really devoted to someone and love them then you would not be asking this. Maybe your feelings for him are slipping away but you are kinda in denial about it.My 1st relationship was 4 years long and I NEVER wanted anyone else. We split up due to him doing four years in prison. My relationship now is 3 years and I am totally devoted and even though a man is attractive, I feel like mine is MORE attractive.So I do believe you want to explore more and this boyfriend of yours don't mean as much to you! as he once did. It is normal to get curious about other men but it als! o shows your heart isn't all the way into your boyfriend.If you have this feeling NOW I highly doubt it will go away. Even if it does, it just shows you could feel this way again at some point in time....Show more

Toshia Metzker: No not at all alot of couples r a few years apart

Rick Duchane: so she is sad and i can't confort her.. i called her 3 times txted her saying i love her...i know who she is mad with but i don't know why! and she won't talk to me she only says ... or stuff kike that :(and yes she is pretty emo, but i love her sooooooooo much

Josefine Weekey: we are both 16 she lives pretty far away from me, mabey 40 minutes but i will walk to her if that is what it takes

Mitchel Demry: yes i do all the time

Hai Biggart: I'm sure people have, but Im in this predicament. I feel like a terrible girlfriend. Ive been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and I know that many people can go on for more than that, but hes my first real boyfrien! d/relationship. I cant help but to be so curious about dating other guys because I started college in August. I'm not quite sure what Im wanting to do, cause I love the kid, he's my first love, a good friend and I dont regret meeting him . But occasionally Ill come across a boy I find attractive and I always wonder what itd be like if I were single, or Ill just politely turn them down. And then I just recently met a guy in class that I really want to get to know, but I know I shouldn't because we both have a tiny attraction to each other and that wouldnt be good. Does that mean I dont love him enough if I have this strong urge to date other people? I feel bad because of this. and I feel like if I break up with him I'll regret losing someone so close to me. should I wait to see if the feeling/'urge' will go away?...Show more

Oscar Waddups: you may be sick or something.you should really go to the doctors.did you just start having ur peroid?

Donte Hamme: ok you nee! d to go to her and do what ever it takes to make her happy again so get! over there now!

Coralie Goldsberry: That's okay. People can be irregular from lack of nutrients or iron. Your body, when it's okay to be on the rag again, will...uh...start again. Don't worry. If another few weeks pass, maybe you might wanna talk to a doctor. But irregularity is COMPLETELY NORMAL.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

What is Digital Zoom, Optical Zoom and MegaPixel in Digital Camera?

Cuc Gire: Okay, you have excellent answers above and I'm just adding a little visual supprort to their answers. Choose someone else as the best answer (and please do choose), because I'm feeling lazy and just stringing together three of my standard answers to help you out a bit.The capsule summary is to ignore digital zoom, choose optical zoom from 3-to-5 or 6X for best overall performance and getting a camera with 6-to-8 megapixels is going to be just fine.~~~~~~~~~~Digital Zoom vs. Optical ZoomOptical zoom is good and digital zoom sucks. Optical zoom is "real" zoom done with the camera lens. Digital zoom is really just a way to enlarge pixels and degrade the image. Ignore it completely when you are comparing cameras.Here are three sample pictures taken with my Canon Powershot SD900, which is a 10.0 megapixel camera. All three pictures are taken with the optical zoom maxed out at 3X or 23.1 mm, which is the equivalent of 111.6 mm after calculating for the lens crop ! factor. There is no image processing at all done with any of these pictures. All were taken using the self-timer to (hopefully) eliminate camera shake as the camera sat on the top of my car. (Okay, I'll use a tripod next time, but I think they are pretty sharp images.) Please click on "View All Sizes" and then view each image at the largest size available, which should be 3648 x 2736 pixels. The first picture (3xOpticalFull) is the full frame image at 3x optical zoom, or 111 mm. The second picture (4xDigitalFull) is the result of zooming out the additional 4x in digital zoom, for an equivalent of 444 mm. The third picture (3xOpticalCrop) is actually a cropped version of the original image, maintaining the full pixel dimension. In other words, I accomplished the "digital zoom" entirely in the computer and not in the camera. If you compare the full-sized images, I think it is immediately obvious that the third picture is far superior in any aspect that you care to ex! amine. I think it is much sharper (Check the tower and the an! tenna up near the top of the frame.), has better color, and less digital noise and artifact (Check the plain sky and the shadows on the building.). These images are all tagged "digital zoom."3xOpticalFull: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7189769@N04/459603923...4xDigitalFull: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7189769@N04/459603931...3xOpticalCrop: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7189769@N04/459603939...In other words, please ignore any claims of superiority based on "digital zoom" when you choose your camera. It is only "in camera cropping" and it is not anywhere near as good as "in computer cropping." Any attempts at cropping a digitally-zoomed picture will be a waste of time.~~~~~~~~~~Pixels vs. Optical ZoomBoth factors are important, but neither one is the bottom line, decision maker. I'd rather have a digital SLR with 6 MP than a point and shoot with 10 MP if you are only considering image quality. When it came to my pocket-sized point and shoot camera, though, I chose pixels! over optical zoom, because I can always crop in the computer. I included these examples in the section above.Personally, I would think 6 or 7 MP is perfectly adequate for almost any shooting short of pro level photography. Put this behind a camera that zooms to an equivalent of 130-200 mm and there is little that you can't shoot other than some wildebeests half a mile away. You COULD go with a camera that boasts BOTH features, like the Canon S3-IS or S5-IS or the Sony DSC-H2 or DSC-H9. Then we'd have to have the whole discussion about image quality and sensor size, but that's a whole different matter...~~~~~~~~~~PixelsIf you always plan and compose your pictures perfectly, you don't need a whole lot of pixels. These days, I'd say that 5 MP or even 4 MP is fine for the average snapshooter and this can be obtained without unreasonable expense. If you want to allow for cropping, which means enlarging only a portion of your image, the more pixels the better.Imagine taking! a scenic view and then noticing that the middle 20% of the photo would! make an even better picture. Suppose you take a picture of a whole group of people and Aunt Clara really, really looks great in the picture, but everyone else looks lousy. If you have the pixels to work with, you can still make a decent print of Aunt Clara that she would be happy to have. If you buy an 8-to-10 MP camera and don't want to TAKE large photos, you can always set the camera to a lower file size. You can never go the other direction, though. Unless the cost is a major issue, buy the camera with more pixels. You will never be sorry that you did, but you might one day be sorry that you didn't.I have a few photos on Flickr to include in a discussion on how many pixels are enough. Go to my page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/samfeinstein/tags/pix... Some of the pictures are from a 4 MP or even 3 MP camera, showing you what you might expect without any cropping. I think they are quite acceptable. Some of the pictures are from a 10 MP camera (the swan and the p! ansies), showing the value of having those large images so that you can crop a smaller image out of the original picture and still end up with a satisfactory image. There is one VGA picture, just to show what you could expect from 640 x 480 pixels - not much. Ken Rockwell has an interesting article on pixels and the pixel wars: http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/mpmyth.htmHaving said all that, though, pixels are not the only measure of image quality. The sensor size is important as well as the image processing software included in the camera. (See http://www.flickr.com/photos/7189769@N04/476181751... You need to read reviews if you want a critical understanding of image quality for particular cameras. Try http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/ for more information on the cameras you are considering. Pixels are not the decision maker, but they are the tie breaker, so go for the higher pixel count.You can go there and click on "Buying Guide" and then "Features Search" to spec! ify how many pixels you want to look at.You can also go to http://www.s! teves-digicams.com/default.htm and click on "Our reviews," where you will find catagories of cameras arranged by pixel count.~~~~~~~~~~...Show more

