Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Classical Greek Philosophy?

answers1: Roman culture, and Roman philosophy, was almost entirely
adapted from the Greek. So you can take anything either Roman or
Greek as the influences on the modern world. This is convenient,
since many more people are able to read Latin compared to Greek. <br>
An awful lot of modern academic philosophy begins with the ancients.
Zeno's paradox is taught to every beginning student. That's the one
about going halfway to your goal, then halfway again, etc. The theory
is you never quite get there. Occam's Razor is one we all learned:
when you are choosing between two theories, pick the one that requires
the least complicated explanation. That is, the simplest is most
likely to be the truest. It only works sometimes, and hardly ever can
be trusted in a technological world. Much of logic and reasoning, and
also much of the fundamentals of mathematics, were founded on the
works of classical Greece. <br>
It's not really possible to separate out its influence, because it was
also a critical influence on all the civilized world during the
intervening period. Sort of like whispers down the line: Socrates
influences Plato who influences a long line of thinkers that
eventually gets down to the dullest student in Philosophy 101.

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