Thursday, 20 February 2020

Would you say Confucius is the father of philosophy?

Randa Hessell: Does philosophy need a father?ever since existence mankind has thought of the how , when and why of being.Everyone one of them has added valuable thought and an alternative POV to the life , universe and everything.None of them would be totally right nor totally wrong.In my view to allocate the title father would make basted children of all the others and of lesser worth which is highly subjective....Show more

Antone Youla: Maybe if you categorize it by ethnicity and century

Brittney Inabnit: Socrates is the most important contributor to Western philosophy and René Descartes is considered the father of modern philosophy.

Oscar Wieland: Confucius is the source of the entire orthodox, non-military tradition in China. However, he had a major opponent in ideology, Lao Tzu (or Lao Tze), who eschewed orthodoxy in favor of paradoxes and an eternal, natural way. Confucius and Lao Tze are often considered to be a dualistic, independent duality. Ho! wever, Confucius is often referred to as "the great master". According to Wikipedia, Confucius is responsible for the Four Books, of the Four Books and Five Classics....Show more

Lindsey Zanardi: You could reasonably say he's the father of Eastern Philosophy. Western Philosophy started independently by Thales and other early Greek philosophers, though the real founder of the Western tradition and way of philosophizing was Socrates (he was such a significant break from those who came before him that we refer to them collectively with their vastly different views as "presocratics"). While there is no one origin of Philosophy, man has philosophized since he learned to reason, there are a few individuals whose school of thought lead directly to a widespread understanding.Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle, who taught Alexander the Great who conquered a vast swath of the world.Confucius had many desciples who's message eventually reached Emperor Wu of the Han Dynas! ty in China. Under his 54 year rule, marked with vast conquest! s, he made Confucianism the official State doctrine, dominating the older Chinese philosophy of legalism.There are other similar events like how Roman Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity and made it the official State religion of the Roman Empire. Up until that point, the Jesus movement was the largest of several small competing messianic Jewish cults....Show more

Carolynn Testani: No. Thales is the father of philosophy, at least in the Western tradition. Confucius may qualify for the Ancient East, I don't know that much about Eastern philosophy. Look up the time period of the Warring States and the Hundred Schools of Thought.... You need to do more research. You can't just invent crap and stick it in an essay.

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