Tracy Huesso: this will explain everythingmy suggestiongo to yahoo shoppingdigital camerasdigital camera GUIDEbe sure to check titles on the left sidethe guide should answer your questions...Show more

Eva Lichlyter: Digital zoom is when the camera zooms in by cropping the image on your screen and making the area left larger so it looks like it zoomed in to a certain spot.Optical zoom is when a camera uses lenses to close in on something. It basically the original way of zooming in with a camera.A mega pixel is 1 million pixels. I dont know so much about this but I know that pictures from cameras with more megapixels can be stretched to big sizes without losing quality.Hope this helps...Show more

Coleen Carignan: Digital zoom is taking an existing image, and just magnifying or stretching it. Every time you magn! ify the image, it get degraded.Optical zoom (prefered) is actually bringing the object closer to the viewer. It will always give you the best quality.Using digital zoom is like stretching a sheet from a twin bed onto a larger bed. It might fit, but the material would be stretched until it weakened and might tear. Using optical zoom is like getting a larger sheet.Megapixel is 1 million pixels of photo information. Digital camera resolution is measured in megapixels.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megapixel#Megapixel3 megapixel cameras are only good for 4x6 prints. 5-10 megapixel cameras will produce 5x7, 8x10, or 11x14 prints....Show more

Stan Conley: For megapixels well OK think of it this way, you could make a picture on a piece of paper simply by using colored pencils and drawing dots. The more dots you draw the more detailed your picture would be. No matter how many dots you drew, you could break the picture down into dots. All you need to know about each dot is ! what color it is and how hard you pressed the pencil.Computers are as d! umb as posts. They cannot draw a line or be in the least bit creative. However they are good at remembering a lot of stuff. So we teach them to remember information about each dot.Being computer nerds we can't simply call them dots, that's not technical enough. So we call them "Picture Elements". Over time that has been abbreviated to simply "Pixel". Each pixel is one dot.Now the more dots we have and the smaller the dots are in a given picture, the better the picture quality will appear to be. As cameras and computers got better, they remembered information about first thousands and then even millions of dots. But being nerds again we can't talk about millions, that's too simple, so we use the prefix "Mega" to mean millions. Therefore a one megapixel camera simply has an image made up of one million dots.Entry level cameras these days tend to record 4 megapixels. Better cameras go up to 8 or even 10 megapixels. The Hasselblad H3D-39 can even record a massive 39 megapixels ! of data!Now the more dots the better right? Well up to a point. After a while if we are going to print normal sized photos, we reach a point where the printer can't print that many dots and our eyes can't see that many dots, so going bigger is not necessarily better. Specifics vary but this generally happens around the 5 - 6 megapixel mark.So why buy an 8 MP camera, it's a waste of time right? Not necessarily. For two main reasons:1) More megapixels means bigger prints. Let's say you take that one killer photo that you love, wouldn't it be nice to blow it up to A3 or poster size?2) Cropping. With an 8 MP camera, you can do a fairly savage crop on your image without losing too much quality.As for zoom. Optical zoom is real, it's where the lens elements move to magnify the image. Digital zoom is where they effectively crop part of the image and expand it to full frame. This results in a poor quality image. This is also nothing you can't do on the computer later yourself, so s! tay away from digital zoom.So I hope this clears up a little of the mys! tery for you! All the best with your photography!...Show more

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Tuesday, 11 August 2020

can psychologist and others in the mental health field be on depressive and or anxiety medications themselves?

