Tuesday, 29 October 2019

What is the difference between Humanities and Liberal Arts?

answers1: 3 letter spaces in the Websters Dictionary
answers2: Liberal arts includes humanities, creative and performing
arts, social sciences and (generally, though not officially at some
university) natural sciences. <br>
Humanities are classes like: English, philosophy, art history,
religious studies, etc. <br>
Paleo-sciences will either be considered a social science (as a branch
of anthropology) or a natural science depending upon your particular
university. <br>
So, in short, a degree in Liberal Arts will enable you to study
history, literature, arts, and paleo-sciences. A degree in the
humanities will probably not allow history (though some schools may
consider that to be a humanity) or paleo-sciences.
answers3: Liberal Arts is more broad and encompasses humanities along
with the other studies that you're interested in. Humanities is just a
category of liberal arts focusing more on civilization like
answers4: Liberal Arts And Humanities

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