answers1: love or like wisdom. <br>
and the wisdom of God is Jesus <br>
so the philosophy is to love God.
answers2: Nothing more than the study of beings and reflection upon them.
answers3: Wisdom.
answers4: Love of wisdom. Philosophy is the attempt to discover truth
using reason.
answers5: The search for TRUTH. Not necessarily fact.
answers6: To this old biker that is a simple answer, philosophy is the
combined history of the different and many truths found on the many
and different paths to enlightenment. Now my greatest truth, that
perfect sunset, there never seems to be anyone around to share it
with, and there is no camera better than the mind to view it with and
there is no greater photo album than the Soul to keep the memory safe!
ME! <br>
answers7: Philo = love <br>
Sophy = wisdom, knowledge. <br>
Philosophy is a blind man in a dark room searching for a black cat
that may or may not exist.
answers8: Philosophy is questions that may never be answered.
Religion is answers that may never be questioned.
answers9: I'm not really sure myself. I'm not satisfied by the
definition that comes from etymology, that philosophy is the love of
wisdom. I think that there is more to philosophy than that. <br>
If I had to try to define it, I would say that philosophy is an
attempt at understanding the world, and various principles and
concepts, by thinking about them in the most perfect way possible.
This way of thinking doesn't always come naturally to us, and it may
seem tedious at times, and philosophers can make mistakes, but
philosophy is still an attempt at thought without logical fallacies
and other pitfalls of the mind. <br>
I may be wrong, though.
answers10: The love of wisdom.
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