Connie Dickirson: particular and that i've got straight forward some that did. So do no longer enable them to fool you. i take advantage of to get so mad with a number of mine and advised them that they have got been crazier than me. using fact a million/2 the time they did no longer understand something i replaced into telling them and did no longer hear very properly.

Carter Dewater: Yes they can. Quite a lot of mental health professionals have had mental health problems themselves and in a way this is better than someone going into this career who hasn't had a mental health problem. Quite a lot of people with mental health go into mental health nursing etc as they understand and feel that sense of achievement when they help someone else get through the bad patches that they also went through themselves.

Robbie Starchman: Yes, of course they can. Everyone takes as good care of themselves as they can.You will do well! - Sunrise Guided Visualizations

! Spencer Heidtbrink: Yes. By continued exposure with the problems, one gets empathy and can become a victim of the same ailments he / she treats. But one should not fear: Only caution is that one should not so seriously empathize in the job. Be always bit aloof from the Caller. :

Elden Dedon: Yes. A lot of people with mental illness have mental illness themselves. I know of psychiatrists, nurses and social workers who are treated for mental illness. Not sure about psychologists, but I've known a lot of psychologists who seem to be very eccentric. I think some people are interested in working in mental health because they have mental health problems or a family member does. My cousin was a psychiatrist, and he committed suicide....Show more

Comment éviter l’orgueil (christianisme)

Comment éviter l’orgueil (christianisme)

Comprenez ce que Jésus a dit : « Je ne vous appelle plus enfants, mais frères. »

Ne t’inquiète pas pour demain. Jésus Christ a vaincu le monde. Les soucis et les plaisirs de ce monde n’ont aucun moyen de vaincre la « loi du péché et de la mort ». Si vous perdez votre vie, la tombe ne peut vous séparer des promesses du Sauveur de vous élever dans un nouveau corps.

Sois humble, dans la puissance sans faille de Sa grâce : « Sois humble comme je suis humble « , dit Jésus (rappelle-toi que Jésus a chassé les marchands de la maison de Dieu…). Savez-vous, « Vous êtes le temple de Dieu » â€" Dieu veut demeurer en eux, et comme Fils de Dieu Jésus est le champion de l’Amour (rappelez-vous que « Dieu est Amour ») dans la chair.

Soyez confiant : L' »Orgueil Bon » est propre, pur, cherchant l’éducation et l’amélioration ! pour la partager â€" pas négligent, mais prudent, prudent, pas égoïste, pour esquiver le devoir ni « con » les gens, pas corrompu…. Selon la Bible, les circonstances extérieures ne vous sépareront pas de l’amour parfait, de sorte que, sur le chemin de la vie quotidienne, de la famille et d’autres devoirs, soyez satisfaits et heureux dans de nombreuses situations, par l’exercice de votre foi, de votre espérance, de vos efforts pour le bien commun par la prière et pour satisfaire les besoins des plus petits et des plus petits de Dieu.

Étudiez la Bible et voyez que vous êtes un enfant du Roi et qu’étant un des enfants de Dieu, vous êtes un héritier :

Sois un bon gagnant dans la faiblesse. Gagner par la grâce est une expérience très humiliante, si vous réalisez que seul Dieu vous donne ce genre de victoire sur le monde.

Lisez à ce sujet : « Je loue Dieu parce que je suis faite avec crainte et merveilleusement ; tes Å"uvres sont! merveilleuses, je le sais très bien. » (Psaume 139:14)


Rendez-vous tous, en comparant ce que vous avez de mieux à Lui, en réalisant que tout ce qui est ordinaire devient vieux et se fend : La Bible dit que vous recevrez une couronne de vie â€" et qu’au ciel vous porterez une couronne, mais que vous la déposerez sur le trône de Dieu comme signe d’abandon.

Accédez à la promesse de soutien et de réconfort dans l’Esprit Saint : la présence de votre Tout-Puissant Ami par son amour, son pardon et son jugement ultime. Dans les coins les plus éloignés de la Terre, au Ciel ou en Enfer, vous pouvez reposer en paix dans la vue perçante de Dieu â€" dans la grâce et son plan avec son espérance infinie et sa charité parfaite…..

Préparez-vous à régner avec Christ, mais pas de votre propre droit : Ses saints régneront avec lui.

Méfiez-vous de l’orgueil : tout en limitant la vie sensuelle égocentrique, car « l’orgueil précède la destruction et l’orgueil l’orgueil la chute. »

Monday, 10 August 2020


Imogene Neiswander: Tomorrows 4-20, hell yeah!

Roselee Mczeal: BQ: A junior told you???? I thought that beating up freshmen has fallen out of scene.My high school doesn't have that...

Luis Farlow: cookie monster has good info in men's health.

Jayson Brod: mine was last october and i personally like pelvic thrust day more...XD

Ronnie Panas: uhh we dont have freshman kick day..

