Thursday, 24 October 2019

liberal arts?

answers1: Basically the study of things such as theology, literature,
languages like German, philosophy, history, any type of math like
algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus and science such as
Biology and Physics.
answers2: Liberal arts are the arts that free us from ignorance.
answers3: Liberal arts gives you a little taste of everything a
college offers. You get a well rounded education but no specialty.
answers4: The term "liberal arts" is defined by the Encyclopædia
Britannica Concise as a, "college or university curriculum aimed at
imparting general knowledge and developing general intellectual
capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical
curriculum. <br>
In Classical antiquity, the term designated the education proper to a
freeman (Latin liber, "free") as opposed to a slave. <br>
In the medieval Western university, the seven liberal arts were
grammar, rhetoric, and logic (the 'trivium', from which we get
'trivia') and geometry, arithmetic, music, and astronomy (the
quadrivium). <br>
In modern colleges and universities, the liberal arts include the
study of theology, literature, languages, philosophy, history,
mathematics, and science.

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