answers1: It is silly. Celebrate history? How do you do that? the last
black history book I looked at was full of Entertainers and Sports
figures. Maybe two scientists, lots of rabble rousers and murderers.
It was a thin book too. <br>
I remember the black people in the 60's and 70's all saying we want to
be accepted we want to be the same. But we want our own history month,
our own language, we want to wear strange clothing, we want to be the
same as you though. <br>
Call me bigot, I don't care. But the reality is have little to
celebrate in history and have gone about it all wrong by forcing
people to accept. We do because it is the law. But for no other
answers2: I think it is divisive and separatist. When someone mentions
Caucasian history people go rabid. We worked in the 60's and 70's to
do away with this crap. But people insist on separation.
answers3: This black history month is all a crock of ****. All the
inventions they are getting credit for were invented by the White Man.
And Mr. proud black man knows it.
answers4: personally i think by recognizing a group of people because
of nothing but their race is still racism.
answers5: Yes and no. American history in high school unfortunately
jump from war to war, with little emphasis about the periods in
between. Black history pretty much is left at "They were slaves until
the civil war", and that ends American History 1 American History 2
usually starts with the Spanish American War, and doesn't mention
black history until after WWII, if they are lucky to get that far
before the class ends. The problem with taking a month out to teach
ethnic and racial history is, then you disolve the class into
individual vignetes without cohesion and historical context.
answers6: Its good the way it is now. I really enjoy the whole i have
a dream speech. too bad most kids today do not really enjoy black
history month as some older people who actually live during the 50s
and 60s.
answers7: answer 1 is right. If I acknowledge your race, I am racist.
but you want a whole dedication to your culture, and are not racist.
white history month? asian history month? chinese history month? <br>
I celebrate by ignoring you like always.
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