Betsey Muehlbach: Iceman:i can tell by your answer you don't believe me. we really do have a freshmen kick day.(a junior told me)

Elvie Drumgoole: xDAs a freshman, I've heard that freshman kick day at my school sucks. I'm totally ready!!!!!!!Well actually I've heard there is a whole week were the seniors do pranks.We call it Senior Prank Week....Show more

Giovanna Sherlin: since when did trolls become top contributor??! I WANNA BE A TC! AND IM NOT EVEN A F*CKING TROLL! BXTCH!

Ester Bryand: I didn't understand most of the words you used...

Cristoph! er Gavalis: never had one-we had a whole week of freshman torture, which all the teachers knew about, and even set up. every day was something new-one day all the freshman had to walk backwards, another they all had to carry their books on their heads...that was just stupid stuff-anytime "air raid" was called by a senior the freshman had to lay down flat on their stomachs, then get up as fast as possible. at lunch the freshman had to do whatever the seniors wanted them to do-sing songs, get them food..the senior girls "kidnapped" the freshman girls at two am, and taught them degrading songs, made them air raid, and scared themthe week ends when each senior picks a freshman and dresses them up in an costume. could be anything. ive seen sumo wrestlers, scuba divers, cows-they go to class, then they parade them around campus after that-no more picking on the freshman. :(...Show more

Rachell Meese: I'm a freshman but in college. There is no such thing, not even in high sc! hool.edit- I live in the US as well.

Sharee Doak: Zebraâ! œ¶: oh... where do you live? i live in U.S.Ai have it at my school.

Randa Hessell: No, but I'm ready for Hitler's birthday.

Comment prévenir les poux chez les bovins

Comment prévenir les poux chez les bovins

Préparez et maintenez un bon programme d’épouillage pour votre troupeau. Vous devrez acheter des produits d’épouillage chez votre vétérinaire local pour les gros animaux, selon l’endroit où vous vivez, les animaux que vous avez et ce qui est disponible.

Tirez tous les porteurs que vous pouvez trouver dans votre troupeau. Il s’agit habituellement de vaches plus âgées qui ont toujours eu un nombre élevé de poux, même pendant l’été et après avoir été traitées. Les porteurs seront toujours une source continue de poux pour votre troupeau et, par conséquent, le traitement de ces porteurs ne permettra jamais de se débarrasser de tous les poux : Elle peut être si infestée que les poux pourront encore pondre des Å"ufs avant de mourir.

Prévoyez quand vous devez épiler votre bétail, selon l’endroit où vous vivez, le type de bétail que vou! s avez et les produits que vous utilisez. Souvent, il est préférable de traiter tous vos bovins à l’automne. L’automne tardif est la meilleure période, juste au moment où vos animaux commencent à avoir un pelage épais.

Traiter tous les nouveaux animaux avant de les ajouter à votre troupeau. C’est important parce que vous ne savez pas si les nouveaux animaux que vous avez achetés sont porteurs ou ont même été exposés à des poux.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

I just went to Men's Health and stared answering Q's about "wangs"... I feel weird, any reason why?

Randa Hessell: Maybe you need to do more field research

Elvin Weichbrodt: I know right! It makes me feel dirty. I try and stick to where it's safe, at least in P&S you know most of the Q's about "wangs" are in jest. Have you noticed how many of them only have the Yahoo silhouette as an avatar...like they're trying to be incognito.

Krystal Cordovano: There's some funny questions over there!

Charline Granes: Maybe because you don't have one to talk about.

Cómo usar los adhesivos en los mensajes de Apple

Cómo usar los adhesivos en los mensajes de Apple

Seleccione una pegatina para usar. La etiqueta aparecerá sobre el campo iMessages.

2. Pulse sobre el icono App. Parece una «A» sobre un fondo gris a la izquierda del campo iMessage, situado en la parte inferior del cuadro de historial de conversación.

Abra la aplicación Mensajes. Parece una burbuja blanca sobre un fondo verde.

Pulse sobre el icono «Nuevo mensaje». Se parece a un lápiz que escribe en un cuadrado y se encuentra en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

Toca â†' a la derecha del cuadro de texto iMessage. Su mensaje y pegatina serán enviados al destinatario.

Pulse sobre un juego de adhesivos. Se abrirá un menú que muestra todas las diferentes pegatinas del conjunto.

Saturday, 8 August 2020

How to care for silver dollars?

Amada Greising: Silver dollars like to eat plant matter, so try clipping some lettuce or nori sheets to the side of the aquarium (and green stuff in general like thin cucumber slices).They would appreciate a larger shoal, around six individuals. They're fun to watch in larger numbers too. I don't know your tank size but they grow to about 6", and are fast active swimmers. A 4-6 foot aquarium would be ideal.Since silver dollars feed at the same time as the tetras, getting them food might be harder than say when catfish can't. Try target feeding with a turkey baster, if they aren't too skittish. I get in trouble for pilfering the kitchen utensils a lot....Show more

Friday, 7 August 2020

Is PTSD classical conditioning?

Troy Monsivais: People with PTSD do not always react in a predictable manner, or a conditioned manner. The triggers can change. Any part of the traumatic experience can be a trigger, and that is not predictable. A noise can set you off in one incident, an odor in another. These triggers may never repeat.

Blair Abdi: No it is not. Conditioning happens over time. PTSD can happen after on event. I don't check my doors and windows 10 times a night to make sure they are locked because I was robbed, I check them to maintain awareness of my surroundings. This way I know that I don't have to reach for a weapon every time there is a noise in the house. Also, the only thing predictable about PTSD is that if you try to startle me you may get your arm broke. It's not the same for everyone....Show more

Cómo limpiar el filtro de aire

Cómo limpiar el filtro de aire

La limpieza del filtro de aire de su coche es una parte importante del mantenimiento de su vehículo. El filtro de aire ayuda a regular el aire que entra en el motor. Con el tiempo, el filtro de aire se obstruirá con suciedad, polvo y otras partículas suspendidas en el aire. Los filtros de aire para automóviles vienen en dos tipos: filtros de aire secos y filtros de aire aceitados. Limpie el filtro de acuerdo al tipo y manténgalo para que funcione lo mejor posible.

Limpie el filtro con un paño seco. Como limpieza final, utilice un paño seco para limpiar el filtro y eliminar cualquier resto de suciedad o polvo. También puede limpiar el interior de la carcasa del filtro con el paño.

Localice el filtro de aire. El filtro de aire seco estará hecho de papel o gasa de algodón. Los filtros de aire secos tienden a ensuciarse más rápido, pero también son m! ás fáciles de limpiar que los filtros de aire aceitados. El filtro de aire seco estará debajo del capó de su coche, en la parte superior del motor. El filtro estará alojado en una caja rectangular o redonda.

Vuelva a engrasar el filtro. Después de que el filtro de aire se haya secado, tendrá que volver a engrasarlo para que pueda funcionar correctamente. Aplique aceite de filtro al filtro. Siga la cantidad estimada de aceite para su tipo de filtro en la etiqueta. Deje que el aceite del filtro se absorba en el filtro durante cinco a diez minutos.

Vuelva a colocar el filtro de aire en el coche. Una vez que haya terminado de limpiar el filtro de aire, vuelva a colocarlo en la carcasa. Asegúrese de que el filtro de aire se asiente de manera adecuada y segura en la carcasa. A continuación, vuelva a colocar la tapa de la carcasa.

Rocíe el filtro en el limpiador. Busque un limpiador hecho para limpiar piezas de automóviles o especialmente formulado par! a el filtro de aire. También puede usar jabón suave y agua p! ara limpiar el filtro. Rocíe todo el filtro con el limpiador. Deje que se absorba en el filtro durante 10 minutos.

Vuelva a colocar el filtro en el automóvil. Deslice el filtro de aire de nuevo en la carcasa situada en la parte superior del motor. Luego, asegure las abrazaderas o las tuercas de mariposa en la tapa.

Limpie el filtro de aire regularmente. Mantenga el filtro de aire en su auto limpiándolo cada 5,000 millas. También puede adquirir el hábito de limpiar el filtro de aire cada vez que haga una gran limpieza de su auto o revise debajo del capó. Mantener limpio el filtro de aire asegurará que funcione correctamente.

Sácalo del coche. Es posible que tenga que aflojar la tapa con los dedos o utilizar un destornillador para quitar las tuercas de mariposa de la tapa. Extraiga el filtro de aire con cuidado, teniendo en cuenta el polvo o la suciedad que pueda haber en el filtro.

Enjuague el producto de limpieza. Una vez que el limpiador hay! a penetrado en el filtro, pero no se haya secado completamente, coloque el filtro bajo el agua corriente a baja presión. Enjuague el filtro, dejando que el agua se afloje y elimine cualquier resto de suciedad en el filtro.

Haga que un profesional revise el filtro de aire. Si se siente incómodo al meterse bajo el capó del automóvil, puede pedirle a un mecánico profesional que lo haga durante la puesta a punto del automóvil. El mecánico puede inspeccionar y limpiar el filtro de aire por usted, por una cuota.

Reemplace el filtro de aire después de 15,000 millas. Con el tiempo, el filtro de aire puede desgastarse y necesita ser reemplazado. Si el filtro de aire ha estado en su auto por 15,000 millas o más, es posible que necesite ser reemplazado. Si nota que el filtro de aire no funciona correctamente, a pesar de la limpieza, puede ser el momento de reemplazarlo.

Deje que el filtro de aire se seque al aire. Agite cualquier exceso de agua y deje que el! filtro de aire se seque con una toalla limpia. El filtro de aire puede! necesitar secarse durante la noche. Deje que se seque completamente antes de volver a engrasarla.

Encuentra el filtro de aire. Los filtros de aire para aceite están hechos de capas sueltas recubiertas de un aceite pegajoso. Esto permite que el filtro atrape cualquier suciedad o suciedad en el motor. El filtro de aire engrasado estará situado debajo del capó de su coche, en la parte superior del motor. Se alojará en una caja rectangular o redonda con tapa.

Aspire el filtro. Sujete el filtro con una mano y utilice el accesorio de manguera de la aspiradora para eliminar la suciedad y el polvo. Pase la aspiradora por encima del filtro para aspirar todos los residuos del filtro.

Sácalo del coche. Es posible que tenga que quitar la tapa de la carcasa para sacar el filtro. Es posible que haya tuercas de mariposa o abrazaderas que tenga que quitar. Utilice un destornillador para quitar las tuercas de mariposa o quite las abrazaderas con los dedos. A continua! ción, extraiga el filtro de la carcasa.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

39 Root Diseases?

Jorge Gerrero: There is no such thing of a 39 Root Disease....there is a root disease though.

Janita Tetlow: There are 39 root diseases and they branch off into other different diseases.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

I owe fitness first money..?

Lupe Sancen: 1) Did they get proof of consent from your parents when you signed up? If not, I don't believe you're legally bound to the contract as you entered it when under 18.2) The contract is a rolling contract probably, which means you'd need to give whatever notice the contract states before cancelling your DD.3) Request all communication in writing, in the unlikely event it gets to court.4) Always request a copy of your contract, which CARS will then request from Fitness First, if they can't provide one, there's no debt.5) Ask for a breakdown of the debt and check for any unfair fees....Show more

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

What are fitness components?

Norma Marsalis: good sound sleep , good balanced diet , and maintaining good content of water in your diet and most important to stay healthy, good exercise you can also take help of yoga exercises, well to stay fit you can take help of a fitness program as well which will show you the path visit http://www.kickitbc.com/ and you can contact them on info@kickitbc.com for fitness queries .

Emeline Albracht: Fitness components are nutrition, exercise, and rest.They can be sport related because when you are in sports, you exert effort and must take care of your body.They are important because you are taking care of your body....Show more

Monday, 3 August 2020

diet doctor pepper?

Derrick Smsith: Good question, my mom drinks it all the time. They say that, because they want to lure people in, so they buy it or buy more of it.

Cecil Derenzi: I have to disagree with the commercials. It does taste like diet soda, and regular Dr Pepper tastes 100 times better.But I also see that their logic is flawed. If there Diet Dr Pepper tastes like Dr Pepper than they shouldn't have to call it "diet" Although I'm sure that they have to call it diet because it has Aspartame in it instead of high fructose corn syrup....Show more

Bruce Calise: they mean it tastes like there is nothing diet about it

Raul Lushbaugh: what shay said about that good question

Comment devenir le centre d’attention

Comment devenir le centre d’attention

p>C’est souvent amusant d’être le centre d’attention d’un groupe social. Les gens font attention à vous si vous avez leur attention, et il est plus facile de faire rire les gens de vos blagues ou d’apprécier vos histoires si vous êtes au centre des choses ; cependant, il peut être difficile de devenir le centre d’attention dans les contextes sociaux, surtout sans paraître hypocrite ou sembler désespéré ou admissible. De nombreuses personnes ont également du mal à devenir le centre d’attention sur leur lieu de travail ; il peut être difficile d’attirer et de retenir l’attention de votre patron et de vos collègues de travail. Vous pouvez devenir le centre d’attention en attirant l’attention sur vous et en maintenant des relations sociales saines.

Déplacez les lieux toutes les 15 à 20 minutes. Beaucoup de gens ont tendance à ne chois! ir qu’un seul endroit lors d’une activité sociale et à ne pas bouger ; cependant, vous attirerez plus d’attention et rencontrerez une plus grande variété de personnes si vous ne passez pas trop de temps dans un même endroit.

Se tenir en position centrale. Si vous êtes à une fête ou dans un autre type de cadre social, vous recevrez plus d’attention si vous vous tenez à un endroit bien en vue.

Prenez l’initiative dans votre travail. Une plus grande attention vous sera accordée si vous proposez de diriger des projets, de lancer de nouveaux développements ou d’offrir des solutions à des problèmes importants. Plutôt que de rester les bras croisés et de laisser les autres s’occuper de la majorité des innovateurs et des chefs de file, prenez les choses en main.

Apprenez à lire la pièce. Entrer dans une fonction commerciale avec les mêmes histoires et la même présence que vous apporteriez dans un bar sportif pourrait faire de vou! s le centre de l’attention â€" mais pas dans le bon sens du ! terme. Apprendre à lire une pièce et à s’adapter à l’environnement est une habileté importante à apprendre pour être le centre d’attention d’une manière positive. Essayez d’avoir une idée de l’ambiance générale de la pièce â€" les gens semblent-ils tendus, détendus, inquiets, agressifs, ennuyés ? â€" et adaptez votre style à la situation.

Engagez la conversation et gardez les choses à l’écart. Une excellente façon de vous placer au centre de l’attention est d’entrer en contact avec d’autres personnes autour de vous, de les faire participer à une conversation ou à un jeu. Atteignez de nouvelles personnes et utilisez la conversation légère et l’humour pour garder la situation amicale et amusante.

Invitez des personnes amicales à sortir à nouveau. Une fois la fête ou le rassemblement terminé, la foule se dissipera ; à ce stade, vous pouvez tendre la main aux personnes à qui vous avez parlé et les inviter à partici! per à une activité qui vous intéresse tous les deux.

Devenez un bon conteur. Les gens aiment une bonne histoire, mais même le sujet le plus fascinant peut être ennuyeux si le conteur ne sait pas comment retenir l’attention du public. Essayez d’écouter des balados comme The Moth, qui vous permet de partager des histoires, de regarder des émissions spéciales de comédiens comme Ellen DeGeneres ou Louis C.K., et même des présentations de gens d’affaires légendaires comme Steve Jobs, Sheryl Sandberg, et Richard Branson. Faites attention au rythme, à l’endroit où ils s’arrêtent pour mettre l’accent, à la façon dont ils s’accumulent jusqu’à l’apogée. Observez les gestes et le langage corporel.

Développez des amitiés plutôt que de chercher des foules. Bien que le fait d’être au centre de l’attention dans un grand endroit bondé puisse être amusant et gratifiant, il est également important d’avoir des amitiés durables dan! s votre vie.

Écoutez les opinions des gens qui vous entourent. P! arfois, pour laisser une bonne impression durable sur un groupe de personnes, il est important de se taire et d’écouter. Cela montre que vous avez un intérêt sincère pour les gens avec qui vous êtes â€" les autres participants au parti, etc.

Amusez-vous bien ! Les personnes trop préoccupées par leur image sociale donnent souvent l’impression d’être collantes ou peu sûres d’elles. L’une des étapes les plus importantes pour être au centre de l’attention est simplement de s’amuser et d’agir naturellement dans tous les contextes interpersonnels.

Reculez de temps en temps du centre de l’attention. Il peut être épuisant émotionnellement et physiquement d’être le centre d’attention tout le temps, alors soyez prêt à prendre du recul et à laisser les autres briller. Les gens verront cela comme un acte généreux, un acte qui inclut d’autres personnes dans la conversation.

Organiser des événements en milieu de travail à l! ’extérieur du bureau. Cela vous aidera à attirer l’attention sur vous et donnera aux autres l’impression que vous êtes une personne sociable et ouverte. Essayez de proposer des événements comme :

Engagez le dialogue avec les autres employés et votre superviseur. Cela peut sembler logique, mais beaucoup d’employés parlent à peine avec les gens dans leur bureau et passent plutôt la journée avec le moins de communication possible.

Faites attention au ton de votre voix. Le son de votre voix peut être un facteur déterminant pour attirer l’attention ou non. Apprendre à parler à partir de votre diaphragme peut vous aider à garder l’attention des gens lorsque vous parlez et peut même les amener à vous aimer et à vous faire davantage confiance.

Ayez fière allure et habillez-vous professionnellement. La meilleure façon de commencer à attirer l’attention sur vous est de le faire de façon non verbale ; si vous vous habillez de faço! n plus professionnelle, vous aurez l’air d’avoir plus d’autorité! , et vos collègues de bureau et collègues seront visuellement attirés par vous. Essayez :

Sunday, 2 August 2020

What is a good dental insurance company that fits my needs?

Melina Minneweather: delta dental, cigna, metlife. most dental insurance companies are behind the times as far as coverage. they will usually cover a max of $1000 to $1500 a year. this max coverage has not changed for decades and has not kept up with inflation.

Comment installer des applications à partir de Microsoft Store sous Windows 10

Comment installer des applications à partir de Microsoft Store sous Windows 10

Ouvrez le Microsoft Store. Cliquez sur l’icône blanche du panier

Aller à la page d’une application. Trouvez une application ou un jeu en utilisant les onglets du haut, en faisant défiler la page ou en utilisant la barre de recherche en haut à droite de la page.

Téléchargez l’application sur votre PC (ou achetez-la si elle n’est pas gratuite). Les applications gratuites auront un bouton Get en haut de la page. Les applications payantes auront un bouton Acheter à la place.

Attendez que le téléchargement soit terminé.

Lancez l’application. Appuyez sur le bouton de lancement. Il sera à l’endroit où se trouvait le bouton Get/Buy précédemment.

Consultez les informations de l’application. Regardez les captures d’écran, lisez la description, et regardez les informations avancées en fa! isant défiler vers le bas. Les notes et les évaluations seront au bas de la page de l’application.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

With so many doctors turning to natural medicines for their patients, Will natural become the new mainstream?

Beau Starcevic: Evidence for anything you've said in your question please? If there is evidence that alt.med works, it will no longer be "alternative". If it actually works, it will be adopted. It won't replace it.Note the continued lack of any controlled study supporting alt.med. The fact you ignore this and continue to advocate it, makes you a denialist. Its' time pseudoscience was left in the past where it belongs.Personal testimonies are not evidence. Popularity does not demonstrate efficacy."Antibiotics are anti-life. It's not a cure!"Tell that to someone with septicemia....Show more

Kara Tabian: This difficulty is actual stated by using Michael Murray ND and Joseph Pizzorno ND of their Encyclopedia of organic drugs 2d version. maximum present day docs are taught to mistrust organic products in med colleges which obtain extensive supplies you and investment from the scientific drug marketplace

Anibal Scheid: Just listen to success stories like the ones on! here. That's all the evidence that is needed. You don't acknowedge any papers and proof written about alternatives anyway. You've been brainwashed and don't even know it GaryY and Dave and all the rest of you skeppies Why would anyone in their right mind trust what you guy's say when there's not one friggin mainstream med out there that treats the cause of the problem. It's all for the more profitable symptoms. Antibiotics are anti-life. It's not a cure! Com on dude! IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!...Show more

Frances Macky: Angelhil , Stop being so dramatic and read my personal message. Not a good come back at all!

Jon Bergmeier: Is there any evidence for this?Or is this fanciful thinking?With the continuing lack of efficacy routinely shown by alt med, anyone would have to be insane to take it seriously....Show more

Natalya Sydney: no. the malevolent people behind the industry have an evil agenda which includes corrupted food, toxic "health care" treatm! ent as well as food and water supplies. satan will have his da! y, but only briefly.

Virgilio Echter: I knew I guy called cedric moleder who took a herbal remedy and three days later he died. So much for your natural remedies. I rest my caseI don't think I got your PM. does it appear in your normal email?It's a proven fact that alternative medicine kills 250000 people every day.@ lightning. Since when did we start having to back up our claims. How come you guys can just say something is so without offering any evidence or logic? And anyway it's a proven fact that becoming an osteopath makes you less attractive and infertile. It's proven. I wrote it here so it's true. That's how you guys do things is it not? Sick of the way you guys debate. You lie to yourselves. Then you launch personal attacks in place of logic like I just did. EDIT people keep saying that they have sent me emails but I don't receive them. Do they go to your normal email inbox? I'm not ignoring you if you have emailed me I simply have not received it.@lightning.! There was no attempt to actually suggest you are infertile. I was making the point about personal attacks and i'm sure you're very pretty. However a link to a site that says homeopathy is good because medicine is evil (not your links but more 'know the cause's' links) is not providing evidence. simply stating that something is so... then linking to a site that also simply states that it is so is not providing evidence. To be fair we mostly leave osteopathy alone as a group, we only really butt heads with you when you defend the more extreme alternative medicines....Show more

Dominic Sciancalepore: The best thing for real medicine in the long run would be if that were true. It sounds a bit cold, but when legions of people follow the dangerous advice of SCAM practitioners, legions of people die from easily treated illnesses.

Lilli Kochel: You have been asked to provide evidence to support your claim. Your response to that is an ad hominem and a miserable fail.T! his is exactly why skeptics are skeptical about alternative medicine. ! Alt medder make some dubious claim, they get appropriately asked for supporting evidence, they can't provide it, instead they make personal attacks. Can't you see the problem here??? What would you do if a used car salesman tried this on you?I am skeptical of your claim that "thousands of doctors across the country are turning to natural meds for their patients because of popular demand and mainstream meds failure." You can't support that claim so until you do my answer is that your question has a false premise so it can't be answered.-------EDIT: @lili mo, you said "But the traditional Chinese medicine,made of natural ingredine,has no side-effect,no poisonous and toxic.It does no harm to the body."Rubbish. Natural does not equal safe. Medicinal herbs are drugs; except they are crude and raw. They present many dangers. Have you not heard of Chinese Herb Nephropathy?Read: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_6802/is_4_13...Yet another reason to be skeptical of alte! rnative medicine claims. "no side-effect, no poisonous and toxic" indeed.-------EDIT: What am I trying to say? I already said it... but I'll say it again:"I am skeptical of your claim that "thousands of doctors across the country are turning to natural meds for their patients because of popular demand and mainstream meds failure." Can you back this up or not?...Show more

Mildred Pombo: Hey FlizBap, I don't have anything against medication when it's a last resort and to save a life in an emergency. Medication has it's place and your's is a prime example. I'm against medications being used for the treatment of symptoms because of profit. Which prevents them from finding a cure because the money is more important than our loved ones health. Sorry for your little episode. I wouldn't wish ill harm to anyone. That's why I protest mainstream medicine so much here....Show more

Curtis Josef: i think that sometimes natural medicines work, and sometimes standard m! edicines are more effective.for example, i used to have terrible eczema! (as im, head to foot in bandages to stop me scratching, nails filed down to the nerves)standard medicine wasn't working for me.my mum took me to the homoeopathic hospital, and they eventually found a treatment which cleared it up....Show more

Derrick Cacioppo: I mean Lightning

Isreal Kochheiser: Where have you been? the drug companies have been after the health food industry for years. I was talking to a Friend from Australia , I guess they don't have stores selling vitamins etc. To get a vitamin you have to go to a doctor and they prescribe and then you pick it up at the drug store. I think there is a lot of regulation there. That's what they want to do here, make it so you have to see a doctor to get vitamins etc. I started getting into natural stuff back in the 80's and I tried to warn people about the dangers of drugs. I finally gave up. But today you see class action suites against the drug companies. Drug companies are not interested in vitamins or herbs ! because they can not patent them and make money off them.At least today you can walk into a drug store and find bottles of herbs, vitamins etc. People are starting to turn away from drugs....Show more

Eva Lichlyter: AngilHil You knew one guy that died of natural remedies. Well Mutiply that one guy times 200,000 people and you get how many people die each year in the US from mainstream meds. WTF dude

Shawn Lelis: Dave: I've learned that doing the opposite of what you skeptics suggest is healthier. Using you guy's this way has helped me stay healthier. Thanks Dave!

Darrel Stele: Why wound anyone believe an industry of drug pushers that believes you need to take an unnatural chemical toxin to be healthy. Did I miss something here?

Elmo Tervo: I agree Lighting.

Lawana Neemann: DUH!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharron Salin: Listen to GaryY Talking about alternatives as being dangerous. Who in their right mind would say such a thing without a hidden ag! enda. Everybody with common sense knows this not to be true. What are! you trying to say GaryY? Spit it out !

Nia Monopoli: Since it's anecdotes you respect so much here's one:Last week I had a case of epiditimytis so painful I blacked out from pain, luckily antibiotics and enough painkillers to knock out Keith Richards have helped me get back on my feet.I don't think aligning my meridians would have had the same effect......Show more